Matt Stone
Master of Arts
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Couple of questions:
Sure, g'head...

Can someone define 'draining' for those of us who aren't familiar with the concepts here.
In acupuncture theory, the qi/ki flows in particular directions from one meridian to another in a specific sequence. The flow of energy is very similar in this context as the flow of blood through the body... If you press on one part of a blood vessel, stopping the flow of blood at that point, the remainder of the vessel will "drain" of blood as there is no more blood being pumped in to it... Striking many acu-points causes much the same effect (if you accept TCM theory as accurate and correct - some folks don't), stopping the flow of qi/ki at the point of impact, causing a blockage, resulting in draining of the meridian from that point forward... Some strikes are actually intended to reverse the flow, which often results in serious illness or injury... I do not recommend anyone "playing with" or "experimenting with" this idea on their own - only bad things result from it...
Would someone be kind enough to post a comparision of a 'chinese' name and 1 of the abreviated ones?
GB 20 = fengchi = "wind pond"
Wheres GB20 located?
Due to the nature of the point and some of its effects, I think I will allow you to find it on your own... I don't want to list such info on a public forum for anybody and their inbred second cousins to go messing about without proper supervision and guidance... Email me privately (or perhaps DKI Girl), and I will let you know how to find it.
On a related note, is theer a good (reliable) source online for a map of these points?
If you go to Erle Montaigue's site, he has LOTS of downloadable content relating to such topics...