eHarmony Off Topic Posts Split

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Full size pony or miniature pony?

At my age I'm grateful for anything I get....usually just a cuppa these days lol!

I was talking about my daughter earlier and I have to tell you all about one of her favourite jobs, it's helping the vet when he gelds the horses, the vet removes the horses testicles and puts them on the ground while he/she stitches the wound up, well the stable has a couple of Jack Russell terriers who have the run of the yard and they love nothing better than pinching the testicles and eating them up.

Now that should kill the conversation!
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guilty! find Irene Bottomley and send a request ( goes for anyone!) you'll know it's the right one, I have the same avatar lol!
Please don't let some of the more shall we say self centred posts here put you off, life is a lot easier than some make out.

Friend request sent ;)
NLP is not about who is superior to one another. It is about creating rapport and asking the right questions.

By my own admission I am not really all that great at asking the right questions and I think that tends to have a lot to do with why I was not hired by Victoria's Secrect Direct.

If I had been better at it all then I would have been able to capture and lead the imagination of the female interviewer when she asked me to sell her a hypothetical car.

It's difficult for me to focus on stuff like that when people in my neighborhood continually attempt to attack either me or my car and the same goes for one of the Pastor's at the church that I have tried to attend.

If he had been smart and if he had understood any of this stuff then he would have asked me questions about what lead me to believe what I was believing about the church, what the Senior Pastor had been talking about and other related topics and he would have had an open mind about it all as well. Unfortunately he did not do any of that at all and instead he attacked me and that is something that really bothers me as you would think that a person like him would be able to understand things that the Senior Pastor had been talking about in his sermons.

Had I fully understood everything that Ross had been talking about as well as things that Bandler and Erickson were talking about and had been able to combine them with things like psychology and sales and marketing then it is also possible that I might have been able to get a girl that I knew in 2008 that was a next door neighbor and had I fully understood everything like I should then in theory I would have also been able to deflect a lot of the stuff that one girl that I met on MySpace was doing to me and if my finances were not such a concern of mine, then I probably would also have had more time to really get to the meaning of what at least one of the online scammers was doing.

Do you see a hint above?

EVERYTHING happens "to you" or is "against you."

It couldn't possibly be that you're looking the WRONG DIRECTION for the problem and answers, could it?

Can I make myself any more clear?
Okay ladies and gentlemen, amusing as some of the above is, I think that it is time to either return to the true topic of the thread or let it fade away.

Further, this is in the General area of the site and as such there are no restrictions on who might be reading it, so a touch more attention to 'family friendliness' may be in order.

We don't want to unnecessarily quash the entertainment that posters afford themselves when the opportunity strikes but it would be much appreciated if the injunction to return to topic takes hold without the Moderation team having to begin placing posts with big, bold, letters in them.

Mark A. Beardmore
MT Moderator
Sukerkin,I know we've been naughty but we have been trying either to gently (okay a little more than gently) derail this thread off the worrying rails it had got itself stuck on or return it to the OP as I said in one of my posts. It's been a bit risque admittedly but as only over 16's are really supposed to be here, a little bawdy humour we thought would restore some equilibrium to some of us. The under current has been far from pleasant and some I think should be thanked for their restraint. A lot of the humour has come with clenched teeth.
Not that I wish to speak for the majority but I think we'd prefer this thread died now with all best wishes to the OP in his quest.

This thread has been veering off-topic, and has also turned towards a rather unpleasant direction. I am going ask that everyone please return to the original topic, and keep things civil.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Do you see a hint above?

EVERYTHING happens "to you" or is "against you."

It couldn't possibly be that you're looking the WRONG DIRECTION for the problem and answers, could it?

Can I make myself any more clear?
You're talking to the deaf mate. Taint no way such as that will ever evolve to walk upright. His kind fear the light, live neath dirty swamp bridges and prey on the living and minded. Best to ignore him, hope he sinks back in to the muck and cess that spawned him. His ilk couldn't get a date at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, with a fist full of hundred dollar bills, a vial of viagra, and no other males for days. A sad pitiful existence really, but normal for trollkin.
You're talking to the deaf mate. Taint no way such as that will ever evolve to walk upright. His kind fear the light, live neath dirty swamp bridges and prey on the living and minded. Best to ignore him, hope he sinks back in to the muck and cess that spawned him. His ilk couldn't get a date at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, with a fist full of hundred dollar bills, a vial of viagra, and no other males for days. A sad pitiful existence really, but normal for trollkin.

Thank you for destroying my confidence and my self esteem.

I should know better than to think that anything in life is possible.
Thank you for destroying my confidence and my self esteem.

I should know better than to think that anything in life is possible.
If your ego is so fragile that a couple dozen words on a message board written by someone who only knows you from the crap you port is all it takes to shatter you, and leave you a burned out wreck, then there is really no hope at all for you. It's time for you to log off the Internet, unplug then throw away your modem, pull the curtains shut, crawl back into bed, pull the blanket up over your head, and wait for your body to expire, because your heart and soul are already long since departed. If you think to give me a guilt trip, express remorse, or otherwise coddle your shallow empty self, you are sadly mistaken. Life is pain, life is risk, life is agony. You come on here, post after post filled with self pity, and blaming others for all that is wrong in your life. You are where you are, experiencing what you experience, feeling what you feel, because you, and only you are responsible for the choices that brought you here. Only you can change that, and until you accept that responsibility, stop posting whiney sad sack ****, you will be nothing more than a useless waste of DNA in my, and many many others eyes. Grow a set of balls, man up, and grow the **** up already. Join the military. They'll either make a man out of you, or you'll die in the process. Either way, society will be better for it. Or keep being a walking, posting bleeding vagina. I personally could care less about you, your issues, your problems, or your continued sorry sad lame *** existence. Hard words? Can't take it? Go ask your mamma to change your diaper and get off the internet. You might have missed that this site's only for those over the age of 16 kiddo.

In any event, this is a discussion about dating, which is an activity you're not ready for it seems. Better to bow out. Or will you post more whiney sobby pitiful crap like what was lost when the site went **** up a few back?
Oh, for Pete’s sake.

In any event, this is a discussion about dating, which is an activity you're not ready for it seems. Better to bow out. Or will you post more whiney sobby pitiful crap like what was lost when the site went **** up a few back?

You're funny sometimes, dude, but your whole post was really unnecessary, and bordered on cruel. It was also downright offensive-and not just to the person it was directed towards;I’d probably have no problem with that, as you know.

Of course, everyone should keep in mind that those particular words of wisdom came from a guy who consorts with transvestite hookers in police drag. :lol:

In light of the direction the thread has now taken, though, I figure I’ll try and get some last thoughts in before it’s locked-down.

A couple of years after my kids' mom died, my boy told me that I should put my wedding ring away, get one of “the girls,” like the Porsche, out of storage, and find myself a girlfriend.

Mind you, I wasn’t exactly “in mourning” anymore (though-and here’s another absolute truth-mourning never ends) but I hadn’t been on a “date” with a strange woman in more than 13 years, and the very thought scared the crap out of me. The world had changed-there were all these new rules,and diseases, and I’d been fending off relatively crazed, predatory women who thought a single dad “needed a woman,” and that that woman was them. Newsflash: I didn’t “need” a woman-I hired a nanny :lol: The notion of dating had occurred to me before, though, so I set about, in spite of my trepidation, to dating-and flirting, which I remembered being good at, but hadn’t really practiced much, that I knew of anyway.

Along the way, I tried online dating-such as it was in 1995(there was no eHarmony), and had a little success with it. Power to anyone who tries it,Lonerider, in any of the available venues. I know several couples who met this way, and it-well, it beats picking up waitresses, which I also did, along with librarians,a musician,way too many artists, schoolteachers, and a genuine rocket-scientist……I also learned a few key things, like what I wanted in a companion, at that point in my life.

In the end, these things tend to solve themselves-be happy, or at least content with your life, and what you're doing, know what you want in a companion, and, you know what? Odds are good that she'll show up-that's what happened to me.

More importantly: I’d avoided getting close to anyone for a while, simply from the belief, and the fear, that I’d only lose them, as I had before-and, you know what?

I will Such is the nature of life. Another absolute truth. And yet another:

The only people who can hurt you-really break your heart-are the ones that you let get close to you. If you don’t want to get hurt that way, don’t get close to anyone-but if you don’t get close to anyone, don’t go whining about how you can’t find anyone to get close to. It’s the risk that you take with your “security”, Mr. Donovan, ‘cause there’s only one safe place on the planet, and that’s the grave. If you spend your life afraid of gold-diggers and scammers-and, oh yeah, I managed to use a couple of those gold-diggers myself along the way, along with a genuine, raving stalking psycho-then you simply should stay at home, but don’t cry about how you can’t meet anyone decent anymore. Sounds like-what with your employment situation and everything-that you’re hardly “gold-digger bait,” anyway. What are you so worried about? Get on with it, get out there, and take some risks-

-or content yourself with the company of the one person on earth you should absolutely trust: yourself.
I know that this is and will probably sound crazy to a lot of people, but I have always believed that one of the most important things that a guy needs to have when dating or in doing anything in life is confidence and the belief in themselve's.

You may not have all of the answers in life right away to everything, but if you don't believe in yourself and if you don't take some risks in life then who the heck is going to believe in you.

I know that there are scammers and gold diggers out there as I have come across both of them, but just because they are there doesn't mean that you have to give into them at all.

If someone disrespects you whether they are male of female for any reason then a person should have the right to voice their displeasure and to walk away from the person if need be.

Cutting down a person just because they are different from you in any fashion is in my book wrong and should not be tolerated by anyone for any reason and it is very harmful to the one being cut down.

In my book there is a big difference between playful teasing between friends and family and actually insulting someone just because they are in some way different from you.

People who choose to insult another person either intentionally or accidentally are by definition bullies. Especially when it is on going and deliberate and when it is something that is on going and deliberate then that tends to be very damaging to the person's psyche and well being that is being insulted.

I may not have all of the answers to the dating, mating, and relating scene and I doubt that anyone else does either, but I have at least studied the subject enough to understand many of the things that I have done wrong in the past with women.

Just because I have done things wrong in the past with women does not mean that I have to keep making those same mistakes with them as part of the entire learning process is being able to learn from our mistakes and that is what is supposed to set us apart from the animals.

I don't have all of the answers to everything and I never will. All that I know is that I have made a lot of mistakes with women in the past and I still do even to this day, but instead of sitting around whining about it all I am at least trying to understand what I did right and what I did wrong so that the next time will be different

I don't know if any of that makes sense at all, but it is all that I can muster at the moment. I tried to make it as understandable and as simple as I could so that people could understand as to where I am coming from better.



We already have 1 mod note in place, which has apparently been ignored. Return to the topic at hand please, don't fire back at rude posts, but instead use the RTM as well as placing the person on ignore. It makes everyones job a bit easier.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
Oh, for Pete’s sake.

You're funny sometimes, dude, but your whole post was really unnecessary, and bordered on cruel. It was also downright offensive-and not just to the person it was directed towards

Thank you. This thread has undergone a dramatic downward spiral in the past few days and I for one hope for some moderator intervention. I'd hate to see the whole thread deleted because there is some good advice, but this is getting out of control. I wouldn't presume to tell the moderators how to do their jobs, but would it be feasible to delete all the hijacking and leave the intended content of the thread in place? Just an suggestion ...

* edit * I see my post crossed with the Moderator's. Well and good. :-)
Oh, for PeteÂ’s sake.

You're funny sometimes, dude, but your whole post was really unnecessary, and bordered on cruel. It was also downright offensive-and not just to the person it was directed towards;IÂ’d probably have no problem with that, as you know.

Of course, everyone should keep in mind that those particular words of wisdom came from a guy who consorts with transvestite hookers in police drag. :lol:

In light of the direction the thread has now taken, though, I figure IÂ’ll try and get some last thoughts in before itÂ’s locked-down.

A couple of years after my kids' mom died, my boy told me that I should put my wedding ring away, get one of “the girls,” like the Porsche, out of storage, and find myself a girlfriend.

Mind you, I wasn’t exactly “in mourning” anymore (though-and here’s another absolute truth-mourning never ends) but I hadn’t been on a “date” with a strange woman in more than 13 years, and the very thought scared the crap out of me. The world had changed-there were all these new rules,and diseases, and I’d been fending off relatively crazed, predatory women who thought a single dad “needed a woman,” and that that woman was them. Newsflash: I didn’t “need” a woman-I hired a nanny :lol: The notion of dating had occurred to me before, though, so I set about, in spite of my trepidation, to dating-and flirting, which I remembered being good at, but hadn’t really practiced much, that I knew of anyway.

Along the way, I tried online dating-such as it was in 1995(there was no eHarmony), and had a little success with it. Power to anyone who tries it,Lonerider, in any of the available venues. I know several couples who met this way, and it-well, it beats picking up waitresses, which I also did, along with librarians,a musician,way too many artists, schoolteachers, and a genuine rocket-scientistÂ…Â…I also learned a few key things, like what I wanted in a companion, at that point in my life.

In the end, these things tend to solve themselves-be happy, or at least content with your life, and what you're doing, know what you want in a companion, and, you know what? Odds are good that she'll show up-that's what happened to me.

More importantly: IÂ’d avoided getting close to anyone for a while, simply from the belief, and the fear, that IÂ’d only lose them, as I had before-and, you know what?

I will Such is the nature of life. Another absolute truth. And yet another:

The only people who can hurt you-really break your heart-are the ones that you let get close to you. If you don’t want to get hurt that way, don’t get close to anyone-but if you don’t get close to anyone, don’t go whining about how you can’t find anyone to get close to. It’s the risk that you take with your “security”, Mr. Donovan, ‘cause there’s only one safe place on the planet, and that’s the grave. If you spend your life afraid of gold-diggers and scammers-and, oh yeah, I managed to use a couple of those gold-diggers myself along the way, along with a genuine, raving stalking psycho-then you simply should stay at home, but don’t cry about how you can’t meet anyone decent anymore. Sounds like-what with your employment situation and everything-that you’re hardly “gold-digger bait,” anyway. What are you so worried about? Get on with it, get out there, and take some risks-

-or content yourself with the company of the one person on earth you should absolutely trust: yourself.

I know what you mean, but I think that perhaps it would be best to take this into a separate thread as men and women are different in many ways and whether we like it or not it can and does effect how we think and act towards one another.

What I have been trying to say all along is that if you want to understand the opposite sex then learn from the opposite sex.

I know that many people might disagree with me on this but men generally don't understand women and women generally don't understand men at all.

This concept applies to eHarmony and to every other dating website out there and what I was trying to say at the begining is that I have learned quite a lot about women not only from my studies, but also from my own personal experiences with them both online and offline.

eHarmony might work for some people, but I for one did not find it very worth while at all. They had very few people on there that were from my area and I found that the only way that I could get any kinds of matches at all was if I opened myself up to the entire United States.

That had it's pluses and it's minuses. One of my matches that they set me up with was with a girl from Oklahoma who was supposedly into the martial arts or at least that is what her profile said was one of her interests.

I never got very far with her at all because she never really finished things up on her end at all for some reason. I'm guessing that she probably gave up on eHarmony and met someone else through some other means like either in person or through another dating website.

They also had me matched up with some girl from Oregon as well. I think that we made it into open communication, but things just didn't work out as neither of us really seemed to be interested in the same things.

Perhaps part of my problem with eHarmony is that I probably did not fill out the questionare as well as I should have because I really did not understand myself as well as I thought that I did and I still have problems with that even today when I fill out online employment applications.

Some of the questions that they ask on eHarmony really tend to get you to think about things that you think you might like, but have never really done.

In all of the matches that eHarmony hooked me up with none of them were from my local area. All of them were way out of town or out of state which of course made actually meeting them in person next to impossible.

I did try another one that was similar to eHarmony, but at the moment I can't remember the name of the website.

I think that I have tried as well, but I can't remember. I know however that I have tried the Yahoo Personals and that is ok, but unless you write a really good captivating ad with a good headline your chances of success with it are minimal at best.

I've also tried Friend finder and Adult Friend Finder, but with about the same amount of success that I did with any of the others.

I don't know if I will ever try any of the online sites again or not given my experiences with them in the past. At this point in time I think that I am probably more likely to try looking offline than I am online and that is one of the main reasons as to why I came to MT to begin with.

I'm pretty much to the point now where I figure that the internet is only really good for business and that it is probably better to look offline for love, but that is just my personal opinion given my experiences with it all.

All off topic or rude posts from the eHarmony thread have been split. If you care to read them, here they are, but the thread is locked for further replies.

Pamela Piszczek
MT Super Moderator
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