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Not attacking you... that would be a lot more severe than the positively gentle I have been so far.

What I am saying is that you are not exhibitting any evidence of anything you are posting about in terms of your studies. None. So that leads me to believe that you haven't got it at all. And who said I was trying to establish raport with you anymore? I did that to begin with, you were completely off base, so I tried to help, you didn't take anything on board. So now you should be looking at my posts to you as being more rapport breaking.

But for the record, I have no problem with you having your own personal and individual experiences, I however am having problems with you thinking that having read some books, watched some DVDs, and thinking that you have an understanding of these subjects, as you continually demonstrate that you have none. Again, that is not an attack, it is just a statement of my belief based on every post of yours I have read here and elsewhere, as well as private messages between us.

And I will once again ask that you refrain from attempting to "educate" me in regards to things such as NLP or my knowledge of such. Yours is so sadly lacking that I cannot even begin to start to help you.

I haven't judged you. I have simply responded and reacted to your posts, you on the other hand have taken posts out of context, accused people of giving you advice they haven't given, implied non-existant arguments, and basically whined for pages here and on other threads. No, you haven't attacked, but you have constantly acted as if others here have been attacking you. I'm not surprised you have gotten into situations where you have been scammed, you have vicitm written all over you. You are being a victim even here where you are not being attacked.

NLP is not about who is superior to one another. It is about creating rapport and asking the right questions.

By my own admission I am not really all that great at asking the right questions and I think that tends to have a lot to do with why I was not hired by Victoria's Secrect Direct.

If I had been better at it all then I would have been able to capture and lead the imagination of the female interviewer when she asked me to sell her a hypothetical car.

It's difficult for me to focus on stuff like that when people in my neighborhood continually attempt to attack either me or my car and the same goes for one of the Pastor's at the church that I have tried to attend.

If he had been smart and if he had understood any of this stuff then he would have asked me questions about what lead me to believe what I was believing about the church, what the Senior Pastor had been talking about and other related topics and he would have had an open mind about it all as well. Unfortunately he did not do any of that at all and instead he attacked me and that is something that really bothers me as you would think that a person like him would be able to understand things that the Senior Pastor had been talking about in his sermons.

Had I fully understood everything that Ross had been talking about as well as things that Bandler and Erickson were talking about and had been able to combine them with things like psychology and sales and marketing then it is also possible that I might have been able to get a girl that I knew in 2008 that was a next door neighbor and had I fully understood everything like I should then in theory I would have also been able to deflect a lot of the stuff that one girl that I met on MySpace was doing to me and if my finances were not such a concern of mine, then I probably would also have had more time to really get to the meaning of what at least one of the online scammers was doing.

That however is no guarantee that I would have been successful in detering and stopping the scams from happening at all because whether we like it or not people can and often do lie about a great number of things and being able to accurately predict as to whether a person is telling you the truth or a lie can and often is a hit or miss situation.

I have learned that not only from studying psychology, but also from asking a police officer about it as well. His response to me when I asked him as to what tactics and techniques they used to get to the truth was that no matter what you do or say all you can do is to just take your best guess and to hope that you are right.

I don't know about you, but I for one am not going to doubt the word of a police officer as they are out there every day doing it and more often than not they are very, very experienced at it because in their line of work people can and often do deny things that they have either done or said.
And there you go.........:rolleyes:

Dude-there are very few absolute truths. One of them is that women have secrets.

Most of the time (I think) it really doesn't matter. If they get what they (think they?) want in that regard, they consider it a "bonus," because a lot of other things matter more. In any case, you shouldn't bother wondering: if it's "too small" she isn't going to tell you, because they're usually not that cruel (unless they're kicking you to the curb :lol: ) there's very little to be done about it, and a lot of other things matter way more-like that "motion of the ocean,"..or how well you kiss...whether you can make them laugh with you....or what kind of person you are.

I wouldn't suggest that NLP is a complete waste of time, but you'd be better served at first by taking some classes in basic conversation-honestly. Paying attention to where they look when they're talking to discern whether they're telling the truth or not is fine and dandy, but you'd do better by learning how to listen.

As for "dating," I'm long out of that game, but hey-I always took them out to dinner. I like going out for dinner. We either had a good conversation and a good dinner,or we didn't, but either way-I got a good dinner! No auditioning, no strategy, just talk. If it's a total flop (like that one who talked the whole time-I spent the evening wondering how she got food into her mouth!) at least you've eaten well, you never have to see her again, and it's on to the next one.....

Those are all really good points and that is what I was working on prior to a lot of things that started to happen to me both with the scams and within my neighborhood.

Because of some of the stuff that has happened in my neighborhood and because of this whole business with Paypal and all of these online scams I am really paying attention to security big time.

I have to admit that the last couple of days when I was out on the firing range kind of woke me up a little in regards to firearms as it has been quite a while since I have fired any kind of gun. It was also really fun as well.

Thankfully I passed the class and will be getting my guard card shortly. I however don't know if it is going to show the caliber of the weapon that I qualified with which was a .38 Special.

Hopefully I will be able to find a good job soon that pays good so that I will be able to repair the damage to my car and to do things like get a gun as well as things like pepper spray and a baton and so that I can really start to work on resolving many of my computer problems that I been having with my hardware and software..

The sooner that I can get a lot of the things that are stressing me out, then the sooner that I can get back to some of the things that I really enjoy doing. Finding that work/life balance however is difficult to do in this economy as a lot of places just don't seem to be hiring. It's tough out there for anyone in the job market due to the economy.
And there you go.........:rolleyes:

Dude-there are very few absolute truths. One of them is that women have secrets.

Most of the time (I think) it really doesn't matter. If they get what they (think they?) want in that regard, they consider it a "bonus," because a lot of other things matter more. In any case, you shouldn't bother wondering: if it's "too small" she isn't going to tell you, because they're usually not that cruel (unless they're kicking you to the curb :lol: ) there's very little to be done about it, and a lot of other things matter way more-like that "motion of the ocean,"..or how well you kiss...whether you can make them laugh with you....or what kind of person you are.

I wouldn't suggest that NLP is a complete waste of time, but you'd be better served at first by taking some classes in basic conversation-honestly. Paying attention to where they look when they're talking to discern whether they're telling the truth or not is fine and dandy, but you'd do better by learning how to listen.

As for "dating," I'm long out of that game, but hey-I always took them out to dinner. I like going out for dinner. We either had a good conversation and a good dinner,or we didn't, but either way-I got a good dinner! No auditioning, no strategy, just talk. If it's a total flop (like that one who talked the whole time-I spent the evening wondering how she got food into her mouth!) at least you've eaten well, you never have to see her again, and it's on to the next one.....

Be cautious about the one's that are just out to use you. There seems to be a lot of that going around and for some reason the better looking girls seem to be the worst at it as they tend to think that you are beneath them and that you really don't have any right to talk to them at all.

Those types of girls are generally very insecure and needy, but they are also the one's that most guys tend to approach the most and that is why they tend to develop defense strategies as that is their way of screening out all of the losers and chumps and that is why things like personality and humor are so important.

If you can accurately mimick their behavior and if you can do it in the right context, then more often than not you can get them to come down off of their high horse and actually be sociable with you. That's something that can and does take some practice to master, but it's also kind of fun to do as you can never really be sure as to what their reaction to you is going to be.
Be cautious about the one's that are just out to use you. There seems to be a lot of that going around and for some reason the better looking girls seem to be the worst at it as they tend to think that you are beneath them and that you really don't have any right to talk to them at all.

Those types of girls are generally very insecure and needy, but they are also the one's that most guys tend to approach the most and that is why they tend to develop defense strategies as that is their way of screening out all of the losers and chumps and that is why things like personality and humor are so important.

If you can accurately mimick their behavior and if you can do it in the right context, then more often than not you can get them to come down off of their high horse and actually be sociable with you. That's something that can and does take some practice to master, but it's also kind of fun to do as you can never really be sure as to what their reaction to you is going to be.


Here ya go:


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You have no idea as to what I have really studied or experienced as you have not studied or experienced what I have studied and to say that you have is being presumptuous.

I've read your posts. I've actually studied all of this stuff. Next.

You have no idea what it is like to drive a truck over the road nor have you any idea as some of what I have actually experienced in person out in the real world.

True. But see above. Next.

I would suggest that you get a book called 'It's not what you say, but how you say it' as it applies to everyone of my posts and it goes to the same thing that Bandler and Erickson have been talking about for a long time.

Well, Erickson died in 1980, so I don't know how much he has said recently... but as I said, stop with the book recommendations. That is what I am talking about with your superiority complex. Oh, and read the thing yourself, I'm not the only one saying these things. Remember, it's not just what you've been saying, it's how you've been saying it.

You're giving David D. way too much credit. He even states that he is not really good at it and in case you didn't know he was at one time a student of Ross's until they had a falling out over a girl. Ross doesn't like to talk about it either because he really doesn't like anyone that is not in his little circle.

Yes, I know the story form both sides, dude, and from my dealings with Ross (I talk to him by e-mail and other ways a couple of times a month, you know. Same with David, Style, and quite a few others) I tend to believe David's story. Sisonpyh (not a typo) is my prefered not for his tech, but his approach.

He's good, but he is not the best and that is why I believe in surrounding myself with the best while at the same time actually going out and practicing what I have studied. Reading about something or watching some dvd's does little good if you are not willing to go out and actually put into practice that in which you learned.

And relying on just what you have gotten out of DVDs and books is pointless without some real guidance (hence my communication with these guys). And you will find very few here who would disagree with you, but it is not clear that you are actually doing this yourself, what with you not going to a real dojo at all. See, martial arts forum, martial arts talk... martialtalk!

Another concept that you should check out is the business principle called the Paretto Principle or 80/20 rule.

Really, stop trying to educate me. I am more than familiar with the 80/20 Rule, dude, it's a major emphasis on how we approach our teaching in our schools. It seems that you are the one who is assuming a bit too much... we haven't even scratched the surface of all the things I have studied and researched, I don't suggest you try to take me on here.

My focus right now is not in really trying to find a girlfriend or a wife, but I am still thinking about it. It is more on finding full time stable good paying work and in getting myself out of my financial hole so that I can and will have more time to actually go out and practice that in which I have learned from people like Ross, Mystery and others in environments that are reasonably safe. That however cannot happen unless I pay strict attention to security.

Goddammit, Ross and Mystery are all tech, and that is the last thing you need! This is why I keep talking about David D, you need to look to your head, not keep focusing on excuses as to why things aren't working for you. You want to improve, change.

Studying things like NLP is great and I don't have a problem with it, but it is not going to stop someone from trying to do something like steal your car or beating you up or even worse. That is why I am focusing on trying to figure out as how I am going to come up with the money so that I can do things like getting my car repaired, getting a gun, and moving into a better neigborhood.

Studying NLP and psychology won't allow you to block a punch, but they cna help you avoid such situations in the first place. And allow you to deal with it. You seem to have an issue dealing with things, that is where NLP could help. But it doesn't seem to have, as you are still stuck in each of these events from years ago.

Until that stuff is resolved nothing can or will happen at all for me that is positive.

Until you can come to terms with past events, nothing will happen for you that is positive. You just won't allow it.

Okay, this came up while I was replying...

[originally posted by rdonovan1 - blue is my responce]
NLP is not about who is superior to one another. It is about creating rapport and asking the right questions.

NLP is about understanding the construct of the mind, and how to use that to the greatest benefit of yourself and those around you. Rapport building is one small part of it. And I never said that NLP was about superiority, I said that you were coming off as believing yourself to be morally superior. And I stand by that, as you are continuing to do that right now.

By my own admission I am not really all that great at asking the right questions and I think that tends to have a lot to do with why I was not hired by Victoria's Secrect Direct.

Don't look to blame your not getting one job on something like that. It was a combination of things, including the other applicants being better.

If I had been better at it all then I would have been able to capture and lead the imagination of the female interviewer when she asked me to sell her a hypothetical car.

Really? I would say that if your interview went better, if you were the best suited person for the job, then you would have gotten it. Stop looking to NLP to solve your problems, that's not what it's for.

It's difficult for me to focus on stuff like that when people in my neighborhood continually attempt to attack either me or my car and the same goes for one of the Pastor's at the church that I have tried to attend.

So everyone's attacking you? As has been stated by others, there is one common factor here.

If he had been smart and if he had understood any of this stuff then he would have asked me questions about what lead me to believe what I was believing about the church, what the Senior Pastor had been talking about and other related topics and he would have had an open mind about it all as well. Unfortunately he did not do any of that at all and instead he attacked me and that is something that really bothers me as you would think that a person like him would be able to understand things that the Senior Pastor had been talking about in his sermons.

Hmm, I would want to hear his side of things, I am not placing a lot of faith in your interpretation of facts here. And that is based again on your actions and communications here, not anything about your personality, so not an attack.

Had I fully understood everything that Ross had been talking about as well as things that Bandler and Erickson were talking about and had been able to combine them with things like psychology and sales and marketing then it is also possible that I might have been able to get a girl that I knew in 2008 that was a next door neighbor and had I fully understood everything like I should then in theory I would have also been able to deflect a lot of the stuff that one girl that I met on MySpace was doing to me and if my finances were not such a concern of mine, then I probably would also have had more time to really get to the meaning of what at least one of the online scammers was doing.

None of this is relevant to anything here. If you understood things fully? If you could combine them? You might have gotten a girl a year ago? What on earth is this in aid of?

I would say if you understood the first thing about what most of these guys are saying then you wouldn't be here in this conversation, and I wouldn't be needing to say this to you now.

That however is no guarantee that I would have been successful in detering and stopping the scams from happening at all because whether we like it or not people can and often do lie about a great number of things and being able to accurately predict as to whether a person is telling you the truth or a lie can and often is a hit or miss situation.

Yes, the world is out to get you, people lie, and you are the one true bastion in the world. Or you have no way to deal with the world, and are constantly looking for others to blame... I think we've covered this before.

I have learned that not only from studying psychology, but also from asking a police officer about it as well. His response to me when I asked him as to what tactics and techniques they used to get to the truth was that no matter what you do or say all you can do is to just take your best guess and to hope that you are right.

Yeah, but remember that the police officer is trained, and is in a situation where they have a very good reason to believe the person (suspect) may be lying to them. This is very different to the types of people you may encounter in your everyday life. The lies and deceptions you may encounter are also going to be quite different as well, with different intentions, methods, and causes. So while I agree with the advice, I feel that you are taking it out of context, and are approaching everyone with the mindset that they are going to screw you over (phrasing just for you, Tez), and that just ain't going to happen. Not every day.

I don't know about you, but I for one am not going to doubt the word of a police officer as they are out there every day doing it and more often than not they are very, very experienced at it because in their line of work people can and often do deny things that they have either done or said.

Really? Depends on the police officer... But again, you are taking things out of context. If you are not a police officer, then their approach to a criminal is going to be different to your approach to someone you meet in the street, or at work.
You know what, after seeing what was posted while I was replying I am in agreement with Tez.

rdonovan1, you have constantly posted out of context, with little to no relevance at all to other posts, read attacks where there were none, read messages where none were to be found, and ignored every single piece of advice you were given with generosity and care.

There is no point to this at all. So finally, do not get a gun unless required by your security work. Even then, if you can avoid it, do so.

But I am done trying to help you. But know that you have shown no comprehension of anything you have discussed, and that has not changed since your first post about ninjutsu. I wish you the best, but I feel that we cannot help you at all.
Chris, you have my total admiration and respect, this is the equivilant of the beetle rolling the ball of the proverbial up hill lol!!

Mr Donovan I rarely need anyone to come and rescue me LOL, I either talk them to death or belt them whichever seems the most stress relieving to me at the time. I don't offiically condone violence but there comes a time when frankly you need to knock out people who are really really bothering and bullying you, sad reflection of society but sometimes that's all they understand.

Life is really simple you know.

Alfred D Souza ...

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin.
But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time ... and remember that time waits for no one ...

So stop waiting until you finish school ... until you go back to school ... until you lose ten pounds ... until you gain ten pounds ... until you have kids ... until your kids leave the house ... until you start work ... until you retire ... until you get married ... until you get divorced ... until Friday night ... until Sunday morning ... until you get a new car or home ... until your car or home is paid off ... until spring, until summer ... until fall ... until winter ... until you are off welfare ... until the first or fifteenth ... until your song comes on ... until you've had a drink ... until you've sobered up ... until you die ... until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy ...

Happiness is a journey ... not a destination!!"

I've been told on here by one or too I'm a drama queen, I'm not, I'm THE drama queen! And I'm going to throw a hissy fit right now because I really cannot stand much more wallowing in self indulgent self pitying bollocks. Such good advice has been offered and thrown back in the posters faces and enough is enough.

Take a good look at this face Mr. Donovan, this is the face of a friend of my daughters, he was an apprentice jockey, 18 years old and he died in the early hours of Saturday morning in an arson attack, Another friend of my daughter, a jockey too also died, she was 19, now take your books, your dvds, your experts and homilies, stick them somehwere and really look at this lad. He had everything to live for, he was a bright, friendly bubbly Irish lad who's whole life centred around horses and he died horribly in a fire and you have the nerve to shimf and winge? You think your life is lousy, you have alife Mr. Donovan now just get on with it, I have a daughter to console.

Jamie Kyne RIP


I'm not going to post up again on this thread, lifes too short and I've done everything I can to change subject, take it back to OP etc, thanks guys to those who've tried as well and if anyone wants to chat etc with UK service people (if necessary I will translate lol) heres a link.

Okay, this came up while I was replying...

[originally posted by rdonovan1 - blue is my responce]
NLP is not about who is superior to one another. It is about creating rapport and asking the right questions.

NLP is about understanding the construct of the mind, and how to use that to the greatest benefit of yourself and those around you. Rapport building is one small part of it. And I never said that NLP was about superiority, I said that you were coming off as believing yourself to be morally superior. And I stand by that, as you are continuing to do that right now.

By my own admission I am not really all that great at asking the right questions and I think that tends to have a lot to do with why I was not hired by Victoria's Secrect Direct.

Don't look to blame your not getting one job on something like that. It was a combination of things, including the other applicants being better.

If I had been better at it all then I would have been able to capture and lead the imagination of the female interviewer when she asked me to sell her a hypothetical car.

Really? I would say that if your interview went better, if you were the best suited person for the job, then you would have gotten it. Stop looking to NLP to solve your problems, that's not what it's for.

It's difficult for me to focus on stuff like that when people in my neighborhood continually attempt to attack either me or my car and the same goes for one of the Pastor's at the church that I have tried to attend.

So everyone's attacking you? As has been stated by others, there is one common factor here.

If he had been smart and if he had understood any of this stuff then he would have asked me questions about what lead me to believe what I was believing about the church, what the Senior Pastor had been talking about and other related topics and he would have had an open mind about it all as well. Unfortunately he did not do any of that at all and instead he attacked me and that is something that really bothers me as you would think that a person like him would be able to understand things that the Senior Pastor had been talking about in his sermons.

Hmm, I would want to hear his side of things, I am not placing a lot of faith in your interpretation of facts here. And that is based again on your actions and communications here, not anything about your personality, so not an attack.

Had I fully understood everything that Ross had been talking about as well as things that Bandler and Erickson were talking about and had been able to combine them with things like psychology and sales and marketing then it is also possible that I might have been able to get a girl that I knew in 2008 that was a next door neighbor and had I fully understood everything like I should then in theory I would have also been able to deflect a lot of the stuff that one girl that I met on MySpace was doing to me and if my finances were not such a concern of mine, then I probably would also have had more time to really get to the meaning of what at least one of the online scammers was doing.

None of this is relevant to anything here. If you understood things fully? If you could combine them? You might have gotten a girl a year ago? What on earth is this in aid of?

I would say if you understood the first thing about what most of these guys are saying then you wouldn't be here in this conversation, and I wouldn't be needing to say this to you now.

That however is no guarantee that I would have been successful in detering and stopping the scams from happening at all because whether we like it or not people can and often do lie about a great number of things and being able to accurately predict as to whether a person is telling you the truth or a lie can and often is a hit or miss situation.

Yes, the world is out to get you, people lie, and you are the one true bastion in the world. Or you have no way to deal with the world, and are constantly looking for others to blame... I think we've covered this before.

I have learned that not only from studying psychology, but also from asking a police officer about it as well. His response to me when I asked him as to what tactics and techniques they used to get to the truth was that no matter what you do or say all you can do is to just take your best guess and to hope that you are right.

Yeah, but remember that the police officer is trained, and is in a situation where they have a very good reason to believe the person (suspect) may be lying to them. This is very different to the types of people you may encounter in your everyday life. The lies and deceptions you may encounter are also going to be quite different as well, with different intentions, methods, and causes. So while I agree with the advice, I feel that you are taking it out of context, and are approaching everyone with the mindset that they are going to screw you over (phrasing just for you, Tez), and that just ain't going to happen. Not every day.

I don't know about you, but I for one am not going to doubt the word of a police officer as they are out there every day doing it and more often than not they are very, very experienced at it because in their line of work people can and often do deny things that they have either done or said.

Really? Depends on the police officer... But again, you are taking things out of context. If you are not a police officer, then their approach to a criminal is going to be different to your approach to someone you meet in the street, or at work.

I don't have a superiority complex at all. All that I am doing is talking out of experience. Talking to people like Ross, David D, Mystery or any of the others cannot and will not do you a bit of good unless you are actually out in the world applying the concepts with real women.

Whether people like it or not what they say and what really works with real women out in the real world are two different things and I unlike a lot of people have been attempting to put what I have learned to work out in the real world where anything can happen.

You need to realize and remember that these guys are just out to make a buck off of you and that the only way you are really going to learn is by applying it out in the real world on real women. Sitting at home trying to practice what you have learned on something like your computer makes you what Mystery calls a keyboard jockey.

I'm not saying that I understand everything at all because out in the real world people can and do react to things differently than they might react on the internet. Anyone that knows anything about the internet knows that anyone can be anything that they want to be on the internet. I know that because I have not only experienced it first hand, but also because I once knew a truck driver and his wife that just loved to go online and pretend that he was a girl and more often than not his wife would help him out. He personally thougt that it was funny as he knew that women tend to get more responses than men on dating websites and that many of these women tend to like to play games with these men because they know that they can.

The stuff that David D teaches is ok, but as Ross once pointed out you have to be careful that you don't become a joke machine. Ross is also right about women compartmentalizing things in their minds as that is stuff that Bandler and Erickson touched upon as well.

Bandler also went on to state that people tend to think negatively and that is why people like him and Ross tend to use negation as they know that the mind cannot process a negative. It's also why children often don't do what they are told to do.

David D's Cocky Funny stuff is fine, but that will only get you so far. I know that because I and a friend of mine know that and so does my ex-wife. When I was married I used to used the cocky funny stuff on my ex-wife and while it usually got a laugh it never did anything to deepen the relationship at all and that is why Ross said that you need to be careful about that. He also stated that you need to use what people give you and that it is a lot like the martial arts.

Dr. Paul said the same thing as well and I understand that because in many ways it is a lot like aikido as you are basically taking their energy and using it against them. Erickson and Bandler knew that as well.

Bandler and Grinder knew that so well that they used it on Erickson to get Erickson to meet with them and to let them observe him in action and Erickson himself said that what he and Bandler did was nothing more than sales and marketing. My mother brought that up to me a long time ago when I tried showing her what Ross was teaching.

Because of that and because of a few books that I have read relating to rapport I have been learning or at least trying to learn how to apply the concepts to the business world and that is why I would ideally like to be able to get into things like sales and marketing as I know that it is all nothing more than sales, marketing, influence and persuasion.

I was working on that before all this scam stuff started and I still am as I know that NLP can and will help me in my attempts to find work and to come up with enough money to take care of things like fixing my car and getting out of the apartment complex that I currently live in.

While I haven't had a chance to read all of the books that David D suggested I do understand what he is talking about when it comes to things like jealously as I have personally experienced it in person with one of the people that I knew when I first moved to Albuquerque.

For some reason he thought that I wanted his wife and as a result he tried to fight me one day when I came back from my run. He is and was completely way off base because I really was not interested in his wife at all. Only in making some new friends.

I did however think about and wonder about some of what Ross and Mystery were talking about relating to the girl that I knew a long time ago. Because of what they were teaching and because of things that I have noticed with that relationship I have learned to pay attention to patterns just like a police officer would and during the course of my studies I discovered some patterns that tended to make me wonder as to what really happened with that relationship. That in turn has had me looking at not only myself, but the relationship as well as I have been trying to figure out what I did right and wrong with that relationship.

I would explain it to you if I thought that you were actually willing to listen, but since you are not willing to listen there really is no point in me trying to explain anything at all and since that is the case then it is probably best for me to just do the same thing as everyone else and that is to assume and to blame as that seems to be what everyone else seems to understand and accept. I personally don't like it at all as I tend to believe that if one is going to really be honest then they need to learn how to be honest both with themselves and with others, but that is something that most people don't seem very willing to do.

I'm not interested in being like Ross or Mystery at all. My interest is in just simply creating better relationships with women and in being the best that I can possibly be in life.
You know, I was done, so I'm not going to go through how bad this all is.


This is the wrong forum for all of this. It is completely off topic, and out of place. Stop. People here are not at all concerned with your take on women, and trying to educate me is a desperate reach at best. I am far more experienced at all of this, in every way you can think of. But that is not for here. So stop.
Good. I guess that we can all agree that hate is the best thing in the world.

People love to hate and argue and I guess that is all that matters in the world.
You know, we have similar tastes... with one little difference...

My t-shirt says "Lover", not fighter...

Oh, damn, yeah, not men either. Not that there's anything wrong with that... I don't judge you, Tez!
You know, we have similar tastes... with one little difference...

My t-shirt says "Lover", not fighter...

Oh, damn, yeah, not men either. Not that there's anything wrong with that... I don't judge you, Tez!

It's okay you can call me Irene lol! I have a friend who swears blind he's a lesbian coz he only likes women.
I just thought of something.

We got an Aussie, and Canadian and a Brit trying, (unsuccessfully I might add), to talk sense into an AmericanÂ….like that has ever been successful in the pastÂ….
Tez3 You have facebook?

And on my own note I've already started an profile and have started some conversations with some nice women there. I'm feeling better about the situation than I did when I first wrote this forum post.
Tez3 You have facebook?

And on my own note I've already started an profile and have started some conversations with some nice women there. I'm feeling better about the situation than I did when I first wrote this forum post.

guilty! find Irene Bottomley and send a request ( goes for anyone!) you'll know it's the right one, I have the same avatar lol!
Please don't let some of the more shall we say self centred posts here put you off, life is a lot easier than some make out.
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