Somehow, capitalism has become some sort of religion. I blame Ayn Rand...
Don Roley said:
You are repeating the same mantra of greed and envy that I have heard time and time again. You talk as if the employer has a gun to the person head. In a lassiz faire system, both sides can say yes or no and it takes both to make an agreement.
We've already discussed how the "gun to the head" analogy is not analogous to what is happening. I've pointed out that "environmental pressure" is a much better descriptor. Thus far, you've ignored that point, told me that enviromental pressure does not exist, and then pointed out in the same paragraph that it does exist. So which is it?
While it is true that no one is holding a gun to someones head telling them to take a certain job, the desperate environment experienced can still "force" someone to make choices that are inhumane by any standards.
These people were not dying in droves of starvation before these factiries and jobs in America spang up. But my grandfather thought that working from sun up to sun down on his farm was just the accepted reality. That is still the case in many places in Mexico.
Yes they were. Ever hear of Potosi? Ever hear of Kubatau? Probably not. Also, working from sun up to sun down is not a virtue. Just ask your kids...
So what you call harsh working conditions, they think of as an chance at a better life. You see exploitation of power where they see an oppurtunity to improve themselves. And in your drive to seem compasionate, you want to take that chance to improve their life away from them.
No, I want to make sure that each of these people are treated the same human rights that we grant to our children. All you are trying to do is rationalize the mutilation, the poison, the child labor, the sheer brutality of the sweat shops. You want to turn this argument on its head and make it seem that THAT is opportunity. That is not opportunity. It is artificially induced desperation. And this is desperation that colonial policies specifically created.
And don't go blaming an economic system like 'leave alone' economics for their troubles.
Why not? "Anything goes" seems to describe the situation that is happening pretty darn well. The problem is that you've turned this economic system into some sort of religion and you are "unrepentent" so that means that you are unwilling to accept any sort of rational criticism of it.
And don't try to call me a racist again for pointing out that things are not as good there as they are here.
That isn't what you said initially...but you seemed to have mended your ways after I pointed out what I did.
People coming in with guns may have had a part in their lot in life, but the freedom to deal with others as they please without people forcing them at the end of a gun is not one of the problems
You still can't (won't) grasp the difference in power between the two groups. This exists. They (both sides) will tell you if you'll listen.
And it certainly can't be laid at the feet of the people now trying to employ these folks.
Okay, I get it. It is perfectly ethical to hire workers in an unsafe and polluted working environment when you know they will have an average lifespan of five years from working at that job. Yeah, their kids will really appreciate their wonderful life as they bury their mothers and fathers or take care of their disabled parents.
If the employers set a standard that is so low that it is literally killing the the people who are forced to take the job by the environmental pressure exerted by their homeland, then they are absolutely culpable for all damages.
One person selling something freely to a willing buyer is not the same as taking over their goverment by force no matter how you want to define colonialism
You are refusing to look at what colonialisn actually is. It is the movement of wealth from far away places to one centralized location. You are oversimplifying this by making it a black and white issue where one has to choose between military conquest and laissez faire. However, what you fail to realize that is that colonialism is a progression from conquest to laissez I have pointed out numersous times above.
You know, if someone tried to say that all immigrants are (fill in the blank) some folks would be screaming about bigotry. But you don't seem to have a problem in painting all employers as trying to poison their workers. The illegals working as nannies, gardners, construction, etc I knew don't seem to be missing many limbs or dying in terrible accidents every week. It is the job of the goverment to prevent people from doing harm to others and it seems that the factories in other countries should be regulated by these goverments to do just that of that is the case.
Not all employers of immigrant labor are doing so in an unethical way. However, many are. You just need to do the research. I can't read the stuff for you. Eric Schlosser has a couple of books you should check out.
But the goverments that have the power to come in and force you to do the right thing have at least as bad a record. We just saw the 20th anniversery of Cherynobel. Have you read the accounts of how the goverment founded on the premis of forcing people to do the right thing actively suppressed the things that would have saved a lot of lives and left the area more free of contamination. Their interests were not that of a regulating agency divorced from the benifits of the company and they did things that were simply criminal.
The key is balance. Regulation to promote ethics. Freedom to choose what those ethics are. If you ask the people working in sweat shops whether or not they wish their jobs could be better, emphatically, you get an affirmative answer. However, the very real difference in power between the employer and employee prevents this. The problem is that a small group of people in the countries in question have the ability to set standards for their own gain. And they do so, setting them at a point where they make the most money regardless of any ethical standards.
It is the rule of reality that the more you try to give the goverment power to come in and force people to do the right thing, instead of merely trying to prevent them from actively doing harm to others, the worse the goverment becomes.
Again, balance is important. I don't see anything wrong with a government demanding that workers have a safe working environment that does not poison them and does not completely remove them from their families. If you could even imagine yourself in the inverse of that situation, I have no doubt that you would agree.
So the idea that you can prevent people who want to work for a certain wage is intrusive. No matter how many ways you try to place the blame on someone else, the person keeping them from improving their lives is people like you.
Sorry, but this logic utterly fails. I don't set the standards of employment. The small group of people who compromise the employers does. By attempting to force the employer to raise his/her standards to something that does not kill the worker is in no way keeping that worker from improving their lives. I am actually saving a life. By rationalizing this, you are promoting this system and killing that person.
And hey, I bet as a martial artist you just would not pay as much for a seminar by Joe Blow as you would with Bruce Lee. You would not care if Joe could not be as good as Bruce because he had to work a full time job to take care of his parents, or was raised in an area were there were no MA schools. All you care is that one is worth more to you than the other. I bet when you went to your teacher, you did not choose him for anything other than the skills you wanted from him and did not ask if you should pay him more because of his family situation. You naughty, naughty man. But of course you want other people to not pay others what they think they are worth, but what you think they should be paid based on their situation. And if you can't, then you would deny them the chance to improve themselves in any fashion. If you demand that people pay as much for Joe Schmoe's seminar as they would for Bruce Lee's, do you honestly think many people would go?
This is another inanalogous metaphor because you are again assuming that the two parties are equal parties. This is not the case. The difference in power exists, no matter how much you deny it.
So you keep people down with your compassion. You are quiet free to donate your entire life savings to helping those you can look down on, but I think the typical recipient of your compassion would be insulted when you told them they can't take a job.
Yeah, I can see it now. Through my grassroots efforts, I am suddenly able to get sweatshops to provide the proper safety equipment, properly use chemicals, pay workers decent wages, and schedule workers for reasonable is a really strange world where someone can see that as an insult. Further, the very fact that you can call that insulting really shows how utterly disconnected your arguments are from any from of reality or logic.