To me, this is not high school that girls fall over head and heels for guys with particular talent. I actually gone through in a different way when I was in HS. I was in the pop band and I had a little name, on tv and performed in concert, yes, girls attracted to that. Believe me, in college, it's GONE, people grow up!!! That's part of the reason I got into music and part why I quit in the late 70s and actually find my true passion without thinking of getting approval.
My passion of my life is electronics, designing, build and all. 30 years in career of electronics, became manager of engineering, retired and still designing very high end hifi amplifiers at home. I don't even think about impressing people, in fact, my wife thought I make a mess in a room!!! No interested in selling or do anything with it, just is my passion. Last year before I picked up stick fight, I spent 7 months learning C++ computer programming, I studied one book from cover to cover. I don't need it, not impressing anyone, all started because my grandson which is a CS major in college said he need some motivation!!! I told him how about grandpa nipping at his heel!!!
Don't do anything to impress people.
Back to MA vs women, obviously if you are into MA, your body will look better than if you don't exercise. That's part of the attractiveness. Just leave it at that.