Hmm... it sure looks like a right lap-sau and left hand fak-sau to me. BTW hasn't this become a really stupid thread? I think a lot of WC/WT/VT people must just delight in arguing. I mean, all this just regarding elbow position in punching? Sheesh.
FYI: In our lineage we keep the elbow low, and at proper hitting range (with the arm bent) the elbow tends to stay lower than the fist.
Even when punching upward, the bent elbow points downward. Now when air-punching
in practice, we let our punches extend and the arm straighten out. Then, of course the elbow rises, and many people from other lineages see this and think that we advocate "popping the elbow up". We don't. But others can think whatever they want. I will explain what we do and that's the end of it. Only an idiot knowingly argues with an idiot. I really have nothing more to add to this thread.