Personally I recognize that learning to do this stuff properly and with real skill takes time. I am not concerned with someone needing to defend himself after his third lesson. It isn’t my responsibility to give him those skills so quickly and I do not feel it is realistic anyways. In method two, that student won’t be much ahead after three lessons. This idea that something is taught on the first or second or third session and it can be used effectively immediately, I personally don’t buy it. That student still doesn’t really know what he is doing.
Teach them to do it right. That takes time. There is no getting around it. If they need faster defense then they need to buy a gun and learn to use it and practice with that as well.
Guns aren't always available (i.e. Britain, Australia, Hawaii or California). Guns aren't always available even when you are carrying one (the 21-feet rule).
And other people might be satisfied with "good enough" and want it fast enough. You don't like that style, that's fine. But that style exists, people teach it, people like it, and that's why I listed it.
You can't say my list is bad because it contains styles you don't like. That's not a flaw in my list. That's a disagreement you have with the style.