Hanzou, are you aware that Japanese Goju has different types of sparring? You love posting videos to prove how bad other styles are compared to what you say you do but in this case you have posted a clip of awasse kumite or slow sparring, a tool to develop your understanding of distance and control. I think that Tom Hills style is basically an Okinawan form of Goju but seeing that Okinawan karate has very little sparring it is understandable that he would adopt the Goju Kai style training for guys who want to spar or enter competition. Obviously there is no exact line dividing awasse kumite and jiyu kumite, so there is an overlap where more experienced guys will move faster and less experienced, slower.Honestly, the sparring portion is far more telling;
If you are going to post video of karate sparring at least post stuff that is representative of the art even if neither of us likes it for totally opposite reasons.