How much do you practice?


Senior Master
Other than the general stretching and exercise I do in the morning and evening (see the physical fitnees thread in the other forum), I also do forms practice in the morning and during the day when I can I work on technique; sometimes as informally as kicking cupboard doors closed (frontkicks, crescent kicks and side kicks as appropriate) and lightswitches on and off (good control practice) or just working on roundhouse, back kicks, the living room if I have a few minutes. Sometimes I'll grab the pads my instructor lent me and get the kids and do something more organized.

Anyway, my question is, how much do you practice outside of class? Does it depend on how many times a week you attend class?
Lately I've been pretty lazy about working out on my own, but normally I try to get in about 15 to 30 minutes every other day to practice techniques against the air, or work out combinations, or practice forms. There was a time when I was practicing every day.

Flicking the light switches with your feet sounds like a good control exercise. I try doing things like that as slowly as I can. And be careful that you don't break those cupboard doors off. :)
Not as much as I should new year new motivation, got to start on Monday to get back in shape at my age it will be hard. I know if I really try I'll be there in 60 day's got to keep my new year resolution.
As much as you'd like. Be careful and watch inflamation and soreness let them be your guide. Before you put the cart before the horse I hope you've put a basic anaerobic and aerobic program together. Develop an eating program for yourself and get doctors check up. You'll be doing better than 99% of people out there if you have all those bases covered. After about 8 weeks check for to see if you peeked and adjust your plan (Change of excersises or rest).
I exercise in the morning , after I come from school and in the evenings after Taekwondo class. And I work out for about 2-3 hours each day on the weekend. Getting ready for nationals! Becareful not to Burn out.
Hi all,

I spend 1.5 to 2 hours at a time 5 days a week.

I need it to keep these old joints working. They say it is the fountain of youth, I believe it.:idunno:

The various activities I do, Bag work, Arnis, Escrima, Katas, then I go to another Gym and work with weights etc.

I am now pretty much retired, so it is helping to keep the petit (or is it petite) frame at 225 .:jedi1:

Regards, Gary
I am a busy guy so i dont get a lot of spare time out with training but when i go to bed or get 5 mins to myself i will go over hand drills situations or even forms in my head. You see i believe you dont have to physically train every day as long as you train mentally. So instead of counting sheep to get you to sleep mentally train and that will soon tire you out.:)
On days I am not in the dojang, I try to get at least an hour to work on my basics, poomsae, lift weights, run/ride bike or kick the wavemaster in my basement dojang. I am also blessed because I have a few non-TKD friends and we get together on occasion (like 7am today) and work on different stuff-kali/jujitsu/bo/nunchaku..

Anybody ever cross-train with roller blades?

At one point last spring I was training about 7-8 times a week. For taekwondo I went to beginner and advanced classes on Monday and Wednesday and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I helped teach a beginner and advanced youth TKD class. I would directly from that to Judo and Jujutsu and on Fridays I would either head to taekwondo or judo. It was a great time but I've scaled back a bit since then.

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