Not sure what your trying to prove here. Passing the buck? What the hell are you talking about? I take full responsability for everything I say and do, so I really don't know where that is coming from.
You call religious people arrogent? about read YOUR post, and tell me what that sounds like.
I'm glad that you "love the way religious people set the agenda," but the agenda of this thread has nothing to do with that. Master of Blades asked a question, which set the agenda. Other people who have been able to maintain the discussion here have also set the agenda; and those other people are of every different walk of life, not just Christian.
Oh...and the issue of "which God" only seems to be an issue for you. There are plenty of people who have posted with many different concepts of God. There were many athiests who posted also. We have all been able to respect each others beliefs, and there hasn't been any problems until you posted. Just some heated discussions that have all ended in friendship and better understanding, for the most part. I even clarified "God concept," but that wasn't enough for you either. You seem to be the one who is close-minded here, and there really isn't much I can do about that.
Also, my posts, as well as yours proves nothing about religious people. Nothing I have said alludes to a "World of control and doctrine," and my only disdain here was, and still is, the manner in which you post. All you've done so far is attack and slam people who are different then you. I have tried to give you the opportunity to clarify or perhaps retract your statements, or just plain add something of value to the discussion. Yet, you refuse, and you continue to act like a clown. How can anyone have a discussion with you under the circumstances? And, if you don't want to discuss anything, then why did you post in the first place?
Well it's obvious that you have issues. Oh well, your problem. But once again, if your not willing to have a constructive discussion on a thread that has been pretty cordial (for the most part) then stay off it. Until you have something constuctive to say, I don't think that I need to respond to your mindless attacks. So, you now have three choices: 1. Don't respond 2. Respond constructively, or 3. Be a Big fat baby and attack me and religious people some more in an immature attempt to get the last word. I guess the choice is yours.
And by the way, Mike, I would be happy to stick my head into your world and "dribble my clap trap" anytime, anyplace. And if you want to hit on it, bring it.
Or we could "shoot the breeze" like ordinary nice guys also, if you want. Bring the pain, or the beers, I always say!
And as for me keeping my blessings to myself, fat chance!
May the Lord Bless and Keep you.
May he let his face shine upon you.
May he give you his grace,
and May he give you his peace.
Your annoying martialtalk Doctrine dribbling power hungry Catholic,
(not to be confused with the New Testiment evangalist Paul, who is also not to be confused with the 12 apostles, of whom Paul was not.)
Shinobi... I totally agree with you this time.

Nice post Abbex8!