Having faith is about having faith, religion is about thought control [doctrine]. Try being a catholic priest if your only 'sin' is you're a woman. It's okay to be a child molester though, the church will look out for you then alright!
Sure, make a bunch of broad generalizations and expect everyone to take your side. Being female has never been a sin, and molesting children has never been O.K. in the Catholic Church, or almost any world religion.
Maybe you can tell me why one human being is any closer to god than another? Or why anyone would think their opinions have any more value than anyone elses when it comes to their relationship with their god?
I can tell you that you should ask God for answers to these questions, not a web-talk forum. Your straying from the issue here anyways. The question that was asked was regarding "What religious beliefs do you follow," not "How well can you challenge other people's beliefs.
Religions are set up on exactly the same lines as martial arts associations. A guy at the top [pope or whoever?], his country chief instructors come next [cardinals], then the regional chief instructors [bishops], then the club instructors [priests], and then the students [parishioners]. The money is generated at the bottom and works it's way to the top as fast as those up there can pull it towards them.
I love the way you equate all religions and martial arts organizations with pyrimid scams.

You want to talk about money, while at the same time negating the entire purpose of the religion themselves, which has little to do with money. Also, there are many martial arts organizations out there that do a great service for there members. Oh, but lets not pay any attention to these facts, lets instead make more broad generalizations.
As for the pope not having a Swiss bank account, I think you'll find the vatican has! The pope lives for free in his palace of obscene wealth, [the vatican city], where they did a deal with the Nazis not to enter if they promised to turn away any Jews that came begging for their lives and refuge, and while today many hundreds of thousands of catholics world wide live in abject poverty. Shame on him for letting this be so. Mind you, if he were to buck the system he may well go the way of his predecessor.
As for the Dali Lama, I can't say how he gets his income, but then again, he dosen't really need one when people are falling over themselves to hang off his every word and put him up in five star luxury while he jets around the world.
So much for the simple life eh?
I have already explained the money position in regards to the Catholic Church in a previous post. You might want to reread that. But, of course, if you want to continue to believe that every Buddhist monk and member of the cloth out there lives in the lap of luxury, then go ahead. Heck, believe what you want, that is what this thread is about, isn't it? Just remember, there are people out there who still believe that the world is flat, despite all of the evidence against it. And just like we can tell those people anything we want, and they will not change their minds, I could tell you whatever I want, but if your mind is made up already then it is more productive talking to a wall.
You show me someone who is deeply religious, and I'll show you a fanatical bigot who's only highly developed sense is one of control of others. All in the name of god of course!
Ah.....so YOU are bigoted against people who are religious. Well, a bigot is a bigot to me, and being bigotted against someone of any religion or way of thought is just as bad as being bigotted against someone of race. I just like to know who I'm talking to.
Thank you for showing everyone your true colors.
If you want to see religious heatred go to Northen Ireland, Africa, Middle East, Indoneisia, South America, gp almost anywhere on the planet, and you'll see it. Human Error again eh?
We've discussed this at length already. The answer is "Yes". Eh?
You go to heaven when you die if you like, I'll see you up there, but don't expect me to catch you when you stand in front of your god, and find out he a dead ringer for you.
Well, Mike, a nice way to end your beautiful post. Prejudging someone else, and speaking for God. Many people haven't liked the way Johnathan Napalm has argued on this thread, but the one thing he hasn't done is condem anyone, or say that God will condem an individual on this forum. And he's supposed to be the fanatic? Well, Mike, congradulations for completely crossing the line.
Now, maybe you missed the point of this thread, or maybe you just let your emotions get the best of you. I'm not sure, but let me explain. This Thread is ment to be a constructive discussion on Religious beliefs (more specifically, beliefs regarding the "God" concept). Despite some minor flame wars, it has basically stayed that way. This thread is not ment to be a slamming of other's beliefs or religions. And, even if you don't like someone, this thread is not intended to facilitate personal attacks.
Now if you want to constructively state what your beliefs
are, that would be great. If you have a question or polite critique of/for someone, also fine. I just hope that you have a different side to you then what you have shown us here.
However, if you can't refrain from attacking others, then I feel that your a clown who should be suspended until you can behave. I'm not a moderator, but this is just my opinion.
God bless you, and have a holy day.