Johnathan Napalm
Black Belt
I don't have a big problem with this. Organized religion is to facilitate the cultivation of faith. It is not faith itself. Since it is an organization, it comes with inherent human errors and frailty.Originally posted by Mike Clarke
...I think I said in my first post [or second] that I saw a big difference in religion and faith. I have no problems with people holding on to a sense of faith in a god, but I don't have the same views regarding the reasons for the existance of the worlds various religions.
Dennis_Mahon addressed this issue.I don't accept your reasoning that the pope lives in a museum, it's a palace with it's own army. Infact it is an independent state with it's own laws. What value is art and wealth to those facing death from starvation? And "YES" they should sell it off and feed the people. Who are thay saving it for? you can't go in and see it, nor can the faithful from around the world who contribute to it's upkeep.
That is the First Commandment. It has nothing to do with political correctness. When Moses lead the unruly bunch out of Egypt, he brought forth the 10 Commandments. Simple rules/truth to maintain social harmony while they wondered in the desert. (Forgive my simplification here)"Thou shalt have no false gods before me." Who said that?
I've always thought it was Abraham's god, the one so many have faith in today. I don't think he was being very politicaly correct when he said that.
We tolerate other gods for other people. LOL, christians are still not allowed to have "other god".But we seem to have moved on from those days, and now we can tolerate other gods, can't we?
What seems to be more of an issue for many, is religious tolerance, and that is in extreemly short supply around the world today, just as it has always been.
The ever loving and ever forgiving God, loves all people all the same. (Aren't we all God's children?) Therefore, salvation for all who are pure in heart, irrespective of affiliation or non-affiliation. At least that's the way I feel. I understand that may not reflect how other christians feel.
Honestly speaking, today's most serious religious intolerance is in Islamic societies. It is made worse by the cultural brutality of closed societies. You are talking about a barbaric bunch who believe in cutting your infidel throat so they can receive reward from Allah.
Collection plate is voluntary donation in the Catholic Church. The collection plate is not sufficient to pay for the utility. The way the Roman Catholic church operates is to go after the super rich parishioners. They are the ones with the money and the properties. This is the same way colleges go after the successful alumni. If you are rich and you are a catholic, you are going to feel real BAD saying no to the Church.Faith, I can see some value in. Religion, well that's a whole new collection plate.