crushing said:
I think it gets really fuzzy when there is a major media failure in their reporting to distinguish between law abiding migrants and immigrants and illegal aliens. It not only does a disservice to the national debate, but also to those that obey the laws.
Agreed. I think the media has done a horrible job in reporting the issue.
Also, what I don't understand is why they would boycott the big business that are not only opposed to making the illegal activity a felony, but would seem to prefer amnesty for those that committed the illegal acts.
This goes back to my point in that many of these protestors don't even really know why they are there, or what the hell they are doing. So, many parts of the issue, and the behavior of the immigrants attached to the issue, are completely nonsensical.
Here are some out of the many reasons for protest as I have heard them (as reported by the media, so I realize that some of these reasons may be way off base), and here is why I disagree:
1. Many of the protestors don't want illegals to be prosecuted or deported. Most want amnesty for those already here and working.
I am sorry, but right now they are here illegally, benefiting from our goods, services, and opportunities while sucking off the US government teet. The exchange of value is imbalanced, as they are mostly only offering cheap illegal labor (assuming they aren't a member of the criminal element that is here illegally), while our tax dollars foot the bill for their use of services.
So, under THAT circumstance, it is immoral and unjust to DEMAND amnesty for people who have not provided comparitive value for what we as taxpayers provide them.
Now, I can understand that deporting 11 million people is not a viable policy. But what is really counterproductive is to give blanket amnesty for people who don't deserve it. That will only encourage people to flee accross the borders, knowing that if they make it and hang out long enough that they will never see reprocussions, all the while putting further burden on our society and economy. Not to mention, Amnesty is completely unfair to those immigrants who went through the process of getting working visa's or citizenship.
A better solution would be one similar to what John McCain offered. I am fuzzy on the details, but the basic principle is that the people on the top of the 11 mil, who have been here for years working, who have families, and who have made efforts to function in american society would be offered citizenship; not as amnesty, but because they effectively EARNED it. Those in the middle who haven't met the criteria to be offered citizenship, but who are productive members of society could be offered a limited visa, and could be guided into taking the right steps to become citizens. The lower portion of the 11 mil - the criminals, the people who just got here, and the people who have made no steps to becoming productive members of society, would be deported and in some cases criminally prosecuted.
A solution similar to what McCain proposed, however, is not good enough for many of the protestors. This is because many of the protestors have a problem with ACCOUNTABILITY. Many of the have an entitlement mentality. This is the same entitlement mentality and lack of accountability that is screwing up our country in all socio-economic and cultural circles.
So THAT is why I think that this reason for protest is philisophically wrong.
2. Many of the protestors want workers rights and better wages for all workers, regardless of whether or not they are illegal.
If this was truely the case, then they should be putting down the hispanic flags, and they should be protesting for better working conditions and wages for ALL AMERICAN WORKERS. This would be a fair thing to stand up for, and I would agree.
However, they don't care so much for all American workers. They care mostly for immigrant and ILLEGAL workers. This is where I have the problem, as it goes back to that entitlement mentality.
First off, if you want a better job then get an education, learn the national language (which is ENGLISH) and some marketable skills, and get one. There is no shortage of companies hiring immigrants from other countries legally and with marketable skills, and giving them the same treatment and rights as they would an American worker. Sure, job availability, wages, and treatment should be better then they are. But, it should be that way for ALL people who are working here LEGALLY.
If you are here illegally with few marketable skills, then you can't expect to slip in under the radar with the rights to ***** that the only jobs availabe for you are manual labor. If you are here illegally, you are not entitled to a job, welfare programs, and health care. Sorry. If one can demonstrate their worth by showing the effort of being a productive worker and member of society, then one can have the benefits of our social programs and services because it would have been EARNED. Earning and entitlement are not one in the same.
3. Many of the protestors believe that because Hispanics are a sizable percent of the population, then Americans should make more accomidations for the culture, including but not limited too forcing public signs and directions to be in both Spanish and English, access to public services to be in Spanish and English, and even as far as the Anthem to be offered in Spanish, or the Mexican flag to be flown next to the American one.
Even though this is the least impacting of the issues, it probably is the one that pisses me off the most. This is because it is so damned arrogent.
Regardless of the evils that have occured for us to get here, The United States of America is a sovereign nation with its own history and CULTURE. Deny it or not, there are things in this country that is classically American. This is no different then seeing things that are classically french in France. Yet, if I were to go to France and demand that they dillude their culture to accomidate me, then I would be an arrogent pig. This is no different then the demand that some of the protestors are placing on us AMERICANS now.
That said, I of course have no problems with having signs and services be in Spanish in communities with large hispanic populations. This is no different then many of the signs in services in the Detroit/Dearborn area which are written in Arabic because of the high Arabic populus. This is fine, as it makes functioning in society much easier.
It is the DEMAND that is arrogent. It is the expectation that you should be able live and work in a country for years without having to learn the native language. Such expectations are just plain rude.
Out of all of these issues, what is most abhorrible and disgusting is the fact that many of these protestors are spouting hatred towards American culture and society, all the while USING the same AMERICAN society that we all work hard to build and maintain for their own benefit and betterment. Most of these people should be fallating the statue of liberty in american flag underoos for the opportunities that the US has gifted them and their families. Too bad it isn't applicable to deport such scumbags for treason.
P.S. Since I am such an ill-informed idiot, as demonstrated by other ingenious and all knowing posters, did I miss anything? Am I wrong in my assessment (kidding aside, it is certainly fair that I may be misunderstanding certain things)?