Phil Elmore said:
There is an opposing view, still held in certain circles, that the world is flat.
He world has always been known to be round, Even the Ancient greeks knew that. Ptolmeny & Aristotles models of the universe both had it as a sphere in the middle.
So, no, I won't consider "opposing views" that are flatly wrong.
Yet from many people's point of view it is you that is flatly wrong, and talking to you is like telling 1 8th century Christian that the earth is not the center of the universe.
Why are you so sure that it is everyone else that is wrong?
Anyone who cannot recognize the need to prepare, prudently and reasonably, for self-defense, who cannot see the potential problems he or she could (but hopefully won't) face, and who therefore refuses to prepare because he or she does not wish to acknowlege these facts, is evading reality. This evasion is not just foolish; it is morally offensive.
Well, I find it morally offensive when someone feels the need to carry weapons everywhere, feels threatened by everyone not like them and refers to anyone with different view points as leftist wishful thinkers.
But back to the topic, which is not about how you feel considering my feelings aren't allowed in as stated by you:
Your feelings are irrelevant. What you think you do or don't need doesn't concern me. Your choices don't matter to me. Reality doesn't care what you think you do or don't need.
How prepared are you for a lightening strike? a earthquake? A tornado? A alien invasion? Nuclear War? Flood? a gas leak? Someone loosing control of there vehicle and comming right through your front window? A virus outbreak? Getting cancer? A stroke? Radiation? Ozon layer dissapearing? A meteor strike?
Shall I continue?
The list of things that "could" happen is endless, why do you signal out self-defence?
Living your life preparing for horrible things that will likely never happen is pushing paranoia in my view. I'd rather live without fear and enjoy myself then sit in the basement wondering what evil lurks around in the world.
Truthfully, it's not that bad out there.
Why not leave the weapons at home for a day, go out and look for the good things, maybe give some change to some homeless people?
Spoken like someone who contributes little but criticism and commentary. When you make the decision to devote your time to productive, constuctive contribution to the field of self-defense, your assessment of what I contribute may or may not have meaning to me. It certainly doesn't now. Again, it is much easier to take petty shots at me than it is to address an argument substantively.
Constructive is debateable and a matter of opinion, some will likely consider your contributions counter productive. And for people taking shots at you, did you not compare the views of those that disagree with you to "thinking the world was flat"?
Oh, and no, I can honestly say that I've never not been a citizen of the United States. I've never been a woman, a potted plant, a shoe tree, a glass of water, or a microwave oven, either.
Well, that wasn't his question. Have you ever been outside the US? Not a citizen of another country, just a foreigner somewhere else? (Yes, American's are the "foreigners" when outside the US
