KPM -- how do you feel modern Western boxing complements WC/VT better than say historical Western pugilism from the bare knuckle era 0f the 18th and 19th Centuries. I know that some would maintain that early pugilism is not an inferior method, but in fact a better method when applied in a bare-knuckle rule-set.
Also, my instincts tell me that it is not the technique of WV/VT fighting that are so lacking, as the training methods. Too little emphasis on resistance training and sparring, vs. too much emphasis on drilling techniques by themselves. I'll re-post Thornton's clip of the I-Method to show what we are missing (see around 4:35):
It seems like this is what Alan Orr is really stressing, far more than any of the hooey pushed by Hendrick, etc.
Also, my instincts tell me that it is not the technique of WV/VT fighting that are so lacking, as the training methods. Too little emphasis on resistance training and sparring, vs. too much emphasis on drilling techniques by themselves. I'll re-post Thornton's clip of the I-Method to show what we are missing (see around 4:35):
It seems like this is what Alan Orr is really stressing, far more than any of the hooey pushed by Hendrick, etc.