Does God have a sense of humor?


Senior Master
So, I was thinking about part of a comedian's routine (it's Jeff Gaffigan, so bear with me). One of his jokes is that God must have a sense of humor. Mr. Gaffigans proof is that he spoke to Mose through a burning bush... think about that for amount... a burning bush. You can just imagine some of the looks Mose got when he told everyone a God talked to him through a burning bush.
If that happened know (or maybe even back then) people would have accussed Mose of burning some bush himself... Now, with that thought in mind, do you think God has a sense of humor? Or, were the prophets who said that God spoke to them in strange ways (like after a week long wrestling match) just insane? Or is it something else?
Bethany: What's he like?
Metatron: God? Lonely. But funny. He's got a great sense of humor. Take sex for example. There's nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus.
Bethany: Sex is a joke in heaven?
Metatron: The way I understand it, it's mostly a joke down here, too.
Mr. Gaffigans proof is that he spoke to Mose through a burning bush... think about that for amount... a burning bush. You can just imagine some of the looks Mose got when he told everyone a God talked to him through a burning bush.

I always did think that Moses tale was a parable, most guys have a thing for redheads.

I always did think that Moses tale was a parable, most guys have a thing for redheads.



Yes, god has a sense of humor. I work with Orthodox Priests, funniest guys I know!
Yep, like Crushing it's the first thing I thought of too.

I mean He must've had some left-over animal parts after creation thus... "well... lessee what we can come up with here... Hey! New wings & a harp for the first angel to come up with a name for this thing!" :lol:
What? When everything uh... peaks, I swear, sometimes I think I hear god talking to me too.

'Course, at that point I'm usually talking back, though not very coherently.

"oh god, oh god, oh god."
Is that what you're saying when you hear
her husband's key is in the lock and you barely got your pants on? :lol:

(just kidding)
Is that what you're saying when you hear
her husband's key is in the lock and you barely got your pants on? :lol:

God, what have I started? Mr. Jesus, why do you do this to me! -raises hands in fury at the skies-
Sorry, anouther comedian moment

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