Do chicks dig martial arts?

One of the hardest things in the world is convincing someone that they can do something they have decided they cannot do.

I have heard it referred to as 'live choices' versus 'dead choices'. In my former life in law enforcement, one of the eternal frustrations is when women are involved in abusive relationships and won't leave. Even when options are there for them - shelters, money, etc. They listen to the counseling and hear the words and nod their heads, and then they go and bail the bum who hit them out and the next weekend it starts again. To them - for whatever deep complex psychological reason - leaving is just not an option. It's a 'dead choice'.

I've spoken to many friends and relatives who are impressed that I did two tours in the Marines, or that I am taking karate at age 48, and they tell me "I could never do that." Like you, I'm somewhat amazed. When I joined the Marines, I was no prime physical specimen, far from it. And when I started karate, I was way overweight and very much out of shape. The only thing I did in both cases was not quit on myself.

Back to the topic - yeah, I think chicks dig martial artists. Not the arts as much as the artists. And not because of the kick-punch-block-throw aspect but because it is physical and it is violent (at times and depending on the MA). The same reason chicks dig football players, bad boys, and guitarists, it's the alpha-male thing. Very primitive mojo, but it still works.

Not to cast aspersions or be sexist, but just dealing with base genetics, to a woman raised in a traditional society where the man provides, defends, and protects, a male martial artist can very clearly defend and protect.

The demographics I've read on MMA show that men, particularly young men, are the most interested in MMA itself - something like 80% of MMA fans are male. While everyone is different, in the aggregate, I suspect that female fans of watching mixed-martial arts are generally a lot like female fans of football - they like it because the guys like it.

I've heard that about women getting into bad relationships and who won't leave before and I tend to think that is why many of the pick up artists that I have studied from have developed tactics and techniques to help the woman realize that she is in a bad relationship and that it would be best for her to leave the relationship.

Some of the pickup artists that I have studied from have cited the importance of romance to women and they have even recommended a really good book called 'Dangerous men and Adventurous Women'. Basically it is a book written by a woman regarding the appeal of romance to women.

One guy that I know of developed a set of patterns that are based upon NLP and hypnosis that basically circumnavigates a woman's cultural programming and that tends to help them get off of what they call autopilot and in many ways they are right about that as many of us tend to be on autopilot as we go through our daily lives.

When I first heard about some of these tactics and techniques that they use I started to wonder if I could actually pick up an ex-girlfriend that I knew was married and in the process of it all I started to wonder about the jealousy factor as well and that is what really got me into thinking about stuff like ninjutsu and it is why I bought Richard Van Donk's stuff.

While I admit that some of the techniques that these pick up artista tend to use can be sneaky and underhanded it really is nothing new as the ninja have been using sneaky and underhanded techniques for centuries.

I guess that you could say that they had to because at that time the Samurai were the only ones that were allowed to carry the deadliest weapon of the time and that was the Samurai sword.

I know that there are a lot of stories about how the ninja were assasins that basically snuck around at night killing people and while some of them probably did do that I believe that the vast majority of them just basically wanted to live in peace and harmony and to basically do whatever it took to achieve spiritual enlightenment and that is why some of them were often found hanging off of tree branches for hours at a time as that was an attempt on their part to not only build themselves up physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well.

I don't know about anyone else here, but when I was growing up in the 1980's the ninja was a big craze and it all seemed to be headed up and started by Stephen Hayes.

During that period of time many movies were made about the ninja and all of the magazines like Black Belt were writing about it. It seemed like no matter where you turned the ninja was there waiting for you just like they did in ancient Japan.

I don't know if it is true or not, but supposedly the Chinese had their own version of the ninja as well called the Lin Kuei.

I also don't know if it is true or not, but I have heard that people who are into the martial arts and that tend to engage in sex on a regular basis tend to do even better when it comes to the martial arts and their form. All that I know is that is what I have heard.
This is one chick that definitely digs martial arts. When I met my dh he was an assistant teacher for a college SD course. Very sexy in his gi. I'm telling you, that whole thing about guys in uniform is so true! He tells me that the main reason he agreed to teach was because one afternoon he was in hi gi practicing in the gym and he couldn't help notice the looks that the young ladies were throwing his way. So he figured that assistant teaching a SD college class would put him in the path of a lot of young ladies. What can I say, it worked :D

Now that I have taken up martial arts myself, I remember when I first started and my dh would brag to our friends about it. My grandmother, MIL and a few female friends of ours, came up to me at different times with this look in their eyes that I could only describe as a mixture of delight and envy when they asked me, "So I hear you've taken up karate now?"

None of them has ever taken up a martial art themselves, yet. But it was clear that they liked the idea.
This is one chick that definitely digs martial arts. When I met my dh he was an assistant teacher for a college SD course. Very sexy in his gi. I'm telling you, that whole thing about guys in uniform is so true! He tells me that the main reason he agreed to teach was because one afternoon he was in hi gi practicing in the gym and he couldn't help notice the looks that the young ladies were throwing his way. So he figured that assistant teaching a SD college class would put him in the path of a lot of young ladies. What can I say, it worked :D

Now that I have taken up martial arts myself, I remember when I first started and my dh would brag to our friends about it. My grandmother, MIL and a few female friends of ours, came up to me at different times with this look in their eyes that I could only describe as a mixture of delight and envy when they asked me, "So I hear you've taken up karate now?"

None of them has ever taken up a martial art themselves, yet. But it was clear that they liked the idea.

How long have you been in the martial arts and what have you gotten out of it? I'm just really, really curious.
I think that you are right about the humor thing as both men and women can and do tend to think and act very differently. Part of it relates to biology and evolution while part of it also tends to relate to culture as well and the way that we are raised.

What men may find funny can often be interpreted as being rude and even condensending to women and that is something that I am definitely not down with as I tend to believe that men and women are equals and that women should be treated with courtesy and respect just like you would when you are in the dojo.

I don't know about you, but I personally don't know of any instructors at any dojo that can and will put up with a lack of courtesy and respect and in all the dojo's that I have been in and from what I have studied of the martial arts treating any instructor or dojo with a lack of courtesy and respect is a quick way to get yourself booted out of the dojo and your training either temporarily or permanently suspended or even terminated.

While I have never been to asia as of yet. It is something that I do tend to understand and appreciate as that is just how I was raised.

No thats not what I meant at all I'm afraid! I simply meant a man who can make a woman laugh is very sexy. I think you are vastly over thinking,
Something about well built men in Gi's. :fanboy: Sweaty limber alpha-types with strong hip flexors. Aye-yi-yie! I don't know about "chicks" but Women like MA-ists, for all the right reasons. Don't we Flea?:cheers:
I was looking at it all the perspective of the importance of having a positive attitude and in having confidence in yourself.

Understanding body language is also important as body language and as to how a person uses their words can either make or break a person and that is where NLP tends to come into play as it can help a martial artist to better determine as to whether someone is or will attack you physically or even verbally and as to how you respond to it will be a big factor as to whether or not you end up in a physical altercation or as to whether you will be friends.

No offense was meant at all to anyone. Just sharing what I have learned and as to how it applies to social interactions and conflict management.
Wow, I was just reading through some of the other threads that have been posted on MT like the pick up line thread and it tends to make me wonder as to how women approach their safety and security as guys tend to approach the situation a little bit differently.

Guys for the most part tend to be inclined to just want to fight. I was mentioning some of this stuff only in the context of things that I have either studied or personally experienced in the past and as to what I have observed.

One thing that once came up occured shortly after I had moved to Albuquerque in which a friend of my mother and her boyfriend once tried to fight me while at work because he thought that I was trying to pick up his wife. Where she got that idea I don't know because before that the only real conversation that I had with her was when I was cleaning some CD's in my mother's bathroom sink.

For some reason she thought that was some sort of pick up attempt on my part, which it wasn't at all. Around the same time I was talking to my guy friend about some of what I had been studying relating to both the game and to the martial arts and somehow he misinterpreted and completely blew out of proportion what I was saying. I figured at the time that being a guy he would understand as to what I was saying because guys generally tend to understand as to where other guys are coming from just like women tend to understand where women are coming from.

After reading some of the pick up line thread it tends to make me wonder as to how many people really believe in pickup lines at all. I am just curious because from what I have found out on the street they just don't work at all and only the bravest of the brave can really get away with using them as most women tend to be very aware of the types of pickup lines that most men might try to use to pick them up and more often than not they usually have a boyfriend or a husband that just happens to be the jealous type that is interested only in beating you up.

It's because of that, that I tend to think about things like ninjutsu and many of the techniques that they developed.

I however do not think strictly about that either as I have also been exposed to things like Goju Ryu and Aikido.

I don't know what it is, but for some reason I have noticed that women tend to like guys like Steven Seagal for example and that is something that I have been trying to figure out for a long time and that is one of the reasons that I came here. As what I am trying to do is to develop myself to such an extent that I am being the best that I can be not only in life and the martial arts, but also in love.

Because of my interest in both the martial arts and the game I have purchased books on subjects like human nature, psychology, gender differences, gender communication and other related topics in an attempt to help me to understand the overall gender dynamics that can and do effect every area of our live's.

One area that it applies to and that is important is in the area of the law regarding things like sexual harrassment and other related topics that are heavily influenced by topics like this and in which strategy is very, very important as well as understanding as lawyers and the legal system tend to be a lot like the martial arts in that the participants can be very competitive and even catty with one another in a court and in which the stakes can be high just like a situation that you might find out on the street.

I also tend to think that topics like this are also important to understand not only in the United States, but outside as well.

I don't know if anyone can or will be able to understand this or not, but at one time I ended up in a number of romance scams that have cost me thousands of dollars and that is why I am trying to pay attention to both the martial arts and to the game as many of the scammers were women.
Rdonovan1. Dude, seriously, quit with the game talk. Wrong place, wrong crowd. I've PM'd you with this advice, please take it. Take the way the thread has gone, "Do women like Martial ARTS", as in the are they interested in the arts themselves. Keep to martial arts here, the rest can be discussed elsewhere.

You've still got a way to go, my friend, let's try to make sure you make it that far, okay?
This is not so much about the game as it is about the martial arts and both physical and verbal self defense and that is what I have been trying to get at. It's also about how people tend to think, talk and act on both sides of the fence and that does apply to self defense and the martial arts as it is taking the concepts of people like Sun Tzu, Miyamoto Mushashi, Dr. Milton Erickson, Dr. Richard Bandler and others.

I just thought that if people were to understand some of my background and as to what I have experienced then they might understand as to where I was coming from.

Some of the stuff that I encountered while out on the road as an over the road truck driver included one story that was told to me by another driver who had just come out of the Flying J in West Memphis, Arkansas after having cashed his T-check that he got from his company for things like tolls, lumpers, and other company related expenses and as he was getting back into his truck he was approached by someone who stuck a knife in his back and told him that it was either his money or his life.

This is not the only instance that I know of either as just earlier this year in my apartment complex there was a woman who fatally stabbed a man in her apartment. According to the police and according to her she stabbed him because he was making sexual advances and innuendo's towards her.

According to the police and according to the news this woman had a history of mental illness that caused her to stab this man. That tends to make me wonder as to what is safe and what is not as I certainly don't want to end up in that type of situation with any woman for any reason.

The RVD series that I bought was partly because of an ex-girlfriend and the game, but also because of some time that I spent in Mexico in a place called Boystown which is in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico just across the border of Laredo, Texas.

When I first stated driving truck over the road my trainer and the trainers of several other drivers that I knew of that if we ever got the chance to get down to Laredo, Texas then we should go over the border to Boystown. Well, me and a friend of mine that I met while working for CRST did eventually get a chance to go as we were given a load that went down there. During the trip and because of a former co-driver that had been with the company for a long time and who told me of instances of fires starting in the International trucks that the company was using for no real real reason I started to get very concerned one day when as I was driving down the road the lights on the truck started to dim greatly for a few seconds without warning.

Because of that I thought for sure that something was wrong with the truck and when we got down to Laredo I arranged to have the truck checked out by the maintenance department. Because the process took so long with the maintenance department me and my friend decided to take up the suggestions that were told to us by our trainers and we went across the border into Mexico and caught a cab into Boystown.

We were told by the cab driver that it is good that we did not try to walk the distance to Boystown as the Mexicans do not like Americans very well and if they had caught us walking down the street then they surely would have jumped us and possibly even killed us not only for our money, but also just for spite.

This along with previous experiences that I had with my first co-driver who was basically a big guy who thought he was tough got me to thinking about my personal safety. This first guy was basically an ******* as he thought that because his father was a truck driver he knew everything about the trucking industry and on several occasions he threatened to beat me up inside the truck just because I was new to truck driving at that time and that kind of scared me.

My friend who went with me to Boystown considered himself to be a major player and he was from the Portage/Gary, Indiana area. For those who don't know Gary, Indiana is a very, very rough place and it is in fact so rough that the police will not go in there at night because everyone is packing a gun and because many of the people there will not hesitate to use them either. Gary is considered by many to be the murder capital of the world and is in many ways very similar to places like Nuevo Laredo, Mexico; Compton, California; and Lagos, Nigeria. All of them are very, very rough places to be either during the daytime or the night time.

Because of all that and because of my previous interest in ninjutsu I felt that it would be a good idea for me to invest in Richard Van Donk's Black Belt Home Study Course so that I could learn some of the actual techniques that they used and knew in a real self defense situation out on the street.

This is not the only stuff that I have invested in either as I have also invested in things like Aikido, Goju Ryu Karate, and all of the stuff that Robert Bussey put out in the 1980's. In the video's that I watched from Robert Bussey he stated that it does not matter what your religious beliefs are as they are separate from the martial arts.

Because of some of the stuff that has happened to me and because of the way that my family has treated me over the years I have had a very difficult time trying to get my father and my family to understand as to where I am coming from as they just don't really understand as to how the martial arts has influenced me or even as to what the martial arts is all about. They tend think that it is something that is evil and that should be abolished altogether.

At one point during the 1980's when I was growing up my mother who did not understand the martial art or even me for that matter tried to take away the martial arts from me as she thought that it was way too violent and that it was causing me more harm than good. What she doesn't understand or realize is that the martial arts tends to be good at developing things like character and integrity and that his something that I tend to have considerable difficulty explaining to both my mother and to my father as well as to other people. While I can't prove it I tend to think that they watch too much tv and don't spend nearly enough time going out and finding out that in which they don't know.

Because of some of my religious beliefs as well I have also tried to explain to some of the Pastors at a church as to where I am coming from as well partly because of what the senior pastor at the church tends to talk about in his sermons and partly because of what another pastor that I have kind of become friends with there told me who also was a former truck driver before. In many of the sermons that the senior pastor tends to give he often talks about gender differences and the whole dating, mating, and relating game and as to how that relates to what the Bible has to say.

At one point because of the truck driver pastor and because of what the senior pastor tended to talk about in his sermons I was told by the truck driver pastor to talk to another pastor at the church that is supposed to help people out that go to the church, but when went to talk to him and when I tried to explain things to him he immediately attacked me verbally and ever since then he has had nothing but a negative attitude towards me.

He however is not the only person that has done that either as my mother's boyfriend also tends to think very negative of most people and I am not the only one that he has been that way with as he has also done that with my aunt as well and that is why I tend to promote the concept of positive thinking as positive thinking can and does apply to the martial arts.

I don't know about you, but I have never seen a Samurai or a ninja afraid of a fight.

Due to some of the stuff that has occured in not only my neighborhood, but also in the city of Albuquerque I have contacted the Guardian Angels and have tried to get them to come into the area as there tends to be a lot of crime going on right now and that combined with some of the things that have happened to me in the past has gotten me to think very strongly about my overall security and safety.

One of the things that has happened to me occured in February of 2008 while I was home reading some legal documents one night. On that night I received a knock on my door from the Albuquerque Police Department. When I answered the door I was told by the officer that someone had smashed all the windows on my car and slashed all of the tires.

My car however was not the only car hit that night as at least one other car that I know of was hit as well, but not as severely as mine was.

What I am attempting to do here is to find new and improved ways of protecting myself verbally, mentally, emotionally, and physically as well and that is why I came here to begin with as I am tired of being the victime and I believe that it is time for me to fight back by as much as I possibly can using any tactic and technique that I can.
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Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like to remind y'all that is a community that promotes a family-friendly environment. I'm sure that we can continue this topic without having to cross the PG-13 line.

Some posts in this thread have crossed that line, and I would rather that everyone keep things family-friendly, instead of having to lock this topic, issue infractions, etc.

Let's keep the discussion on-topic, and self-defense related.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Something about well built men in Gi's. :fanboy: Sweaty limber alpha-types with strong hip flexors. Aye-yi-yie! I don't know about "chicks" but Women like MA-ists, for all the right reasons. Don't we Flea?:cheers:

Eh ... I'm more into the SNAGs myself. (For you un-initiated, that means Sensitive New Age Guy.) We had a new kid in class yesterday who just wouldn't put the pressure on, no matter how much I insisted on it for the sake of my learning curve. "But I'm a pacifist! And if I injure you, you won't be able to practice for a couple months anyway." His second argument had some validity, gawd love him, so I had to content myself with a best guess as to whether he was locking my arm or not.

In terms of attraction, the last thing I want is a protector and provider type. They tend to have too much ego wrapped up in that role and it becomes a problem. In a man, I insist on an equal, foibles and all. Strong women, however, make my knees quiver.
How long have you been in the martial arts and what have you gotten out of it? I'm just really, really curious.

I started studying EPAK nearly 4 years ago, then last April I switched to Krav Maga when my karate teacher retired. (I would have loved to continue with EPAK but there wasn't anybody close by in my area to train with).

What I get out if it is, reality based self defense, physical fitness, and meeting other like minded people. Also, for the first time in my life I can get some skill at a physical thing (I'm a nerd), which I never had thought possible until I tried martial arts. Growing up a girl, my parents didn't think it was important to encourage me to try out any sports or to exercise, other than pushing me outside so I could "play". It's great to be athletic, in a way, for the first time in my life.

Martial arts has given me a whole new outlook on many things in life. It has given me self-confidence and security. It has redefined my long term goals for myself and my family. It's also made watching MMA a lot more fun:).

Oh yeah, I definitely dig the martial arts!
Like anything else, it's a personal choice. I've been in TKD for 22 years, and it's long since gone past the point of "hobby" and into "lifestyle". Most of my female friends (and a fair number of my male friends) think I'm nuts, and when invite them to join me, the answer is usually "but I could never do that!" For the most part, people respect my involvement; a few just look at me funny. But I've also known a fair number of people - male and female - who join a MA class for a month, a year, or longer, and then quit, because it just doesn't fit them and their personality. The people I know who do "dig" MAs are as varied as any other random slice of humanity.
I was out yesterday and seen 12 000 chicks, all with these deep brown eyes, and hundreds of then were looking directly at me. I donÂ’t think they realized I did MA, but they kept staring at me. As for me I kept thinking, mmmm protein.

Then I thanked the farmer for showing me around and paid for my flat of eggsÂ…
I was out yesterday and seen 12 000 chicks, all with these deep brown eyes, and hundreds of then were looking directly at me. I donÂ’t think they realized I did MA, but they kept staring at me. As for me I kept thinking, mmmm protein.

Then I thanked the farmer for showing me around and paid for my flat of eggsÂ…

Oh, admit it only wanted them for their breasts :lfao:
Eh ... I'm more into the SNAGs myself. (For you un-initiated, that means Sensitive New Age Guy.) We had a new kid in class yesterday who just wouldn't put the pressure on, no matter how much I insisted on it for the sake of my learning curve. "But I'm a pacifist! And if I injure you, you won't be able to practice for a couple months anyway." His second argument had some validity, gawd love him, so I had to content myself with a best guess as to whether he was locking my arm or not.

In terms of attraction, the last thing I want is a protector and provider type. They tend to have too much ego wrapped up in that role and it becomes a problem. In a man, I insist on an equal, foibles and all. Strong women, however, make my knees quiver.

OGL, those SNAG types last about a week with me before I break them, purely by accident, you know, but broken all the same. The Alpha types last longer and are just sooooo much more fun to play with. -vampfeed-

I must tell you doing MA has given me a much greater appreciation for certain arts, M Artists and teachers. It has shown me flaws in myself and others, shown me new ways to think about movement, pressure, conflict, kinesthetics and relationships. It has shown me I'm no good at thinking around corners but I highly value those who can. It has shown me physical strength does not overcome fear. It seems to have many parallels with dressage. You do not compete against others, you compete against yourself, it's not a race to the end, it's gaining wisdom from the journey. If time is a factor, you are in the wrong sport.

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