Do chicks dig martial arts?

I know! my first wife thought it was really cool that i was in a band. imagine my surprise when i found out she didn't like music that much. she just thought it was cool that once or twice a month i would get on a stage & be the center of attention. she didn't want to actually listen to me practice at home though. god forbid.

I think that's wholly wrong. I know many women who want just sex and men who want love. There's no gender divide as to what people want out of life.

Hello, Good point.....Eve ate the apple first...knew what she wanted...Made Adam a smarter person....and learn about What EVE wanted!

Aloha, .....UM ...UM ....UM....which do I choose tonight?
Hello, Men wants SEX...Women wants LOVE ....somewhere in between is a happy middle! ...note: can be more left or right....depends on the guys or ladies...

When we use to go to see "Chinese's movies" ...mostly kung-fu / marital the old days (theaters)...YOU will see LOTS and lots of women watching the movies!

in the beginning they will show parts of NEXT shows...and you will see the same people over and over..and the same women too..the following week..

Do Women dig martial arts? ....many enjoy watching "Kung-fu movies"..


PS: this was in the seventies...todays women? ....not sure if they change?
best to take a survey?

When I joined the RAF and was in training we we warned about the male recruits not because they wanted to get into the girls knickers but because they'd get homesick and want to get married!! it's true enough as it turned out, there were a couple of engagements, didn't last though. I waited a while and met a fantastic Royal Marine Commando, sadly the IRA broke our engagement but a while afterwards I met a Rockape ( RAF Regiment) and, reader, I married him.

Oh and I love martial arts, all martial arts.
Some dig it, some do not. Just like some gents dig it in a lady and some do not.

But why is this is posted in self defense???


Good question. The only reason I posted it here was because the thread I spun it from (reasons why people get into MA) was also here. In retrospect there may have been other choices, but ... eh. No big deal either way. What matters is that people have enjoyed the conversation. :)
I hereby nominate the inventor of the "ignore" function in online forums for the Nobel peace prize. :lol:

Anyone second?
See, this is why we're friends, you make me smile!

Hang on, does that mean I dig martial arts?

And does that mean I'm a chick?

I got some identity issues now...
See, this is why we're friends, you make me smile!

Hang on, does that mean I dig martial arts?

And does that mean I'm a chick?

I got some identity issues now...

Never seen a picture of you Chris but I'm pretty sure you're not a chick. ;)

But if you dig martial arts and you dig chicks that dig martial arts, you're quite all right with me :asian:
Actually, my avatar is a picture of me, just so you know. Don't really see the point in hiding behind false images, if I put my words down, I like to know that I'm standing behind them. Real name, real pic of me. Oh, and so far only one member has managed to coax a better pic from me, so she would be the one to ask...

As for digging martial arts and female martial artists, well, I've really held back from this thread for a few reasons, but I'll make my case here from a number of perspectives.

First, as a guy, yes, I certainly do love women who enjoy martial arts. It's not an essential, but certainly a plus where I'm concerned. But my biggest criteria is a genuine personality (although, being a guy, certain physical attributes will get my attention quicker. For the record, they are deep, literate eyes, and a genuine warm smile). I meet a few too many girls who have yet to grow up, or simply have no strength to their character. Dealbreaker for me.

As an instructor, I would like to see far more women involved in martial arts. I believe that women actually tend to make better martial artists than most men, as men tend to "muscle" their way through techniues, whereas women, due to their physical structure often can't. This leads to them needing to apply the techniques properly in the first place, and as a result, the rate of skill development and improvement is quite a bit faster. Which can be fun to watch when a boyfriend/girlfriend couple start at the same time, and all of a sudden she's better and higher ranked than he is...

And finally, to take it back to the original thought that started this thread, it is simply too general a statement to make. Basically, being a martial artist may increase your appeal to some women, but not others, however, the attributes that can come with martial art training can be quite attractive pretty well across the board. Martial arts are not the only way to achieve this, though.
I know! my first wife thought it was really cool that i was in a band. imagine my surprise when i found out she didn't like music that much. she just thought it was cool that once or twice a month i would get on a stage & be the center of attention. she didn't want to actually listen to me practice at home though. god forbid.


Yeah, it sounds like she was more interested in the status being on stage gave you, rather than the art itself. Pretty typical of a lot of young women, really... especially today.

Sometimes they'll actively sabotage practice time with demands that you do XYZ "right now" just to keep you from spending time on something that isn't them. If that starts happening, call her on it. If she doesn't change behaviour, it's time to walk away.

Best regards,

Yeah, it sounds like she was more interested in the status being on stage gave you, rather than the art itself. Pretty typical of a lot of young women, really... especially today.

Sometimes they'll actively sabotage practice time with demands that you do XYZ "right now" just to keep you from spending time on something that isn't them. If that starts happening, call her on it. If she doesn't change behaviour, it's time to walk away.

Best regards,


Its not much different with men either. ;) When I played on a regular basis, I dated a guy that wasn't a musician that thought dating someone was in the band was cool, but when it came down to practice times and all that, he wasn't that cool with it. Some folks might run in to the same paradox when dating someone that doesn't train. The commitment isn't all that different.

Personally I think if one has a passion in your life, such as martial arts or music, then its important to find a mate that also has a passion in their life. It doesn't have to be the same passion, but if you're out training while your mate is at home, bored and waiting for you to return, that could be a tough situation to endure over time.
Thanks Chris, that was a great answer. Very thoughtful.

Now that I think of it, I don't believe I answered my own question. The first martial artist I ever had any close contact with was a slug - outspoken racist, prolific womanizer, drug addict, and thrice-convicted felon who sidestepped a life sentence thanks to a bureaucratic error. I'll call him "Jack."

Did it turn me off MA? Strangely, no. We had a very brief friendship until I saw through him. Instead, I was a little intrigued. I planned a major cross country road trip and he insisted on showing me some moves. Tragically, they came in handy. :disgust: So I owe him a debt of gratitude and I'm fine with that.

Fast-forward a few years to my enrolling in Systema. Here's a whole room full of martial artists, no women but me. Some of them are attractive, but when I'm there I'm too busy working on my skills. That's more important to me. Besides, I don't think I'd want to get involved with someone if we're beating each other up, even if the beatings are mutually consensual entertainment. That would be way too creepy for me.

My training has come full circle in a way though; we had a New Kid start a couple weeks ago. He's sweet as a puppy. It actually makes him a little hard to work with because he refuses to use any pressure, especially with me. He's smart, he's deeply spiritual, he's even kinda cute. In short, he's my kinda guy. At one point he asked the teacher about the "death grab" or some such, and we were all taken aback. Who told you about that? His regular teacher, Jack. Turns out one of the reasons he refuses to apply pressure is that Jack pummels the snot out of his students. Doesn't surprise me a bit. So New Kid has found a happy home with us, and I hope he leaves Jack's class for his own good.

I don't bear Jack any ill will. He sincerely means well. He's just very, very lost. One interesting thing is that he's a devout Christian. (And for the record, no, he didn't turn me off that either.) I hope it gives him a better sense of direction some day.
I spoke at length to a young lady whose family runs a martial art supply store here in Melbourne about how she percieves the average martial artist who comes into her store (well, I've spoken to her about a lot of things, great girl), and she basically said that the majority are young guys who are little more than boys. Then there are the thugs, who don't really have much to offer when it comes to personality. So by-and-large, in her experience, martial artists are simply not impressive.

In fact, she said that she could probably count on one hand the number of guys who had come through the doors who she was actually impressed with. Unfortunately, there are just too many "Jacks" out there, and this is what I was infering when I first mentioned "public perception" of martial artists. If your entire experience of martial artists was made up of "Jacks", would you find them attractive?

As to the "New Boy", hopefully he will get better. Remember that a lot of guys have internal issues about hitting girls, we get taught not to from a very young age...
Remember that a lot of guys have internal issues about hitting girls, we get taught not to from a very young age...

I wouldn't have it any other way. :) I don't think any of us here would.
Absolutely. But there does need to be a way for him to give you a realistic training experience, so he'll need to get past it to a degree, at least. But if it spills outside of training, he'll have to answer to that! Don't think that'll be an issue with him, form your description, though...
Personally I think if one has a passion in your life, such as martial arts or music, then its important to find a mate that also has a passion in their life. It doesn't have to be the same passion, but if you're out training while your mate is at home, bored and waiting for you to return, that could be a tough situation to endure over time.

I certainly agree, and I'd like to add that people without their own passions are pretty boring mates, IMO.
You know what women want? I'll tell you...a man who can make them laugh, never, ever underestimate the ability to laugh a woman into bed.

Absolutely true. One thousand percent.

So... Two guys walk into a bar.

I mean, really. You'd think at least one of them would have seen it first, right? Talk about your situational awareness... Must have been a pretty blonde walk past... Guys can be such dopes...
Personally I think if one has a passion in your life, such as martial arts or music, then its important to find a mate that also has a passion in their life. It doesn't have to be the same passion, but if you're out training while your mate is at home, bored and waiting for you to return, that could be a tough situation to endure over time.

Wise words.
Personally I think if one has a passion in your life, such as martial arts or music, then its important to find a mate that also has a passion in their life. It doesn't have to be the same passion, but if you're out training while your mate is at home, bored and waiting for you to return, that could be a tough situation to endure over time.

This is true Carol. My wife has her own thing she loves to do (outside work on the house and at the Church.) I'm the Neanderthal who loves shooting and martial arts.

We make time for each other. Yes, I do some of the yard work... I have to get 10 bags of cement tomorrow so Saturday morning we will put in a walkway in the back yard! And secretly I hate yard work!!!

I try not to workout to much and be away. That is why I work out at World Gym right after work. I have to manage my time very carefully.

But yes, both need hobbies they love to do.

I have also found both need to have a common interest. My wife was the simi-liberal before I married her. Now she is stuck on Bill O'Rilley, Glenn Beck, and 'House Hunters'! She is more conservative than I am! We've been to Tea Parties together even!


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