Master Black Belt
AnimEdge said:What about if you get your 'other' to start going?
I was going out with my GF 2 years before we started going (i dragged her) and she seams to be injoining it and is getting quite good, but i can understand some tension that accures when one of us must spar or do some close tech. with people of the oppisitebut we are both loving it and love each other so party on i think
anyways gives us a ecuse to roll around in class
We've had students that have brought their significant others to class and some have even joined. normally they would treat eachother like any other in class. we did have one couple where the girl for some reason when sparring would throw a fit if he actually hit her. this just blew my mind because you're in martial arts and don't want to get hit.... :idunno: i would say though that when we grappled and close techniques they felt more comfortable with their significant other because there was a "trust" there that they hadn't developed with us yet. however, like i've said before we've had couples in the studio that have broken up and a couple of people have left because it ended kind of nastily...but so be it....stuff happens...life goes on