Interesting discussion. Just to be sure I have followed the line of thought - when beginning a new MA it is best to go at a speed you can manage (physically, mentally, etc), and to fit your practice both to your individual goals and available time. Does this sound . . . sound?
Kids, teachers, short order cooks, firefighters, and office workers all have different demands on their time. Pratice every night is just not possible in my case since the lawn still grows and the house gets dirty. Those lousy cats refuse to do any chores.But I usually practice two nights a week at home for an hour plus the two 2-hour classes offered each week. I'm thinking of attending a third ninpo class under the same sensei, which is closer to my house, but it is geared a bit differently and held in a parkour gym. :/
What is important for me is that I haven't quit at 6 months, am enjoying myself, and have seen marked improvement since day 1's zenpo debacle.
Do practice every day, if at all possible. But that doesn't mean a full uniform, all out training session necessarily. Maybe you just practice a short sequence for a few minutes, maybe you spend a bit focusing on your stance and movement principles in your more ordinary functions. Maybe it's just reading over your notes... Obviously, the best benefit would be from a period of dedicated practice, for 30 minutes or an hour or more... but that's not always reasonable or possible. A few minutes before you walk out the door might be all you have... so use it.