:idea:The fog is lifting

. I see now that one of the differences is the way eacu of us understand the essence of God. To my way of thinking, the essence of God, if God exists, is not a person, butthe personification of an idea, like the grim reaper is a personifcation of death. A person has limitations, the idea of God means there are no limitations. A person has expectations, can be disappointed or suprised. God, being omniscient, already knows what's going to happen so would have no expectations, and can't be. I guess my image of God is more of a creative force. Sometimes in order to create something, you have to destroy something else. Creativity requires a balance, so I don't see God and Satan as separate entities, but two sides of a coin. A yin and yang type entitiy. There is no manipulation possible, there is no petition, there is only cause and effect.
Right, where I see a separation between the "Office" of God, and the "Individual" who fills that office. True, in reality they are inseparable, but that is a way to focus on different aspects. Like we have a President, that has certain powers and responsibilities, often ones that conflict, and we have Obama, who is the President.
"God" or "El" or "Allah" or whatever title you use describes (in my interpretation) the office of God -- the ultimate ruler, the "best of the best." Names for God in the Tanach that include the "El" prefix, like "El-Shaddai" (God Almighty), Elam (Everlasting God) and "El-elyon" (Most High God) highlight that part of God.
That office of God is both loving, and just, it is merciful and vengeful, it is the creator and destroyer, it is both male and female, it is both Yin and Yang. There is no need for Satan to counterbalance God -- both Yin and Yang (as I understand it) are present in the idea of God.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. (Isa 45:7, KJV)
The word "Evil" there also meaning "disaster" or "destruction" among other things. (See Hebrew word "ra-ah")
This is the side of God that really can't be proven, defined, or understood. This the part of God that is so beyond us we don't have anything to compare to, or relate to. It's so far on a whole different plane that the only way we can begin to describe it is in terms of what it's
not. (It is limit-less, it is time-less, etc.) This is where we have to be agnostic about God. Even if we could know about it, we couldn't do anything about it.
But there is also the Personal name for God, which is YHWH. (Sometimes transliterated "Jehovah" or "Yahweh." Often it is read as "Hashem" which is Hebrew for "The Name"). In most English Bibles it is written as The LORD. Names that are associated with YHWH include YHWH-Jireh, (The LORD provides), YHWH-Rapheh (The LORD heals), YHWH-Ra-ah (The LORD my Shepherd), YHWH-Shalom (The LORD is our peace).
To me, these emphasise the personal nature of God, the part that Jesus represented on earth. The part that we can "fall in love" with. This is the part that we could conceivably have some sort of relationship with, and this is the part that we were created "after the image of." The only way we could know about the "personality" of God, is for 'him' to come and meet me. I could spent pages describing my wife to you, but it wouldn't be the same as meeting her yourself. The most I could do is to introduce you to her.
In fact, when Jesus claimed to be representing "The Father," this is what he was representing. He wasn't showing the glory, or the power, or the knowledge of God, but how this personal God would react to sinners, children, and proud religious leaders. He laid down his life to demonstrate that. In short, he showed us what
Love looks like.
This is the part of God that Ninjamom and I are talking about. (If I may speak for her.)