Do chicks dig martial arts?

Hello, Does anyone find the word use in this site (chicks) ...derogitory to women?

or is it just me? could another word like "Women" or Ladies be use instead?

"da chicks" from our chicken do not mind been call "chicks" so far...its the rooster that is giving us the problems...

My wife loves the "Chicks - kens" from costco...every week as least one in the refrig...

"Chicks is this short for Chickens...and does it means all chickens dig martial arts?

Aloha, to chick- ken out of here.........

i use the term as a female version of "dudes" or "guys", something less formal sounding that ladies but not (intended) as dismissive as girls can sound.

It is you. Or, I should say, if you believe that most women are weak and prefer stalkers over men, I think that's you projecting your own hangups and not in any way indicative of reality.

I think you need to raise your game a little, personally. If you're having trouble finding confident, intelligent women, it's not because they don't exist. I've never had a problem finding strong, capable women who challenge me intellectually.

Frankly, this train of thought just drives me nuts. Either the men are weak or the women are weak. BS. Metro-sexual men are largely a myth created by ad agencies so that they can coerce men into buying Axe and hair gel. Personal hygiene isn't weak.

It doesn't matter what I think. It's what the media and the traditional dating scene are saying.

If you don't believe it then go and pick up some copies of women's magazines like Cosmopolitan or Glamour and see what they are telling women. It might also be helpful if you were to pick up a few romance novels and see what they are saying as well.

What is important though is as to how you think and as to whether you believe enough in yourself to do the right thing.

While I am in favor of women doing themselve's up to make themselve's look pretty for us guys. I am not in favor of them being so hung up on themselve's that they forget how to defend themselve's out on the street.

I don't know about you, but I don't know of too many muggers or rapists that are going to sit around and wait for a woman to do up her nails and her face before he decides to attack her.
Find me a woman who likes the Japanese Sword Arts, Weight training, eats chocolate, loves the fine arts, a good steak and likes Monty Python, and IÂ’m all set.

My other half likes two of them and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. She has zero MA experience but would rip your throat out if you looked at her wrong. She’s 5’ 2”, maybe 125#, I seen her yell at and tell a 6’6” 275# biker type to go F*** himself when he gave her a hard time about something. I pity and mugger who came up on her…

Gimmie a strong woman any day.
Strong vs weak? What does that even mean?
I think you are all meaning mentally strong?
Well I think that a mentally weak woman is also unintelligent.

I'll take an intelligent woman over any other.

And I did. :)
Strong vs weak? What does that even mean?
I think you are all meaning mentally strong?
Well I think that a mentally weak woman is also unintelligent.

I'll take an intelligent woman over any other.

And I did. :)

I don't believe that it is so much a matter of intelligence as it tends to have more to do with attitude, common sense, and of course character.

Intelligence is a combination of biology which no one can control and the desire and willingness to educate yourself on topics which you might not know about.

Some people say that you can't teach common sense at all and perhaps that may be true, but what a person can do regardless of gender is educate themselve's on topics that they don't know and to be more aware of both themselve's and their environment that they are in.

This is true not only in male/female relationships, but also when it comes to everyday life.

Many people tend to think that what women are really after is looks and money in a man, but that really is not true at all. That is something that the media and hollywood have taught people to think. The real truth is women want a man who is mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong and who is congruent in his words and his actions.

Bruce Lee once said that it is best to be like water and I believe that he is right about that as water can either help you or hurt you depending on the circumstances and as to what you are doing.

If for example you are at sea in a life raft would you try to drink the ocean water? My guess is probably not, because everyone knows that saltwater like that can dehydrate you and kill you, yet a glass of fresh water is good for you and will help you to live.

Many people may tend to dismiss the ancient teachings of the martial arts as being nothing, but hogwash. That however just proves their ignorance and their stupidity as everyone that has ever studied the Chinese martial arts knows that most of the Chinese systems of fighting like Monkey, snake, crane, tiger, praying mantis, and others came from the masters attention to detail and to their observance and respect for nature. If they had not paid attention to the tactics and techniques that many animals tend to use then more than likely we would not have any of the Chinese martial arts or at least they would be limited.

Whether we choose to accept it or not we are all guilty of making very poor decisions in our lives that we may end up regreting and that applies to both genders as neither side has a market on that at all.

I don't know as to why anyone else came here, but my reasoning was to develop myself better so that I am making better decisions and so that I am doing what it takes to not only assert myself better, but to also be more aware of both myself, others, and my environment so that I can better defend myself either verbally or physically if and when the time calls for it as I tend to believe in picking my battles very, very carefully just like Sun Tzu and Miyomoto Mushashi teach. This applies not only to my business and professional life, but also to my personal life as well as I know that I have made more than my fair share of mistakes in both life and love and I personally am not to reduce the number of mistakes that I make while at the same time remembering that I can and will make mistakes both now and in the future.
There's a joke about 'chicks' goes why do men call women chicks? because of the worms they pick up!
I've never been called a broad, I think it would make me laugh it I were, it's not a word we brits use, it's veryamerican lol, when we think of the word broad it brings to mind Raymond Chandler, Humphrey bogart that sort of thing.

Ken, such a pity you are taken already lol I love all those things but it sounds as if you have yourself a cracker of a partner!

When I was single i never went out with civvie men, always military, two reasons, that was I all I got to meet and I prefer the type. It's not the uniform, I wear uniforms, its the confidence and discipline, the 'can do' attitude I like. And I will say I know plenty of women like that too.

I have heard a lot on television, in the magazines etc and from American women who come over here looking for Englishmen that American men are more docile and American women are more aggressive than Europeans? personaly I think this must be stereotyping. I was going to put a link to an American article here but on reading it through I don't think the writer realised she was using such rude language so I won't put it here, she wrote it very innocently about British men and the 'seductive' accent (lol for us) and used the c word several times thinking thats what we do and she's so so wrong!!
I don't believe that it is so much a matter of intelligence as it tends to have more to do with attitude, common sense, and of course character.

Intelligence is a combination of biology which no one can control and the desire and willingness to educate yourself on topics which you might not know about.

Some people say that you can't teach common sense at all and perhaps that may be true, but what a person can do regardless of gender is educate themselve's on topics that they don't know and to be more aware of both themselve's and their environment that they are in.

This is true not only in male/female relationships, but also when it comes to everyday life.

Many people tend to think that what women are really after is looks and money in a man, but that really is not true at all. That is something that the media and hollywood have taught people to think. The real truth is women want a man who is mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong and who is congruent in his words and his actions.

Bruce Lee once said that it is best to be like water and I believe that he is right about that as water can either help you or hurt you depending on the circumstances and as to what you are doing.

If for example you are at sea in a life raft would you try to drink the ocean water? My guess is probably not, because everyone knows that saltwater like that can dehydrate you and kill you, yet a glass of fresh water is good for you and will help you to live.

Many people may tend to dismiss the ancient teachings of the martial arts as being nothing, but hogwash. That however just proves their ignorance and their stupidity as everyone that has ever studied the Chinese martial arts knows that most of the Chinese systems of fighting like Monkey, snake, crane, tiger, praying mantis, and others came from the masters attention to detail and to their observance and respect for nature. If they had not paid attention to the tactics and techniques that many animals tend to use then more than likely we would not have any of the Chinese martial arts or at least they would be limited.

Whether we choose to accept it or not we are all guilty of making very poor decisions in our lives that we may end up regreting and that applies to both genders as neither side has a market on that at all.

I don't know as to why anyone else came here, but my reasoning was to develop myself better so that I am making better decisions and so that I am doing what it takes to not only assert myself better, but to also be more aware of both myself, others, and my environment so that I can better defend myself either verbally or physically if and when the time calls for it as I tend to believe in picking my battles very, very carefully just like Sun Tzu and Miyomoto Mushashi teach. This applies not only to my business and professional life, but also to my personal life as well as I know that I have made more than my fair share of mistakes in both life and love and I personally am not to reduce the number of mistakes that I make while at the same time remembering that I can and will make mistakes both now and in the future.

You've been thinking again haven't you? try just using your heart when looking for a partner or become a celibate Shaolin monk.

You are a hoot! Maybe rdonovan1 would have better success with the lady's if he would just lighten up!!! Hearing guy's talk about women crack me up sometimes. Smart women want the same thing that men do. Someone that they can get along with. I think of two parallel lines one being man one being woman going along side by side in life. Both separate individuals but going in the same direction.

You are a hoot! Maybe rdonovan1 would have better success with the lady's if he would just lighten up!!! Hearing guy's talk about women crack me up sometimes. Smart women want the same thing that men do. Someone that they can get along with. I think of two parallel lines one being man one being woman going along side by side in life. Both separate individuals but going in the same direction.

Which should answer rdonavan1's question about why any woman would want a strong confident man. It's easier and more enjoyable going through life with an individual who can stand on their own two feet and walk with you, and help you when you need it and accept your help, than having to carry or drag someone along.
Hello, Men wants SEX...Women wants LOVE ....somewhere in between is a happy middle! ...note: can be more left or right....depends on the guys or ladies...

When we use to go to see "Chinese's movies" ...mostly kung-fu / marital the old days (theaters)...YOU will see LOTS and lots of women watching the movies!

in the beginning they will show parts of NEXT shows...and you will see the same people over and over..and the same women too..the following week..

Do Women dig martial arts? ....many enjoy watching "Kung-fu movies"..


PS: this was in the seventies...todays women? ....not sure if they change?
best to take a survey?
When I was single i never went out with civvie men, always military, two reasons, that was I all I got to meet and I prefer the type. It's not the uniform, I wear uniforms, its the confidence and discipline, the 'can do' attitude I like. And I will say I know plenty of women like that too.

Yay! I like you Tez
It came up elsewhere, so I thought it deserved a spinoff.

On that thread, I said that my experience is a little different as a woman. But people in general seem to dig it. Other women are impressed because I'm doing something to protect myself. They think they can't do it, even though all I did was respond to an ad in the classifieds. I tell them that and it usually makes no difference at all.

A lot of my friends and family are impressed simply because I'm doing something interesting. The fact that it's not an Asian MA seems to give it a higher cache as a stereotype buster. :uhyeah:

In lesbian circles, chicks most definitely dig it. Not only is strength sexy, but it also feeds directly into that feminist "empowerment" model. Whoo baby!! I think the confidence its' given me also comes through, and confidence is a turn-on in any romantic/sexual arena. Especially when it's backed with the calm awareness of not needing to prove anything. Still working on that one ...

Anyone else?
Some dig it, some do not. Just like some gents dig it in a lady and some do not.

But why is this is posted in self defense???

Some dig it, some do not. Just like some gents dig it in a lady and some do not.

But why is this is posted in self defense???


If I am reading what she wrote right and if I am understanding it correctly she is referring to setting personal boundaries for herself and she is talking about how confidence and a belief in oneself is important not only in relationships but also in self defense as well. That's my interpretation of it anyway. I could be wrong however.

All that I know for sure is that people can and do lie all the time and you have to be very careful about who you trust and who you don't trust.

I don't know about anyone else here, but I personally have a seen a lot of scams both online and offline and because of my natural tendency to trust people and to believe everything they say I have fallen victim to many of those scams and lies and that is why I am redeveloping myself so that I am a lot more cautious about who I trust and who I don't trust so that I don't get taken advantage of again by anyone for any reason.

I know that a lot of people may think that it is safe out there and that everyone can be trusted but that just simply is not true at all and it is because of all the scams and the lies that I have fallen victim to both in what I thought were romantic relationships online and offline, but even with people that I have met offline as well and because of the neighborhood that I live in I thought that it would be best to start seeking out new and improved ways of defending myself so that I am not so much of a victim to people who would otherwise choose to hurt me.

Someday I would like to be able to move out of the neighborhood that I am currently living in and into a better neighborhood, but as long as I live in the neighborhood that I currently live in people can and will try to take advantage of me and try to hurt me just to satisfy their own self interest and greed and that's why I need to pay attention to self defense on all levels while at the same time believing that I can do whatever I set my mind to do as that confidence combined with competence is very attactive not only to women, but to potential employers as well.
in my experience, chicks think it is pretty cool at first. if things progress to the relationship level though, they seem to get frustrated that i'm training so much. it's kind of like they want you to have magic super badass protective powers, but without spending any time away from them.

Ain't that the truth. I don't know how many times I've head something like "you love swords more than me" and other such nonsense. It's not just MA... my ex's were jealous of my musical endeavours as well.

Best regards,


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