I think I understand what you are asking for but there are too many perspectives of a situation to get legitimate story. For example, a dojo opened up down the street from mine with an instructor who gave himself a Black Belt. He was a Green Belt in his art but wanted to open his own dojo. I could call him a fraud, but he ended up becoming a very legitimate martial artist, including a multi-time tournament champion and successful dojo owner. His students love him. I also know some very good martial artists, with solid lineage, who are terrible teachers. They are not teaching bad stuff, they are just bad teachers. There are also some really bad martial artists out there who have good lineage, but that doesn't mean that they are frauds. They are just bad martial artists. This also brings in the debate of what is considered crap. I may not agree with the philosophies of certain art, but that doesn't mean that it is crap. Because there isn't one governing body for the martial arts, legitimacy of rank is really subjective and I don't really focus on lineage or rank anyway. Most long-term martial artists can tell if someone knows his/her stuff after a few minutes of observation or through discussion. I think you'll find that most of the marital artists on this forum stay away from bashing and focus more on sharing viewpoints based on their individual martial arts experiences. That's why I enjoy this forum more than other MA forums.