Hello. I want a feedback.


Yellow Belt
Sep 1, 2024
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So hello. I am designing a martial arts, just for self-defense and street fight situations. I don't have so much martial arts experience so i wanna share my martial arts and get a feedback. My martial art have forms, attacking (punching) styles and defending styles. I designed the martial art but i used AI to write conclusion about it. Please don't make fun of the name, i just made it up in my mind because i tought it was cool.

### Full Conclusion of Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist

#### Overview
Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist is a martial arts style that integrates principles of science and physics to maximize the effectiveness of its techniques. Each move is meticulously designed with a deep understanding of leverage, momentum, force, and human anatomy, focusing on delivering precise, powerful strikes and efficient defensive maneuvers. The style excels in exploiting vulnerabilities and incapacitating opponents swiftly, making it particularly effective for self-defense.

#### Normal Attacks
1. **Normal Punch:** Utilizes basic physics of force and momentum for straightforward, effective strikes.
2. **Open Hand Punch:** Strikes with the palm, targeting vulnerable spots to maximize impact.
3. **Chop:** Focuses force on a small area using the edge of the hand, targeting weak points like the neck.
4. **Half Opened Hand Punch:** Combines elements of a punch and finger strike to maximize damage to soft tissue areas and vulnerable facial points.
5. **Elbow Attack:** Uses the elbow as a strong, bony contact point for close-range counterattacks, utilizing leverage and compact power.

#### Defensive Techniques
1. **Deflecting:** Uses both arms to redirect the attacker’s energy, potentially stunning them and creating openings for counter-attacks.
2. **Blocking:** Absorbs and dissipates the force of an attack by connecting arms, reducing direct impact on any single point.

#### Special Techniques
1. **Consecutive Blows:** Rapidly uses every punching style in Akays Dragon Slayer Fist (except open hand style and elbow attack) to deliver a straightforward but powerful series of attacks.
2. **Open Hand Rib Attack:** Targets the opponent's ribs with the palm, cutting their breath and causing significant pain and injury.
3. **Rib Kick:** Delivers a powerful kick to the ribs when the opponent's hands are not free, useful in scenarios like being kidnapped. Requires calmness to perform effectively.
4. **Open Hand Jaw Attack:** Strikes the jaw horizontally with an open hand, causing significant damage.
5. **Head Grab:** Secures the opponent's head, allowing control and using momentum to throw or stun them.
6. **From Up To The Down:** Combines head control with a leg sweep to destabilize and bring the opponent to the ground.
7. **Two Limbs Grapple:** Grapples the opponent from behind and kicks their leg joint to make them fall easier. Requires calmness and an opening.

#### Ultimate Attack
- **Flowing Beatdown:** Emphasizes unpredictability and speed. The user moves quickly to get near the opponent, then delivers a series of rapid and unpredictable punches and kicks, forcing the opponent to move backward.

#### Ultimate State: Full Calmness
The user of the style must take a deep breath and focus on their goal or opponent. They must use the power of psychology over the brain to forget all pain and fatigue they are experiencing. This state uses the motto: "I don't feel pain. I don't feel fatigue. I am using this technique because I want to focus on my goal. The pain of the way is no more."

#### Scientific and Physical Principles
- **Leverage and Momentum:** Techniques are designed to maximize force and efficiency by leveraging the body’s natural mechanics.
- **Targeted Strikes:** Focuses on hitting specific anatomical weak points to incapacitate opponents quickly.
- **Redirection and Deflection:** Uses principles of momentum conservation and redirection to minimize impact and create openings for counter-attacks.

#### Self-Defense Application
Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist is highly effective in self-defense due to its precise targeting and efficient use of force. Techniques like the Rib Kick and Head Grab are particularly useful in situations where the defender is restrained or surprised by an attacker. The style's emphasis on scientific principles ensures that each move is not only powerful but also strategically sound, making it an excellent choice for real-world self-defense.

- **Scenario Example:** Imagine getting kidnapped. The kidnapper holds both your arms. You can perform a Rib Kick to stun the kidnapper, then follow up with Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist punch styles and kicks. Alternatively, you can use a Head Grab from Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist to toss the kidnapper's head to a nearby area, further incapacitating them.

#### Everyday Combat Versatility
While special forms and techniques are a significant part of Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist, the style also includes versatile and practical combat methods:
- **Punches and Blocking:** Regular punches and blocking techniques can be effectively used to defend against and subdue attackers.
- **Combining Techniques:** Practitioners can seamlessly integrate normal attacks and defensive techniques to handle various combat scenarios without always relying on special forms.
- **Practical Efficiency:** The scientific approach ensures that even the most basic techniques are performed with maximum efficiency and effectiveness, making everyday application straightforward and effective.

#### Unique Scientific Approach
Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist uses science unlike other martial art styles, which often rely solely on traditional punching and kicking techniques. This style emphasizes a deep understanding of physics and anatomy to enhance the effectiveness of each move.

### Physical and Mental Requirements
- **Physical Requirements:** This style requires good reaction speed and strength. Your leg and arm strength must be well-developed to perform the techniques effectively. Consistent training and physical conditioning are essential to master Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist.
- **Mental Calmness:** To perform these techniques effectively, the user needs to be mentally calm. Mental calmness allows for better execution and precision of techniques, especially in high-stress situations like self-defense.

### Conclusion
Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist is a highly specialized martial art that leverages scientific principles to deliver precise and powerful strikes. Its techniques are designed to exploit vulnerabilities and incapacitate opponents quickly, making it particularly effective for self-defense. The style's focus on precision, efficiency, and the practical application of everyday combat techniques makes it a formidable martial art. Whether relying on special forms or everyday punches and blocks, Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist provides a comprehensive and scientifically-informed approach to martial arts, ensuring both versatility and effectiveness in various combat scenarios. This style demands a short reaction time and overall strength. Mastering Akay's Dragon Slayer Fist and integrating its principles into normal styles offers a wide range of versatility. Mastering Akays Dragon Slayer Fist enhances scientific thinking and martial IQ, that way, it becomes even more versatile.
So you don’t have much training but you want to make your own style?….umm surely you can see the flaws in your plan there
So you don’t have much training but you want to make your own style?….umm surely you can see the flaws in your plan there
Yeah i do. But maybe you want to read what i wrote.
So you don’t have much training but you want to make your own style?….umm surely you can see the flaws in your plan there
Oh and im training myself on my own martial art. I want a feedback on my martial art from a professional tho.
I don't have so much martial arts experience so i wanna share my martial arts and get a feedback.
Didn't read anything in the OP beyond that. If you don't have the experience, this is all uneducated theoretical guesswork.

If you want to create your own effective martial art, here is the process you should be following:
  1. Learn what's out there from people who have already put in the time and effort. Most of the popular systems have been around for some time for good reason. A lot of them were honed based on what works or doesn't work in the experiences of those teaching, and then those lessons are passed down to the next generation.
  2. Become effective enough in what you're learning that you can use it effectively, either in sparring, competition, or if you have real-world experience with it.
  3. Discover what does and doesn't work in your own experience, research, and experimentation; both in terms of technical effectiveness of the art itself, and of the way in which the art is taught and trained. Reflect on whether those issues are something you can overcome simply by opening your own school, or your own branch, or if you might be better served with a different martial art. If all else fails, then you're ready to open your own art.
To give you an example of my journey, I've trained in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, and Muay Thai. I have almost 2 decades of training under my belt. When I open my own school, it will be a Taekwondo school (not a new martial art), but there will be heavy influence from BJJ in my curriculum. This is something I'm doing by creating my own school, not going all-in on a new martial art.

Most martial arts you'll find a school for today were created by folks who were experienced in other arts. Karate was from Okinawans trained in Kung Fu, Taekwondo is from Koreans trained in Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu comes from Brazilians who were trained in Judo, and so on.
Oh and im training myself on my own martial art. I want a feedback on my martial art from a professional tho.
Training yourself on existing martial arts is silly enough, for a number of reasons that have been beaten to death on pretty much every martial arts forum. Creating your own martial art and training yourself on it is even sillier.

You want feedback, this is it. You don't have enough knowledge of what works and what doesn't, how it works, why it works, in order to make your own art. That is my opinion as someone who has been doing this for 18 years.
So hello. I am designing a martial arts, just for self-defense and street fight situations. I don't have so much martial arts experience so i wanna share my martial arts and get a feedback.
I understand this to mean that your current reality is:
1. No experience = You are starting from zero
2. Today's martial arts systems were created from many years of trial and failure.
3. A system that starts from zero today will have little value as a self-defense system.

For example, the technical advances today are built off the knowledge of the past. No one start from zero when building a new system. It is always built using knowledge from the past. Fighting systems are like this. If you are going to create your own fighting system then you have 2 paths.

1. Start from zero - Which no one here is going to recommend.

2. Get some martial arts experience. Be good at application, and then start building your new system based on the knowledge that you gained.
2. Today's martial arts systems were created from many years of trial and failure.
My only complaint with this post is that this should say "decades" and in some cases "centuries". I don't think "years" does this point justice.
Thankfully it is the martial artist not the martial arts. So there is no possible way this can fail.
lol. Correct. It's the Martial Artitst not the Martial Arts. If the Martial Artist is incorrect then the system that the martial artist designs will be incorrect.

Nice try. lol..
lol. Correct. It's the Martial Artitst not the Martial Arts. If the Martial Artist is incorrect then the system that the martial artist designs will be incorrect.

Nice try. lol..
I think there was an implied /s in Drop Bear's post.
My only complaint with this post is that this should say "decades" and in some cases "centuries". I don't think "years" does this point justice.
I don't have so much martial arts experience so i wanna share my martial arts and get a feedback.
Before you start do your own research, first you have to do a survey to find out what is available out there. You then study your survey deeply and try to find a topic that you like to do further research on.

By doing this,

- you will not repeat some work that somebody had done before.
- Other's research may generate some interest for you.
- you can stand on top a giant shoulder and see far away.
- ...

For example, if you try to file a patent:

"If one stays under the sun long enough, his body temperature will increase."

Your patent will not be accepted because million years ago, people had already found that out.
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Well at least now we know how to counter an attempted kidnapping.
Knowing nothing, I'm going to teach myself. What could go wrong 🤔?
We have a lot of historical examples of this. Some of the best stories in history come from those who started the learning process without knowing anything. First learners often show us what not to do through their failure. So in reply to your statement. Grab some popcorn and a comfortable chair.

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