Hello. I want a feedback.

I'm 53 years old and have never had an actual "fight" in my life. I'm not demanding proof of success in a fight. I am looking for proof of concept though. And what constitutes proof of concept depends on the concept you're putting forward. If you tell me you have a more powerful way of delivering a side kick--and you posted video of you hammering a heavy bag with that side kick--that would be something. If your concept is that you've devised a self-defense system, then yeah that proof is going to be more difficult to provide. Hitting a heavy bag isn't proof of that concept.

But here's my counter question: Why do you ask if it would be useful to me if you're not preparing to teach this? It doesn't matter whether it would be useful to me. Only whether it would be useful to you. Which it won't. Not as it exists now. There's no sidestepping that.
I'm considering you sparred other professionals before. So i thought you might know if such a style would work in a self defense situation. Nor did i got into a fight, which i don't want to.
I'm considering you sparred other professionals before. So i thought you might know if such a style would work in a self defense situation. Nor did i got into a fight, which i don't want to.
Akkkajuy, I'm beginning to feel like you're not picking up what I'm laying down here. Because I'm trying to approach this with some good faith, but the response you've gotten from others here isn't out of line at all.

No, it wouldn't work in a self-defense situation. Because you haven't got the skills or experience to make it work. Simple as that.

The only people who would take you up on this offer of a self-defense program are those who lack experience enough to know that they were being duped. And I fervently hope you wouldn't do such a thing. There's enough of that sort out there already.

So your answer is no. Same answer you've gotten from everyone else. It's not too late to take yourself seriously and go train. But if you don't intend to do that, the answer is always going to be no.
Has anyone actually developed a martial art, from the ground up, without being very conversant or indeed expert in another art? Has their new art simply been a slight variation of the art they originally practised?
This thread has got to be a wind up!
I really thought this was obvious.

This place is hard to predict. Sometimes, an obvious troll is taken seriously. other times earnest but inexperienced posters are ridiculed and driven off. No rhyme or reason that I can discern.
My view on the wind up is this: Any given post might be a wind up. But I try to give a response with the idea that someone reading it later may have questions that are wrapped up in this mess somewhere. I'm sure a thread about creating your own style will attract the attention of readers who aren't trying to wind anyone up. But, out of inexperience, might wonder some of the same things. And hopefully, something that gets written here will help them, even if the OP does turn out to be nonsense.
My view on the wind up is this: Any given post might be a wind up.
Some are a bit more obvious than others, especially if from a first time poster.
But I try to give a response with the idea that someone reading it later may have questions that are wrapped up in this mess somewhere. I'm sure a thread about creating your own style will attract the attention of readers who aren't trying to wind anyone up.
I have never heard of anyone suggesting they’re going to devise a new style of MA. It’s slightly arrogant, don’t you think? especially in the light of there negligible experience. It’s a little disrespectful toward true innovators when you think about it.
But, out of inexperience, might wonder some of the same things. And hopefully, something that gets written here will help them, even if the OP does turn out to be nonsense.
Some question are undeserving of serious responses. I believe this is one of them.

La conversacion se termine.
Some are a bit more obvious than others, especially if from a first time poster.

I have never heard of anyone suggesting they’re going to devise a new style of MA. It’s slightly arrogant, don’t you think? especially in the light of there negligible experience. It’s a little disrespectful toward true innovators when you think about it.

Some question are undeserving of serious responses. I believe this is one of them.

La conversacion se termine.
Meh. I'm an optimist. I don't regret that.

Someone of negligible experience claiming they're going to devise a new martial art, yeah. It's slightly arrogant. Perhaps not even slightly. But obviously people DO devise new martial arts. Morihei Ueshiba, Jigoro Kano, etc. They did it from a position of experience, but they still did it.

I'm not criticising anyone for not taking this thread seriously. In fact, I stated clearly that people were justified in doing just that. Your call entirely whether (and how) you choose to engage with it. Or my response to it.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be cynical about it. Why would I?
But i have a question. You said you have experience. If you trained my style, would it be useful or useless?
It would be useless because it was made by someone who doesn’t know martial arts so you have no experience in setting up effective combinations you have no experience sparring with people and actually blocking and defending strikes and countering them. These are all things you need to get good at any kind of fighting whether it’s self defence or sport you need to actually practice defending yourself not just getting ai to write stuff for you
But if the opponent dodged the right hook by leaning or stepping back, the left cross may make sense..,
This depends on how much commitment that you put in your right hook.

If you put

- 100% commitment, your left cross can have more delay.
- 50% commitment, you may be able to throw a fast left cross.

It's similar to a right roundhouse kick followed with a left front kick. It's not a logical combo IMO.
This thread has got to be a wind up!
A: My wife is beautiful.
B: My sister is beautiful too.
C: Is your sister married?
B: She is single.
C: May I have her phone number?
B: ...
A: Guys! This thread is about my wife. ...
B: ...
C: ...