Don Roley said:
Apparently sweat shops don't exist. People aren't being regularly poisoned on the job. Multinationals in third world countries are taking every single safety precaution they can to protect their workers. No children ever have to work, much less work in sweatshops that overwork, underpay, poison and mutilate them. And people aren't starving despite all of this...
These people are falling over themselves to work for foriegn companies because it is better than anything they had before. If things were better before the companies came along, they would not work for them. They would not be trying to get to America to work if things without the foriegn companies were so good.
Anyone else see a contradiction here? These people (illegal immigrants) are falling over themselves to work for multinational corporations in their own countries and yet still feel the need to run to ours? Huh?
If the conditions that the collusion of the multinationals corporations and the corrupt third world governments created were so good, why don't these people just stay home?
The stronger the goverment power, the more that goverment seems to abuse that power.
True. That is why there needs to be balance.
Take a look at Zimbabwe and try to tell me how laissez faire policies made that place the way it is.
The exploitation those policies caused made people support a the populist message of a dictator. Laissez faire created the desperation that made Mugabe possible.
People could still be living their life styles that are a century behind in certain places. They want their and their children's lives to be better. American life is better. Their lifestyle would still be a century behind us if the US never existed. They just would not have some place that they could look to for a better place for their kids. It is not the fault of globalization that their countries did not develop as fast as America.
So, basically, what you are saying is that
these people were incapable of organizing themselves, taking advantage of their own resources, and lifting themselves up? Therefore, they NEED the US and the West to do it for them. Does anyone else see the underlying bigotry and racism inherit in that argument?
What you just expressed was a left over belief from the colonial era. The British, and other colonials, thought this about all the people they came in contact with. They were primitive, they couldn't organize themselves, they couldn't form a "proper" society, they couldn't even take advantage of the resource in their own country.
I suggest you read Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs, and Steel." His work will neatly debunk this ill-informed, ignorant, and racist notion.
Further, there is an assumption here that their lifestyles were bad before the multinationals arrived. This assumption pays absolutely no attention to the history of the areas in question. Recent history, going back 500 years or so, is one of colonialism, corruption, and exploitation. All of this was forced, at gunpoint, on the people who lived in these countries. So, when you say that the people's lives were better now then they were 100 years ago, you're wrong. They aren't. People are still living under the same oppressive conditions they were before, except now, the pollution is worse, the work is more dangerous, the corrupt powers are more entrenched, and the coersion behind those powers are more dangerous and violent.
The US, and the multinationals, are nothing but colonial powers doing some of the same things that were done that were done by the Spanish, the Portugese, the French, and the British. Sure, we don't have troops on the ground committing genocide, but that is because the Spanish did it for us (and we did that on our own soil). Anyway, globalization and Free Trade are nothing but repackaged colonialism. The ideology is ultimately racist and that is why certain individuals who believe it feel that the "anything goes" approach to business is perfectly acceptable.
In fact, it has even gone so far that some people start claiming that we are doing these people a favor by giving them sweat shops, child labor, horribly unsafe working conditions, overworking for underpay, and by destroying the people's ability to use their own resources for their own benefit.
The fact that some people can rationalize the gross mistreatment of human beings like that is utterly terrifying.
I fully support people being able to take any job they want without do-gooders telling them they can't. They do not have to take the jobs. The enviroment you talk about just does not exist. People live in backward, third world nations that are not a tenth as advanced as ours. It is not international pressure that makes them so behind the times, it is a variety of things like powerfull corrupt goverments, cultures that have oppressed thinkers and things like that. So they come to nations where things are better.
Another contradition.
For example, first you say that the environmental pressure that I'm talking about doesn't exist. And then you start naming a bunch of factors that create the environmental pressures that drive immigrants over our borders....huh?
I think they should be able to if they do so legally. Coming here as an illegal and then expecting the host country to accept their ways is just damn silly. I live in Japan and hate Americans that come here and will not learn the language or try to act like they are still in America. But at least they don't hold protests over the Japanese reluctance to sing their anthem in English.
I understand what you are saying here. I think that immigrants who do come here should assimilate, to a certain extent. However, I need to point out that my great grandparents and my grandparents still spoke (and speak) german and polish. In fact, my grandparents were the first generation to learn English. As a kid, I went a Catholic Church where the mass was given in German. I grew up on sauerkraut and perogies. My point is that there was room in this country for my families traditions. Why isn't there room for the traditions of the new immigrants? Why isn't the same respect that was given to my immigrant family members, given to these people? Even if they come here legally? I think that race is a huge part of this equation too.