Dating in the Dojo

Do you think its appropriate to date someone you meet in the dojo?

  • Sure, why not?

  • Maybe, but you have to be careful and think about what might happen if things don't work out.

  • yes, but only between students, students and instructors dating is inappropriate

  • no, its never appropriate

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Ceicei said:
How hard can it be? Ummm, I guess for you to find out how tough a relationship could be, you'll have experience one. You probably will one of these days at some point in your life. There are different levels and degrees of dating and relationships. For this, life is the best teacher and taskmaster.
That's true. I'm probably one of the most inexperienced guys you'll ever know when it comes to relationships. If I told you my age, I'm sure you wouldn't believe me. Or, at least, you'd swear I was younger.
Chrono said:
That's true. I'm probably one of the most inexperienced guys you'll ever know when it comes to relationships. If I told you my age, I'm sure you wouldn't believe me. Or, at least, you'd swear I was younger.
Dare I ask? Your personal profile doesn't say much about you...

- Ceicei
Chrono said:
Sorry, I guess I should do that. I'm 20, by the way.
Take some personal advice from me. I've made every possible bad/wrong mistake in life that one could think of. If anything was the wrong or the hard way that's the path I took.
My advice to you is enjoy being 20 and your 20's do ocassionally date, don't get tied down, lastly don't date the woman in the dojo.
When I was teaching for my first M.A. instructor there was a woman there that I had known from high school. I always thought she was attractive and one day many years after leaving the school she and I had crossed paths and started dating. I'll tell you from first hand experience that there's no way during/after our relationship could I have ever hit her again (even if it were sparring). I loved her very much and she crushed my heart into as small of pieces as you could think. Had our relationship started in the studio it would have been disasterous. Please stay friendly but don't start an intimate relationship as the whole studio would feel the after effects. :asian:
I would never date anyone from the dojo. What if my wife were to find out?


I did that many years back and it wasn't pleasant. The instructors at that school (I confess, a McDojo of sorts) took advantage of the situation. They had us battle each other at every opportunity, I just didn't have it in me to strike someone for whom I had deep feelings. So I used to get thumped, but it did sharpen my defensive skills.
I voted sure, why not...

My sister was attracted to one of our sensei's the first time she met him. Whenever he touched her arms to put them into the correct position, she got jolts of electricity!!! Lucky we were so hot and sweaty all the time - it hid her blushing ;)

It took almost 3 years for them to get together (at the dojo christmas party of all things :P) and they've been together since (about another 3 years)

They've started up their own dojo together (still affliliated with the main dojo) and are planning to move in together this October. The relationship was a bit of a secret for the first year, but when it came out, nobody at the dojo was adverse to it.
I think you have to think about what you are doing first, I mean one or the other is probabaly going to be a higher rank, and when people brake up they usualy dont like being around there X. and that will ruin buissness for the master.
Hey Chrono

Well, I would weigh in with a "why not?" again, assuming that you would be OK to train there if things didn't work out.

It's funny what some of the others have said here - my boyfriend has no problem training with me just as he did before - if anything, I am the one who has the trouble - he just switches into training mode, I think, which is very natural for him, and it's not a problem. Then I'm just another training partner.
sandstorm said:
Yup, it's more for the kids, though... then they go home and the adults go out and party :)

yup yup...we have x-mas parties too....i think we have more fun then the kids ours normally turns into a snowbal fight or someone gets pounced....either way we do go out or back over to someone elses to continue our fun.
sandstorm said:
Yup, it's more for the kids, though... then they go home and the adults go out and party :)
The only thing we did for Christmas was only have class for two days and was off the rest of the week. They did the same for New Years.
We have parties for the school at least 2x a year.. People bring their dates, families, other half.. Had a Great one Memorial Day..:)

and commenting on the topic.. as one of the school owners.. I have witnessed the mishaps of dating in the dojo.. as I've said in previous posts..
We had a few instances during classes at Shepherd U. couples not thinking anything about it, making out right before line-up, *that was dealt with quickly*.. or last semester, a couple who lived together and always were fighting verbally, they started using their miniscule skills on each other.. *rolls eyes*.. They both were almost expelled from the class~!

I had a rogue for an Instructor once years ago at another dojo that crossed the line numerous times.. he was Dealt with severely~!!

there's some situations where it's Ok.. other's.. Just not a good idea~!

KenpoTess said:
We have parties for the school at least 2x a year.. People bring their dates, families, other half.. Had a Great one Memorial Day..:)

and commenting on the topic.. as one of the school owners.. I have witnessed the mishaps of dating in the dojo.. as I've said in previous posts..
We had a few instances during classes at Shepherd U. couples not thinking anything about it, making out right before line-up, *that was dealt with quickly*.. or last semester, a couple who lived together and always were fighting verbally, they started using their miniscule skills on each other.. *rolls eyes*.. They both were almost expelled from the class~!

I had a rogue for an Instructor once years ago at another dojo that crossed the line numerous times.. he was Dealt with severely~!!

there's some situations where it's Ok.. other's.. Just not a good idea~!


I agree with this. We had a couple that was dating, and we were covering some basic ground fighting, and I told her to get into the mount position. She looked at me, and the rest of the class smurked or tried to remain quiet. We then moved onto some other topic. She felt uncomfortable with this terminology, since she was involved with him. Note: I had told all the rest of guys to mount their opponent as well. So, yes it can be an issue.
There's a couple at our dojo who are always slobbering over eachother, before, during, and after class, and infront of the juniors which really annoys me! But, our senior class is down to 6 students now, so I daren't really say anything to them to annoy them as if they go I'll be down to 4!


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