When and how often do you practice?

Kenpo Mama

3rd Black Belt
This topic has probably been brought up before, but a quick search brought up way too many pages to peruse in one sitting, so for some of the new folks and not so new folks that wish to share, please feel free to comment.

I find that in practicing my martial art at home that consistency is the key. Having a well established routine makes it much easier to stick with, but especially this time of year when things become hectic (with the kids, work and school stuff) my personal practice time suffers.

A few years back, my husband would take an early train to the city and i would wake up and practice for an hour practically every morning. I found i was alert and had lots of energy, and the rest of my day was free to pursue my other activities and attend my regular classes. My husband has since switched to a job closer to home, so i have done away with my early morning routine. Which meant my practice time was switched to either lunchtime or later in the afternoon. I found that the later the day got, i kept putting off practice time, till sometime the evening hours. So of course the later i practice the less energy i have and the less i want to do and then of course there are tons of interruptions.

Soooo it gets harder and harder to find the perfect time to practice and then when there is time, there is so much to review. I usually try to run forms and sets just about every day to warm up and then i practice techniques by attack type - right punches, left punches, kicks, etc. So usually by the end of the week i've run the over 200 techniques at least twice. This seems to work best for me. So i was wondering when (time of day), what and how often you practice outside of the studio? (and of course anything else you'd like to add). Thanks!

Donna :asian:
I try to get out in the backyard as often as possible to do stretching,stick forms, and fighting my imaginary nemesis (he's good, real good. It's all I can do to keep him from killing me), but this usually turns out to be once every other day, after my daughter goes to bed, around 9:00pm.

I've also become concious that I spend a lot of time throughout the day (sometimes my nemesis attacks me when no-one is looking), just doing little bits of stuff (intercepts, kicks, general awareness stuff), when I have nothing better to do.:jediduel:
Well we workout every day except Sunday Monday Wednesday friday Cardio and Self defense,,, Tuesday and Thursday fighting and poomse Saturday is poomse and self dense , one step sparring..... God bless America
Purely Martial Arts...

Probably about 8-9 hours. This doesn't include wieghtlifting and calistetics.

Originally posted by Tulisan
Purely Martial Arts...

Probably about 8-9 hours. This doesn't include wieghtlifting and calistetics.

Thanks Tulisan, that sounds about the same for me. I also do a lot of cardio kickboxing and yoga.

For the purposes of this thread I'm speaking directly of martial arts practice outside of the dojo, studio, what have you. Do you practice at the gym on your lunch hour, at home after dinner (if you're not at the studio), early in the morning? Alone or with some training partners. Do not count class time into your practice time.


Donna :asian:
Originally posted by terryl965
Well we workout every day except Sunday Monday Wednesday friday Cardio and Self defense,,, Tuesday and Thursday fighting and poomse Saturday is poomse and self dense , one step sparring..... God bless America

You certainly sound like you get some great workouts in, have you always been so diligent in your practice regiment? Okay now i will ask a silly question, i can only guess, but american kenpo is my art and i am not familiar with the term "poomse" - would you elaborate?

Thanks for the response,

Donna :asian:
Originally posted by flatlander

fighting my imaginary nemesis (he's good, real good. It's all I can do to keep him from killing me)

flatlander - your imaginary nemesis sounds very much like mine! Thanks for the reply. 9pm sounds rather late and dark to be outside! Do you use floodlights or take your chances in the dark? It is staying lighter a bit longer now and outdoors sounds like a great place to practice, i usually reserve that for my bo staff, my ceilings are just not high enough. Will try that later this week.

Donna :asian:
Kenpo Mama said:
Originally posted by Tulisan

Thanks Tulisan, that sounds about the same for me. I also do a lot of cardio kickboxing and yoga.

For the purposes of this thread I'm speaking directly of martial arts practice outside of the dojo, studio, what have you. Do you practice at the gym on your lunch hour, at home after dinner (if you're not at the studio), early in the morning? Alone or with some training partners. Do not count class time into your practice time.


Donna :asian:

Outside of class-time, it is sporadic. I practice in the morning sometimes. At nights a lot more. It all just dependson my schedule. Sometimes getting in 20 minutes here or there can do wonders! :asian:
Actually, at this time of year, I get about an hour in before twilight's over, though I have no qualms with moving around in the dark. (I get a little light from the motion detector on the house.)

flatlander - your imaginary nemesis sounds very much like mine!
(whispers) You have one too? (looks over shoulder) They're multiplying. (lowers eyebrows) We've got to stop them before they get too powerful.
I practice on my TotalGym for strength training on off-class days. And I walk and bike since the weather is nice here in Minn. - too nice to stay inside. I don't think its necessary to practice 7 days a week nor wise. I used to do alot of classes up to 2nd dan. 8-9 hrs. and I would come in early for forms (poomse) and stay late to practice breaking technique. I still do that but I cut down my classes as at 54, my recovery time for my knees is not so good after jumping. Sigh! I used to have mats on a cement floor and a standup bag but I loaned out my mats to someone getting ready for black belt. So I mostly concentrate on classes and extra time around them. I also visit the dojang on Sat. in addition to do extra practice-usually by myself. Sorry, mine is not such a set schedule, I just usually get it in if all systems are a go.
flatlander said: ...and fighting my imaginary nemesis (he's good, real good. It's all I can do to keep him from killing me)

Kenpo Mama said: flatlander - your imaginary nemesis sounds very much like mine!

Flatlander, Kenpo Mama! Omigod! Sounds like this sum-beech is all over the place because my imaginary nemesis is just as deadly! We need to band together (and anyone else who's being pestered by this pesky peckerwood as well) and hunt this sucka down and kill him before he kills us all! Wait...I just heard something...brb.

I find myself practicing when I can as well. Though to date I'm not formally enrolled in a school, I do keep up in my mind and my spirit what I've learned through the years, and when occasion calls for it, either spar or practice with "active' MA's.
Kenpo Mama said:
Originally posted by terryl965

You certainly sound like you get some great workouts in, have you always been so diligent in your practice regiment? Okay now i will ask a silly question, i can only guess, but american kenpo is my art and i am not familiar with the term "poomse" - would you elaborate?

Thanks for the response,

Donna :asian:
Well Kenpo Mama yes was tought by my father who tought in the military, and poomse is kata or forms as such in other Arts.... God Bless America:-partyon:
Tulisan said: Sometimes getting in 20 minutes here or there can do wonders!

My husband and kids always "catch" me doing forms in the kitchen while cooking dinner! I try to catch my reflection in my stainless steel appliances. As long as i watch out for the sharp objects i'm fine!

Donna %-}
Tigerwoman said: I practice on my TotalGym for strength training on off-class days. And I walk and bike since the weather is nice here in Minn. - too nice to stay inside. I don't think its necessary to practice 7 days a week nor wise. I used to do alot of classes up to 2nd dan. 8-9 hrs. and I would come in early for forms (poomse) and stay late to practice breaking technique. I still do that but I cut down my classes as at 54, my recovery time for my knees is not so good after jumping. Sigh! I used to have mats on a cement floor and a standup bag but I loaned out my mats to someone getting ready for black belt. So I mostly concentrate on classes and extra time around them. I also visit the dojang on Sat. in addition to do extra practice-usually by myself. Sorry, mine is not such a set schedule, I just usually get it in if all systems are a go.

I too have cut back on the number of classes i attend on a weekly basis since getting my black belt last June, working on my 2nd i think i concentrate more on working on my cardio, strength, flexibility and spontaneous reaction. I am fortunate that my husband and son are also into the arts and are both real close to black, so we get to work with eachother a lot. Lucky me!

Too bad about the knees - go easy on 'em. Sounds like you are working really hard. Keep strong and healthy. I hope i have your drive at 54 - i'm 41 now and would really love to stay in the arts for the rest of my life. Good Journey Tigerwoman.


Donna :asian:
MACaver said: Flatlander, Kenpo Mama! Omigod! Sounds like this sum-beech is all over the place because my imaginary nemesis is just as deadly! We need to band together (and anyone else who's being pestered by this pesky peckerwood as well) and hunt this sucka down and kill him before he kills us all! Wait...I just heard something...brb.

That is just too funny MACaver :roflmao:

I know i damn near destroy this guy every time we meet and yet he comes back for more!!!!! He kinda' reminds me of Mr. Smith in the Matrix Reloaded! We gotta' get this guy and soon!

Maybe we should start a new thread titled "who is your imaginary nemesis?"
That would be freaky! :uhyeah:

It seems as if most of us are leading busy lives with parenting, work, school, etc. I have a hectic schedule as well, and I find that it is better for me to practice my martial system in the early evening when everyone has settled down.

I have found that if I write down a training schedule it helps me to incorporate the most important things, and it helps me to utilize my time effectively. I concentrate on four areas: basic techniques (punches, kicks, combos, stance work, etc.); forms training (body timing, rhythem, breakdowns, etc.); power training (calisthenics, weights, etc.); and, qigong (breathing exercises--energy work). I transition from one area to the next, and my time is spent effectively training my overall technique.

These are my little wooden nickle contributions. Have a good one.

Vince Hardy
Let me put the short answer first in case you don't feel like reading the explanation. Before I got too busy for it, I would usually practice with my club for about 3 hours a day, 2-3 days a week. Weekday practices were in the evening, weekend practices usually in the afternoon. Now I'm mainly just trying to keep up with tai chi every day or two, at night before I go to bed with an occasional memory refreshing run through some kung fu forms.

Well, I'm nowhere near as hardcore as some of you -- 8-9 hours a day? That's a full time job in itself! When I had the time, I was practicing with the club on campus, about 3 hours a day, two or three times a week was about average. It would normally be in the evenings on weekdays (after school classes were over) and in the afternoon on weekends. I generally didn't do a lot of practice at home, but would typically do enough to make sure I learned the newest moves in the form(s) we were learning and got my notes on them accurate enough. Now I'm so busy working and trying to complete my PhD that I have little time for much else besides working, eating, and sleeping. I certainly can't practice MA for hours at a time. What I have tried to do though is get back into the habit of practicing tai chi regularly. We learned a Yang style long form which takes only about 20-30 minutes to do and I'm trying to do this every other night or so, before I go to bed. Now and then I do run through the basic kung fu forms I learned so that I don't completely forget them, but I haven't practiced the higher level ones or the weapon form in quite some time. I have sufficient notes that I can figure them out again if I need/want to. I was mainly in that class to get the tai chi anyway though. I did like the kung fu we did, but that wasn't the main draw for me.

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