Black Belt
Hi guys, you may remember that almost a year ago I posted a thread about asking for advice as I was bringing a girl over to cook for her. You all gave me really good advice and I am very thankful for that. Fast forward to now, and we have been together almost a year now! We have had a really good time together and I enjoy being around her. However, I have always struggled with dating and relationships, and I am struggling now. I don't have anyone else in my life I can talk to about this stuff. I have tried talking to some friends and family, but it just didn't seem to help, and many of you have been with me and through my struggles, both in martial arts and in general for years on this forum.
For context, this is my first ever long-term relationship. Before her, I had a lot of experience with women, but I became a very devout Christian and stopped dating casually for a while. I aimed to date for marriage and enter relationships with the thought of marriage in the long run. The reason why I dated casually was because every time I attempted to date seriously (in college, uni etc), I would experience extreme stressed and anxiousness. And I mean almost constantly, 24/7 anxious, until I broke off whatever relationship was forming completely. When I met her, it was the first time I did not feel this way which is what made me want to be with her and why I was so attracted to her.
However, a few months after, when the relationship had settled in, I started getting stress and anxiety again. It was not constant, and it would come and go every now and then, maybe every few days and weeks, but it was very intense and felt just like in the past. The reason I am writing this, is because I still get it every once in a while, around once or twice a week. I think it stems from me questioning my feelings towards her - I get urges to break up with her, because this was the only way I was able to dissipate the anxiety in the past. When it first started, and now, I was constantly questioning whether I like her.
I believe that what causes this is that I have always been disconnected from my emotions; I believe the term is agonosthesia. I feel things, but I don't always know what I feel. I feel that I definitely like her, and maybe even I love her, but I do not know what love feels or is supposed to feel like. I can't gauge it by comparing it to how others describe it, or how I observe people that are "in love" act in relationships. I am just a distant type of person, in which, I have lost family members and though I felt some sadness, it never sticks with me as much as I see it stick with others. This detachment I have makes me question whether I actually love her - when I get urges to break it all off, the main thought that stops me would be how upset she would be, which also makes me question, am I simply in this relationship for her happiness and to avoid hurting her?
Although I know that factually there is something there, and I tell her that I love her without feeling like I am lying, I stress about the idea of marrying her in the future and whether I am lying; I take relationships very seriously as I am very religious, and I also fear that I may be wasting her time. I feel like I am being disingenous by continuing this relationship as I question all of this, while she is fully committed to it with little worries. I have spoken to her about all this; she has said that she is very happy with me and loves how I treat her. She said I shouldn't worry about hurting her, and that no matter what happens it will be fine - she said I shouldn't be thinking about these things and just enjoy the time I have with her. I do my best, and I really do enjoy my time with her, but I have always been the type of person to stress, to be anxious, and to plan things well ahead of time.
I don't like the idea of posting these types of issues on a martial arts forum, but I cannot afford a therapist or a psychiatrist. I also know a lot of you have seen some of the more distressing parts about my mental health on here, and you have all been able to help me through it with really good advice as many of you have more experience with the awkward moment between birth and death that we call life. Simply put, my situation (in which I cannot understand my emotions) and I question and stress about my romantic feelings towards my girlfriend overtly frequently seems to be overall too niche for me to find any meaningful help on the internet, relatives or friends. I am hoping some of you can help me answer a few questions:
How can I finally stop being such an anxious person?
How can I become more in touch with my emotions, so that I understand what I am feeling?
How can I stop questioning my feelings towards my girlfriend? Or is what I am describing a clear sign that the relationship is not working out for me?
I want to apologise again for posting this on this forum, but I had nowhere else to go. I thank you all in advance for your advice.
For context, this is my first ever long-term relationship. Before her, I had a lot of experience with women, but I became a very devout Christian and stopped dating casually for a while. I aimed to date for marriage and enter relationships with the thought of marriage in the long run. The reason why I dated casually was because every time I attempted to date seriously (in college, uni etc), I would experience extreme stressed and anxiousness. And I mean almost constantly, 24/7 anxious, until I broke off whatever relationship was forming completely. When I met her, it was the first time I did not feel this way which is what made me want to be with her and why I was so attracted to her.
However, a few months after, when the relationship had settled in, I started getting stress and anxiety again. It was not constant, and it would come and go every now and then, maybe every few days and weeks, but it was very intense and felt just like in the past. The reason I am writing this, is because I still get it every once in a while, around once or twice a week. I think it stems from me questioning my feelings towards her - I get urges to break up with her, because this was the only way I was able to dissipate the anxiety in the past. When it first started, and now, I was constantly questioning whether I like her.
I believe that what causes this is that I have always been disconnected from my emotions; I believe the term is agonosthesia. I feel things, but I don't always know what I feel. I feel that I definitely like her, and maybe even I love her, but I do not know what love feels or is supposed to feel like. I can't gauge it by comparing it to how others describe it, or how I observe people that are "in love" act in relationships. I am just a distant type of person, in which, I have lost family members and though I felt some sadness, it never sticks with me as much as I see it stick with others. This detachment I have makes me question whether I actually love her - when I get urges to break it all off, the main thought that stops me would be how upset she would be, which also makes me question, am I simply in this relationship for her happiness and to avoid hurting her?
Although I know that factually there is something there, and I tell her that I love her without feeling like I am lying, I stress about the idea of marrying her in the future and whether I am lying; I take relationships very seriously as I am very religious, and I also fear that I may be wasting her time. I feel like I am being disingenous by continuing this relationship as I question all of this, while she is fully committed to it with little worries. I have spoken to her about all this; she has said that she is very happy with me and loves how I treat her. She said I shouldn't worry about hurting her, and that no matter what happens it will be fine - she said I shouldn't be thinking about these things and just enjoy the time I have with her. I do my best, and I really do enjoy my time with her, but I have always been the type of person to stress, to be anxious, and to plan things well ahead of time.
I don't like the idea of posting these types of issues on a martial arts forum, but I cannot afford a therapist or a psychiatrist. I also know a lot of you have seen some of the more distressing parts about my mental health on here, and you have all been able to help me through it with really good advice as many of you have more experience with the awkward moment between birth and death that we call life. Simply put, my situation (in which I cannot understand my emotions) and I question and stress about my romantic feelings towards my girlfriend overtly frequently seems to be overall too niche for me to find any meaningful help on the internet, relatives or friends. I am hoping some of you can help me answer a few questions:
How can I finally stop being such an anxious person?
How can I become more in touch with my emotions, so that I understand what I am feeling?
How can I stop questioning my feelings towards my girlfriend? Or is what I am describing a clear sign that the relationship is not working out for me?
I want to apologise again for posting this on this forum, but I had nowhere else to go. I thank you all in advance for your advice.