(Illegal) Immigrant day, and a new Anthem

Hand Sword said:
Today is the big protest day, along with a new Anthem for the country.

Great, it's about time. or Fed up, Get out!

What are you talking about?????????
Yeah, I'm sorry I have absolutely no problem with imigration done legally, why do we feel we must bend over backwards for illegal immigrants regardless of country of origin? That being said, why do they feel the need to be so confrontational? Why come to a country (illegally) if you dont want to live in that country, meaning why try and change it to the place you came from if it was really so bad? If I really hated living in america and moved to France, I wouldn't be trying to make France be like America, that would be the reason for living there in the first place.

Ok, off my soapbox now, sorry.

The current protests and agitation in support of illegal aliens invading this country is a tremendous propaganda victory for world socialism (May Day was chosen for a reason) and proponents of open borders. Illegal aliens have become "immigrants" or "undocumented workers" who are protesting, not for the freedom to commit crime unpunished, but for their "civil rights," as if they are entitled to be in a country of which they are not citizens. I have watched with horror as criminal behavior has been redefined as a civil rights movement -- which is an insult to all those who have participated in legitimate calls for civil rights and actions towards that goal.

It is my hope that my fellow American citizens will finally recognize this large, hostile, illegal alien presence within the borders of our nation, that they will recognize these greedy calls for amnesty as the entitlement mentality they represent, that they will understand that those now pouring illegal into our country have no desire to assimilate and no wish to become productive members of our society. Instead, they wish to be allowed to remain as parasites -- outsiders who profit from the whole while refusing to participate in it, nevertheless sticking their paws out and demanding what they have not earned.

I am not very optimistic, however.
Im with ya Phil. All the resturants in the area were closed except a couple with mostly...Non-immigrant labor...Guess how much cash those people are making. I say, keep walking out of your job to show how much you care for America. We have a free-enterprise system and will find a way around the closures of stores, resturants and the like. I can't imagine how humped a lot of the labor based jobs were today. I read that most landscaping companies in the region saw as high as a 90% truency rate and were forced to shut down for the day.

Ahhh nothing screws American citizen like abandoning your job to march for something that doesn't concern you and if it does where is the immigration police. I mean come on, they are all centralized and ready for questions.

Tip for immigration: Call a immigrant protest rally but quarentine the area of the protest and bingo, there ya go. Why run around looking when you can use propaganda right back?
7starmantis said:
Yeah, I'm sorry I have absolutely no problem with imigration done legally, why do we feel we must bend over backwards for illegal immigrants regardless of country of origin? That being said, why do they feel the need to be so confrontational? Why come to a country (illegally) if you dont want to live in that country, meaning why try and change it to the place you came from if it was really so bad? If I really hated living in america and moved to France, I wouldn't be trying to make France be like America, that would be the reason for living there in the first place.

Ok, off my soapbox now, sorry.

well, the issue is a little bit more complicated than that. you have to realize your life style is going to change quite a bit if those immigrants did not. maybe this change is good, but maybe it's bad too!

the example you said is a little bit off. those immigrants came here and they want to live the american life, not the african, or mexican, or south american (no discrimination here, i'd want to list 185 countries but there's no place for it here). i think they're more than happy living the american life, and they do not want to change it, but they want to be given the opportunity to live here.

second, this entire country is a mix of immigrants, so you cannot really say that unless you have double standards (hmm.. sounds familiar)

third, originally this country is native indian, or mexican. it's not their fault that someone came and wiped them all out.

besides, some of these "illegal" immigrants have given births to US citizens, and it's not fair to kick the parents out and keep the kids here, and it's not anyone's right to kick out those who were born here either.

it's difficult to treat this issue on a large scale, and it's even more difficult to deal with this issue on an individual basis.

some ethnicities in this country are afraid there comes the day when they're a minority. well, what goes around comes around!
Does Canada sing their anthem in two languages?
it's funny how mexico bans immigration from south american. yet they want their people to come to the US.
why dont we do this. move south americans to mexico, mexicans to US, americans to canada. boom. done.
canada is empty anyway... except for some pengiuns.

Phil Elmore said:
The current protests and agitation in support of illegal aliens invading this country is a tremendous propaganda victory for world socialism (May Day was chosen for a reason) and proponents of open borders. Illegal aliens have become "immigrants" or "undocumented workers" who are protesting, not for the freedom to commit crime unpunished, but for their "civil rights," as if they are entitled to be in a country of which they are not citizens. I have watched with horror as criminal behavior has been redefined as a civil rights movement -- which is an insult to all those who have participated in legitimate calls for civil rights and actions towards that goal.

It is my hope that my fellow American citizens will finally recognize this large, hostile, illegal alien presence within the borders of our nation, that they will recognize these greedy calls for amnesty as the entitlement mentality they represent, that they will understand that those now pouring illegal into our country have no desire to assimilate and no wish to become productive members of our society. Instead, they wish to be allowed to remain as parasites -- outsiders who profit from the whole while refusing to participate in it, nevertheless sticking their paws out and demanding what they have not earned.

I am not very optimistic, however.

I am definately with you here. I also found it funny how the media called them immigrants, when in reality they are illegal aliens, they are not supposed to be here to begin with.
Phil Elmore said:
The current protests and agitation in support of illegal aliens invading this country is a tremendous propaganda victory for world socialism (May Day was chosen for a reason) and proponents of open borders. Illegal aliens have become "immigrants" or "undocumented workers" who are protesting, not for the freedom to commit crime unpunished, but for their "civil rights," as if they are entitled to be in a country of which they are not citizens. I have watched with horror as criminal behavior has been redefined as a civil rights movement -- which is an insult to all those who have participated in legitimate calls for civil rights and actions towards that goal.

It is my hope that my fellow American citizens will finally recognize this large, hostile, illegal alien presence within the borders of our nation, that they will recognize these greedy calls for amnesty as the entitlement mentality they represent, that they will understand that those now pouring illegal into our country have no desire to assimilate and no wish to become productive members of our society. Instead, they wish to be allowed to remain as parasites -- outsiders who profit from the whole while refusing to participate in it, nevertheless sticking their paws out and demanding what they have not earned.

I am not very optimistic, however.

The fact that "they are here" is an effect. The cause is free trade, globalization, and laissez faire economic policies. Don't like immigrants? Fight those.
That is absurd.

Illegal immigration has nothing to do with "free trade" or capitalism except insofar as our having those makes our nation a desirable place to live compared to the corrupt socialist pestholes from which the aliens flee. We must protect our borders from this invasion. We could, indeed, fight the terrible evils of economic freedom, turning the USA into the kind of muckhole that is Mexico -- if we become socialist enough, we just might make our country suck so bad that we'd be climbing over THEIR fences. I think that's like killing the patient to save him from the disease, however.

Also, the argument, "If we stop illegal immigration, our economic lifestyle will change" is akin to the argument, "If we free the slaves, we won't be able to run our plantations."
As for the economic stuff, I'll suppose it would hurt temporarily. However, after 3 to 4 weeks it would be back on schedule. Figuring all of the unemployed Americans would have Jobs (that would be paying correctly), All of the able bodied collectors would have jobs, along with Ex cons that need work or back to prison, and Students and young kids, no more than a month to get on the payrolls and get the training necessary, and back to full production. I think that would add up to at least the same amount of Illegals working.
For immigrants in general, I have no problem with those that do it the right way. They learn English, and try to fit in. However, sneaking in, trying to make the native language yours, not trying to fit in, and rewriting a National Anthem, -----NO!

If your here illegally, don't rock the boat. Your existing with no problems due to the grace of Americans. Don't spit in our faces, asking for citizenship, and being accepted, while flying your country's flag, at the protest.
Phil Elmore said:
That is absurd.

Illegal immigration has nothing to do with "free trade" or capitalism except insofar as our having those makes our nation a desirable place to live compared to the corrupt socialist pestholes from which the aliens flee. We must protect our borders from this invasion. We could, indeed, fight the terrible evils of economic freedom, turning the USA into the kind of muckhole that is Mexico -- if we become socialist enough, we just might make our country suck so bad that we'd be climbing over THEIR fences. I think that's like killing the patient to save him from the disease, however.

Also, the argument, "If we stop illegal immigration, our economic lifestyle will change" is akin to the argument, "If we free the slaves, we won't be able to run our plantations."

I love how supporters of the free market attempt to rationalize "immigration reform"! It truly is an absurd contradiction of logic.

The problem is that in this country there is a demand for cheap, unregulated, throwaway Mcworkers. Illegal immigrants fill that demand. "Immigration reform" is nothing but the curtailing of a market force. So, I say again, you want to do something real that will actually matter when dealing with immigration? Then you have to tackle the problem at the roots.

The conditions that these people are running from are the direct result of NAFTA, globalization, and laissez faire economic policies. The only way to stem the tide of immigrants seeking a better life is by helping the immigrant find a better life at home.
Hand Sword said:
As for the economic stuff, I'll suppose it would hurt temporarily. However, after 3 to 4 weeks it would be back on schedule. Figuring all of the unemployed Americans would have Jobs (that would be paying correctly), All of the able bodied collectors would have jobs, along with Ex cons that need work or back to prison, and Students and young kids, no more than a month to get on the payrolls and get the training necessary, and back to full production. I think that would add up to at least the same amount of Illegals working.

The jobs that illegal aliens are working are jobs that would be considered illegal in the US. They are often paid below minimum wage, they have no benefits, and absolutely no protection by OSHA. Illegal immigrants are routinely poisoned, mutilated, and/or overworked on these jobs.

Americans decided a long time ago that we didn't think that these kind of working conditions were okay. We've backslided big time.

Fox News last night, a LEGAL mexican immigrant eloquently and simply chastised those illegal aliens as criminals. The socialist item which was spoken of was revealed by the presence of an old Soviet Republic flag in the crowd. My grand parents and their cousins came here and underwent the process of becoming citizens through hard work and were proud to have done so, learn the language, and protect this land. They were some of the most serious supporters of the process. The same goes for untold numbers and those ilegal aliens have no rights in this country-period, let alone getting in line ahead of the legal immigrants! Businesses should also pay the price for their illegal activity!!
I love how supporters of the free market attempt to rationalize "immigration reform"! It truly is an absurd contradiction of logic.

No, it isn't. It's yet another facet of property rights. Those who are not legal citizens of this nation have no right to live and work here. I do not have the right to live and work in Canada without the permission of Canada's government; I am not entitled to this no matter how much I like Toronto. Even if Canada and the United States have some sort of free trade agreement, I still have no right to be in Canada.
Phil Elmore said:
No, it isn't. It's yet another facet of property rights. Those who are not legal citizens of this nation have no right to live and work here. I do not have the right to live and work in Canada without the permission of Canada's government; I am not entitled to this no matter how much I like Toronto. Even if Canada and the United States have some sort of free trade agreement, I still have no right to be in Canada.

says who?!
everybody is this country HAS to be a citizen?! with all due respect to you but that statement is just not valid.

on the other hand, why does the indian, the asian, middle eastern and even europeans go through hell to acquire legal residency or citizenship whereas the mexican doesnt really have to worry about it? the non-mexican illegal immigrant will be deported next day his visa expires, but we dont see much south americans and mexicans get deported.