Buying Dan rank over the Internet

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Do you think buying martial arts dan rank over the Internet is a legitimate way to ea

  • Yes, it’s just as good or better than actually earning it the normal way by training in a dojo for

  • No, it’s crap and not worth the paper it’s written on.

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Originally posted by SRyuFighter
Good point. I retract my Well said Doc comment.
Traitor! That was the shortest alliance I ever had. Personally I think Mr. Jun fan was the rude one. He's the one that basically called those heref alternately "stupid" and "outdated" as well as used the word "traditional" like it was a curse word. (I wonder why no one chastised him) I personally feel he's attempting to "sell" himself into the Bruce Lee lineage. But what do I know, I haven't spoken to Bruce in years.
i agree with you man. But I just don't like the way your pulling it off. A tad bit more politeness and we can "renew our broken alliance". Lol.
Originally posted by Doc
Traitor! That was the shortest alliance I ever had. Personally I think Mr. Jun fan was the rude one. He's the one that basically called those heref alternately "stupid" and "outdated" as well as used the word "traditional" like it was a curse word. (I wonder why no one chastised him) I personally feel he's attempting to "sell" himself into the Bruce Lee lineage. But what do I know, I haven't spoken to Bruce in years.

LOL, I have that affect on people, ask my parents :rolleyes:

And maybe he was rude, doesnt mean you have to be rude back. As the mods will tell you keep it friendly! Do that and you can slag him off all you want.....just do it a nice way :p
Originally posted by SRyuFighter
i agree with you man. But I just don't like the way your pulling it off. A tad bit more politeness and we can "renew our broken alliance". Lol.
I apologize for seeing him for what he is - OK? I'll make up but - no kisses!!!!
Originally posted by Master of Blades
LOL, I have that affect on people, ask my parents :rolleyes:

And maybe he was rude, doesnt mean you have to be rude back. As the mods will tell you keep it friendly! Do that and you can slag him off all you want.....just do it a nice way :p

Go easy on the Doc, MOB. 1) he's old :D 2) he's been on the
mat with Bruce 3) he's old :D
Originally posted by Kirk
Go easy on the Doc, MOB. 1) he's old :D 2) he's been on the
mat with Bruce 3) he's old :D

Okay okay......I'll go easy on him, I'm doing the Mods job anyway lol! Just trying to give you guys a break. And you know whats funnier! He actually listened :rofl:

I mean yes we are, but were just stating our opinions. Care to correct us? And using caps doesnt go well it seems too third gradish like you don't know better or something.
We all have our own opinions. Obviously I'm out numbered here. But there are a lot of people in the world that think like I do.

I try to not pick on the arts and there are a lot of arts out there that are known for being shady.

I didn't just get my feet steeped on, I got foot stomped.
Originally posted by SRyuFighter
I mean yes we are, but were just stating our opinions. Care to correct us? And using caps doesnt go well it seems too third gradish like you don't know better or something.

Now now, that wasnt nice.........And I dont like to think of it as taking apart, more just making you see the full picture that we are meant to be seeing.

I try to not pick on the arts and there are a lot of arts out there that are known for being shady.

If your gonna say that then pick on the shady ones......not traditional ones!
I have 3 traditional Instructors in 4 arts. i'm always going to reach out to learn. My own personal way is just my own brand so to speak. And i thought I was the one getting picked on.
Originally posted by akja
I have 3 traditional Instructors in 4 arts. i'm always going to reach out to learn. My own personal way is just my own brand so to speak. And i thought I was the one getting picked on.

I dunno, God Im not a school teacher! I dont care who was picking on who!!!!! I was just saying dont feel like everyones picking on you cuz they have differant views lol Thats the way this board works and we like it that way :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I dunno, God Im not a school teacher! I dont care who was picking on who!!!!! I was just saying dont feel like everyones picking on you cuz they have differant views lol Thats the way this board works and we like it that way :D
But there are a lot of people in the world that think like I do.

According to the survey, I'd say about 8% of those people who practice martial arts and who post on this kind of web-site...

That's not "a lot"... but it is certainly more than I'd like to see...

Remember this is a thread on buying dan rank over the internet.

...and yes, there are accidents in the operating room...and most people have a way of recovering losses due to those mishaps...
I can't say that that is true of the martial seems more like "buyer beware."


Thanks for your explination, I think I understand where you're coming from regarding your 'feelings' for the martial arts?

I only have a problem with the way some people think that once they learn some techniques, they then 'understand' the system.
As many systems blend together at some level, they also have a tendency to contradict each other in the early stages.
If a person stops training in a particular art after only a few years, they may well have a slightly confussed view of what it was they were working towards.

In my experience, those who walk a little way along lots of different paths, almost always end up lost. Before ten years of karate training my understanding was fixed. In the second decade my understanding became less fixed, and now as I close the third decade my understanding of what karate is has become even more fluid.

I doubt I could have come to this kind of insight after only a few years of training. I know also that there is more to come, all I have to do is work towards it. The tradition of traditional martial arts is not just the techniques used in any one 'style', but the attitude and mind-set of those training in that style. Without that I don't think a person can be said to be 'traditional'.

I've had a "Monkey on my back" too for a little while so please don't think I'm comming at you from the point of view of someone who hasn't had to 'face up' for real from time to time.
Going long is never as rewarding as going deep.

Originally posted by chufeng
Remember this is a thread on buying dan rank over the internet.

...and yes, there are accidents in the operating room...and most people have a way of recovering losses due to those mishaps...
I can't say that that is true of the martial seems more like "buyer beware."


Continuing along those linesÂ…Â…Â….would you get an operation from someone that got there medical license over the Internet??? :D
No matter where we go in the martial arts we are to continue learning at to be one with ourselves. Styles systems who cares. i don't claim to have a new style. Styles withstand the test of time. I have a system. A system that is "functional," and people that are not directly a part of the JKD community. point blank are not qualified to say anything at all! Thats the truth. My pah is mine, yours is yours. I haven't asked anybodies credentials at all!

My credentials go beyond "paper" I Can Fight!

Shinjin, you seem to be level headed, thanx for your positive input!

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