Buying Dan rank over the Internet

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Do you think buying martial arts dan rank over the Internet is a legitimate way to ea

  • Yes, it’s just as good or better than actually earning it the normal way by training in a dojo for

  • No, it’s crap and not worth the paper it’s written on.

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Originally posted by akja
No matter where we go in the martial arts we are to continue learning at to be one with ourselves.

True enough.

Styles systems who cares. i don't claim to have a new style. Styles withstand the test of time. I have a system.

First you say who cares about styles or systems, then you say you aren't making claims to teaching something new, followed by a comment about styles being tested by their durability, then you try to differentiate between the two and say you don't have a style, but a system...

Again, you confuse me... :confused:

Styles are unique methods of applying a system, i.e. Goju-ryu and Isshin-ryu are styles of karate; Oakland and Seattle era JKD are styles of JKD; Doce Pares and Pekiti-Tirsia are styles of Arnis. At least this is how I try to keep the terms separate in my head, since they get mixed up quite a bit. So using this kind of definition, what is it you have?

A system that is "functional,"

This kind of comment is what gets interpreted as your implication that other systems/styles are "non-functional." If what you do is different from other styles, and you use its "functional" nature as a method by which you differentiate your method from others, you infer that other methods are "non-functional." I think that sits poorly with some folks, whether what they do is functional or not...

and people that are not directly a part of the JKD community. point blank are not qualified to say anything at all! Thats the truth. My pah is mine, yours is yours. I haven't asked anybodies credentials at all!

The problem, though, is that you are presenting yourself to the public as some sort of authority, whatever it may be you are an authority in. Presenting yourself to the public as a teacher implies you are of sufficient authority in something to teach it, therefore an authority of some sort in whatever you are claiming to teach. You should expect folks to question your credentials if you do this.

Perhaps you are correct, that it takes a JKD person to judge a JKD person, but with the political infighting that exists within the JKD community as perceived by someone outside the JKD community, I doubt very highly that any two people could agree on what JKD is supposed to be. Especially so since Brucie said flatly that it wasn't supposed to be able to be defined, wasn't supposed to be a style or system, just a way of thinking...

My credentials go beyond "paper" I Can Fight!

But that won't be enough to qualify what you do to the public. No paper, no respect. While I admit that the boxing community has done without rankings like martial arts have, they still provide evidence of their training by demonstrating what they can do while in the ring, accumulating wins, and staying with certain trainers for long periods of time. But the "credentials" of a boxing coach come from his accumulation of wins and trophies, which serve the same purpose as teaching certifications in MA styles...

Originally posted by akja

Shinjin, you seem to be level headed, thanx for your positive input!

Dont say that! Makes us seem like you think the rest of us arent.......:shrug:
I've been certified within the JKD community. You guys really do misunderstand modern martial arts. Yiliquan, I am certified! And you being a practitioner of a relatively NEW art should understand the obstacles of "qualifications."

Paper is paper. I have it too! You just need to understand the mentality and the terminology that goes with an art, in this case JKD, which I AM QUALIFIED to teach. "Functional" has become a common word in describing JKD, you will here it quite a bit.

Stating that I have a system that is functional is just saying that I feel it is a well rounded martial art system. I'm not worried nor do I care what someone who I don't know will interpet the individual words that I use.

In my opinion your art is to new to be considered a style, but I refrained from asking you your rank, how your style came to be. Based on the "mentality" in here, anything that was founded by an American can't be traditional. So what have you?

Its pointless to even continue along these lines.
I am qualified by my peers! What else is there to understand?

Martial arts are about 'not fighting' that's the point I'm trying to make here. If you don't stay in an art long enough you never get to that, you just continue to learn fighting techniques.
I agree that a system should be 'martial' but it should also teach the 'art' of living, and this is the part I feel people who take your approach to training miss out on.

And by the way. I don't think it does your cause any good loosing it with some folk who differ with you. I've done it myself, but it serves no good purpose. You should be 'big' enough to retract some of the things you've said and continue on with the conversation.

No need to shout...

While the incarnation of Yiliquan as it is taught today only dates back to '82, it is essentially a reorganized version of Baixingquan, which dates back about 200 years or so... If you want, I can provide you (and anyone else) with a list of the lineage.

So sure, it is "new" from one standpoint.

Certification in Yiliquan comes from adhering to very strictly enforced standards, both of quality of skill and quantity of knowledge. Does JKD have a list of required learning to grade to a particular level? Yili does, and the list is quite extensive. We don't concern ourselves with proving ourselves to others, but when they come calling we simply pop out our testing requirements, demonstrate what we do, and they go away. While I understand what you were trying to say when you said:

Yiliquan, I am certified! And you being a practitioner of a relatively NEW art should understand the obstacles of "qualifications." remains that our qualifications can be demonstrated both on paper as well as on the mat. You indicated that you avoided all paper documentation and that your skill was enough. Others replied that skill was not necessarily all there is to it.

As for "functional" being a word used within JKD to mean "well rounded," I would offer that "functional" means "it works," while "well rounded" means "it addresses multiple ranges and situations of combat." They are not necessarily synonymous terms.

And who said that an American can't create something traditional? I have yet to hear anyone criticize Ed Parker, or Wally Jay for what they created... The difference is that they had proof of their training, and their proof included advanced level training in something else (supporting their claims of sufficient knowledge from those other training sources to allow them to be well versed enough to create something new).

Shinjin, you are right but the lenth of time I spent in traditional Karate is no consequece because I am not teaching those arts. i am only teaching what I am qualified to teach. And even if I left one of those systems early does not matter either because I've never stopped growing as a martial artist. Since clearing up in few things in the "80's I've never stopped training.

And I was attacked pretty viciously. Not only my credentials but my integrety was trashed. I've never submitted my website to a search engine but it found its way to google mysteriously. They took my site and insinuated that I was trying to sell certificates. Then one of them even implied he wanted to tear into me.

I had 3 of them coming at me and all 3 of them were judging me about something that they had no buisness judging me in.

My Sifu is a fighter and if you walk through the door and talk any caca, then its on. Its no differant for me. But If I got beat, I am man enough to bow down. But to attack ones integrety online is no better than walking through my door and talking the same caca.

There is much to learn for ALL OF US.
I have proof too. I submitted it to my peers proving where I was trained and what I've done since along with all the rest of my martial history. What you are not accepting is the fact the someone with a similar lineage can actually certify me. By the way they have been around since 1992, doing just that.

I didn't indicate that I didn't have paper documentation. You guys went to my site and from my stand point declared me a fraud. If I said your organization is not legitimate, what right would I have to say that? And how much weight would my words carry?

By the way I clarified my homepage.

And if you go back to my site. go to my Sifu/Sigung page and click on the article that is in .pdf format. It an article that was published in Jeet Kune Do magazine about my teachers.
Originally posted by Doc
Traitor! That was the shortest alliance I ever had. Personally I think Mr. Jun fan was the rude one. He's the one that basically called those heref alternately "stupid" and "outdated" as well as used the word "traditional" like it was a curse word. (I wonder why no one chastised him) I personally feel he's attempting to "sell" himself into the Bruce Lee lineage. But what do I know, I haven't spoken to Bruce in years.

For what it's worth Doc, I reckon you are right! And even if you are wrong, I'll still say you are right. Man, that SL4 stuff scares the bejazus out of me!:D


Back to the original question - Buying rank

In today's world, there's no need to go and buy rank. Just go to a print shop or your own computer and "WHAM,BANG.POW" Hey! I'm Bruce Lee. There will always be disreputable people in society.
Just remember the Roman phrase "Caveat Emptor", Buyer Beware
And just for the record, I'm sure we have all encountered reputable people (with proper documentation) within the arts that have disreputable attitudes and practices. I will always remember this saying from a very wise man; " If you believe you are right, then proceed with total conviction. But if you are wrong, your actions will bury you".

Now off the subject: In this time of global unrest and danger. I wish my ALL my brothers and sisters in the Martial Arts long life, knowledge and most of all Peace.
Now off the subject: In this time of global unrest and danger. I wish my ALL my brothers and sisters in the Martial Arts long life, knowledge and most of all Peace.

Originally posted by D.Cobb
For what it's worth Doc, I reckon you are right! And even if you are wrong, I'll still say you are right. Man, that SL4 stuff scares the bejazus out of me!:D



Thanks for the props, but I feel the same as you. Every day a little bit of growth.
Originally posted by Doc
Traitor! That was the shortest alliance I ever had. Personally I think Mr. Jun fan was the rude one. He's the one that basically called those heref alternately "stupid" and "outdated" as well as used the word "traditional" like it was a curse word. (I wonder why no one chastised him) I personally feel he's attempting to "sell" himself into the Bruce Lee lineage. But what do I know, I haven't spoken to Bruce in years.


Whats with the "sell the Bruce Lee Lineage stuff. At the level that you are you should no better than to make a statement like that.

First, these guys went to my website, which I didn't give them and they tried to dispute everthing about me. I felt that I was being called a fraud and that they thought I was just out to sell certificates. Everytime I tried to answer anything someone else jumped and came at me from another direction.

If you are one of the ones that went to my site, then you should of read my Sifus and Sigungs story which was published in the June 2002 issue of Jeet Kune Do Magazine. My training and lineage is legitimate. All the heat came at me because I'm honest enough to tell the truth on my site and in here. My "martial talk peers" just don't accept the fact that if you train under someone and they do not give out certifications, then yes it is OK to go to someone of the same style or system or school lineage as I did to be evaluated.

I'm not trying to rehash anything. Nothing said can take away from ones abilities. But since the topic was about "the paperwork", I have a question since you come from Ed Parker Lineage.

Do you know who promoted Ed Parker to 8th Degree?
Hint: He was a 5th Degree under William Chow before Ed Parker received his 1st degree.

I ask this because its just more controversy. Why would he be certified 8th degree from the founder of Kajukenbo, Adriano Emperado, when William Chow didn't die until the '80's.

It seems no lineage is void from controversy.
hmm.. Akja as someone who practices JKD I have some questions for you, Now before I start I would like to say I don't mean these to sound like attacks (with the way this thred has gone I don't want you to mis interpret my questions) just simply quesitons.

Now I don't realy know anything about how you teach, I was wondering why you chose the japanese rank names, do you speak you teach it to your students? Reason I asked is it seemed from your web site that there is a realy heavy JKD influence (for example all the lineage was through JKD people/wing chun people)

Also, You say that everyone following bruce lee has created a seperate system, what do you mean by this? Could you please elaborate on this?

And last, I practice JKD, If your art is predominantly JKD there are some things I just don't understand how you could grade/teach via video. For example all the energy stuff wouldn't work, and application is a big part, how could you grade someone's sparring capability via video? Their timming, their power, you could make sure they are mechanicly sound but there's alot more than that. Now Again I just want to say I don't mean to sound like you are wrong, I just want to know how you do things.
Originally posted by SRyuFighter
Well I am basically following Mike Clarke's line of thinking here. You havent been in one art since 1973. Just been in Martial Arts since 1973. So you don't have a whole world of depth or know moves that someone who holds a 5th, 6th, or 7th dan would know. You just know techniques up to a certain point in many arts. So when I say medium ranged I mean you're not a high ranking dan in any art so there fore you don't know the really powerful techniques. I'm not trying to offend you here at all. Sort of just thinking out loud.

Well thats good but I never said you mnade up techniques. That was the entire point of my post that you don't teach *advanced* techniques.

What do you consider advanced techniques? What do you mean by the really powerfull techniques?

reason I ask is because in JKD the technique body doesn't realy increase after a point, it's all up front, what changes is your ability to use those techniques, also most people in JKD don't realy have an Dan ranks or equivalant, after full instructor there are senior instructors, but that's it. People tend to judge based more on time in the art, lineage and above all, skill.
Just for the record.

I don't believe there is such a thing as 'advanced' techniques.
There are people who have an advanced undersatnding of their art, and those who don't, but the techniques are the same for everyone.

The way I do a kata and the way my students do the same kata differs only because I have a deeper 'feeling' for what I'm doing. In that way I guess you could say the kata is different?
The techniques however are exactly the same for all of us in my dojo.

I've been there too, it's not nice, but how we deal with it is the hallmark of our progress. I can't remember how many times people have called my linage and ability in to question over the years. No one has yet done so in my dojo, or even to my face, but even if they did, what!!!!
Would I prove them wrong with a Manchester Kiss [explination ; Manchester = my home town in England, Kiss = a head but to the mouth]. No, I don't think so.
If you can, let it go. But before you do, look back over your posts and see if your wording might not have lead people to believe you were saying things that maybe you didn't mean?
Once the words start to fly [like punches and kicks] they're hard to stop.

in my opinion there are advanced techniques. some techniques are not meant for lower ranking students. you wouldn't teach a white belt hoe to do a jump spinning back kick when he has yet to learn a back kick right?

the greater the knowledge, the better the skill, the more advanced your techniques become. sure they might all be techniques, but they are all not for the beginner.
Originally posted by sweeper
hmm.. Akja as someone who practices JKD I have some questions for you, Now before I start I would like to say I don't mean these to sound like attacks (with the way this thred has gone I don't want you to mis interpret my questions) just simply quesitons.

Now I don't realy know anything about how you teach, I was wondering why you chose the japanese rank names, do you speak you teach it to your students? Reason I asked is it seemed from your web site that there is a realy heavy JKD influence (for example all the lineage was through JKD people/wing chun people)

Also, You say that everyone following bruce lee has created a seperate system, what do you mean by this? Could you please elaborate on this?

And last, I practice JKD, If your art is predominantly JKD there are some things I just don't understand how you could grade/teach via video. For example all the energy stuff wouldn't work, and application is a big part, how could you grade someone's sparring capability via video? Their timming, their power, you could make sure they are mechanicly sound but there's alot more than that. Now Again I just want to say I don't mean to sound like you are wrong, I just want to know how you do things.

First, nothing is set in place yet, videos are not complete and I'm not advertising or anything of the sort. Everything on my site is what I'm working on. I'm concentrating on my group together we are going to grow our organization including bringing up fighters for the cage fights. I have one now, who has a ays to go, but that is his goal, as is my nephews.

Second, you read it wrong. My art is technique influenced only! The Kempo systems are basic technique compared to the whole JKD process. I'm not teaching the JKD process to anyone. If someone really wants to through the hole process of JKD, I send them to my Sifu who lives in a neighboring city. Although I will teach all that I know in regards to JKD to those who want it and deserve it. Meaning Bruce wanted small groups only. I think now that I see why. But the real reason is for the benefit of the student. What I offer them is the chance to learn from the source!

Also all the JKD systems are new systems. If they are not the original system, then they are new systems. Perhaps they share the same name, but we all know that no 2 JKD systems are the same, so they are all new systems.

While I was training with my Sifu he stressed that he believed all of JKD to be watered down and he disliked the name. After I left training with my Sifu I began calling my art Kempo Bujutsu. This process of mine goes back to about to 2000. The factors are I was told repeatedly by my Sifu that he did not not want his art to be "mixed up" and resemble JKD Concepts. Thats not what he teaches and he did not want to his art to be lost. I promised him I would not teach his art in that fashion and I don't don't.

I don't speak Japanese nor would I expect a student to learn to speak something that I have no intention of learning. The techniques do not have Japanese terminology. Although some of te grappling has Japanese terminology and most of the world uses it, we all see it and hear it. There is nothing wrong with a student learning it, but it would have nothing to do their evaluation.

Now Gary Dill was a student in the Oakland JKD school and he was the first to create a Kempo system from the JKD. He created Bushido Kempo, it uses the Kyu and Dan ranking structure. You have to realize that this is easiest ranking structure to use and we do where Jujitsu Gis. To learn the grappling you have to learn the techniques completely. And that is something that I do that I don't see in JKD. In JKD they usually incorporate BJJ separately as an art and offer it that way, probably out of respect to those that teach it to them. Then they incorporate the technique that they feel will mix well into their JKD.

I don't teach BJJ at all, I teach what I've learned from BJJ in my Kempo Jujitsu class as part of the curriculum. We focus on all the grappling positions, from the positions the finishing moves will come, but the focus is on the positions. In JKD if you practice what I just explained, then you just through out some of te original concepts simplicity, closest weapon to the closest target. There are more but BJJ does not fit with the concepts although as separate arts they compliment themselves excellently.

Back to Gary Dill and his Bushido Kempo which is an "open ended" system. Gary Dill created this concept of an open ended system. The open ended system is meant to be modified by its practioners to fit themselves. If you modify the art is OK to change the name as did Carter Hargrave who Gary Dill Certified in JKD and Bushido Kempo. Carter created American Combat Kempo which again is an open ended system.

When I sent my training tapes of myself and my Sifu to Carter, I told him my intentions that I wanted to establish what I teach as a system. He reviewed my training and promoted me to Full Instructor in JKD and 5th Dan in his American Combat Kempo explaining that I was well enough qualified. These Kempo Systems are not advanced in regards to JKD, but they are advanced in the regards to the way a martial artists thinks. I have been given permission to build my system from his system, using as a base.

Bushido Kempo, American Combat Kempo amd Atemi Kempo Jujitsu all come from the teachings of the Oakland JKD school but they are all slightly differant from our own individual contributions.

I really do understand what you are trying to say. And I totally 100% respect that because unlike most of the others, you speak from first hand experience.

Now my system, there is basic technique and more advanced technique. This is something that most people don't understand.

I know what I expect from my students and some based on their experience may judged differantly. But lets discuss the video tape grading.

The first test. There are 2 tapes. The test is on the first tape. because I know what I expect from someone at that level. But if someone thinks they can skip the second tape and move on, it won't happen. The second tape takes you deeper into the art at each level.

So at test 2 if the student does not learn all the material in both tapes, there will not be able to pass test 2 if they only learn tapes 1 of both levels. You see where this is going. There is alot of material to learn and I do know how to judge what I teach. As far as the Jun Fan Gung-Fu that I learned, I have it on video. My Sifu started filming after I had about 5 or 6 months in. He wanted me to see my progression over time, so we taped every 2 or 3 months and this went on for over 2 years. So that alone shows me where I was at differant levels of my training.

My system is 65% standup and 35% groundgrappling and as I state on my site is technically not JKD but is technique influenced from JKD. Big differance.

Also we've established my system is not JKD and it draws from any and all of my experience. Going back over time 2/3 of my training was in Karate. The Kyu and Dan ranking is appropriate. Also the ranking structure is meant to be universal because we have in the works adding more systems within the Association we are building. And the reason for universal is because I've been there, I know that there are many differant reasons for a student to changes systems. I've put on a white belt time and time again. I've "sparred" and "rolled" with many people who even if their lives depended on it, in reality couldn't touch me. In in these classes, they were my seniors.

But I think that if they do switch arts, which I'm not encouraging, they should not have to go back to white belt as long as they know that they cannot promote until they have caught up tp their rank and exceeded it. But this is for the future as we are not teaching anything at this time except American Combat Kempo and Atemi Kempo Jujitsu.
Originally posted by akja
First, nothing is set in place yet, videos are not complete and I'm not advertising or anything of the sort. Everything on my site is what I'm working on. I'm concentrating on my group together we are going to grow our organization including bringing up fighters for the cage fights. I have one now, who has a ays to go, but that is his goal, as is my nephews.

so you essentially teach sports fighting?

Originally posted by akja

Second, you read it wrong. My art is technique influenced only! The Kempo systems are basic technique compared to the whole JKD process. I'm not teaching the JKD process to anyone. If someone really wants to through the hole process of JKD, I send them to my Sifu who lives in a neighboring city. Although I will teach all that I know in regards to JKD to those who want it and deserve it. Meaning Bruce wanted small groups only. I think now that I see why. But the real reason is for the benefit of the student. What I offer them is the chance to learn from the source!

ok so you're just being Bruce on this but i have no idea what Kempo systems being "basic technique compared to JKD" means-- which Kempo systems? yours? your teachers?

Originally posted by akja

Also all the JKD systems are new systems. If they are not the original system, then they are new systems. Perhaps they share the same name, but we all know that no 2 JKD systems are the same, so they are all new systems.

sure-- JKD is conceptual training but some one has to have some fundamentals to back the concepts up-- there be JKD's rub- it's reliant on the background in "traditional" styles of the teacher to make it make a hill of beans of sense and purpose. Inosanto doesn't teach JKD, cause from what i gather he's tried to say in the past, is that it doesn't exist without some arts to apply to it.

Originally posted by akja

While I was training with my Sifu he stressed that he believed all of JKD to be watered down and he disliked the name.

I'm sure his own JKD teacher would be impressed to learn that.
but watered down from what? did you ever check out Bruce Lee's self defense books? whatever Bruce had going before his death- he was obviously seeking out better stuff- read Joe Lewis's interview where Bruce keeps sending him out to "steal" others' material.

Originally posted by akja

After I left training with my Sifu I began calling my art Kempo Bujutsu. This process of mine goes back to about to 2000. The factors are I was told repeatedly by my Sifu that he did not not want his art to be "mixed up" and resemble JKD Concepts. Thats not what he teaches and he did not want to his art to be lost. I promised him I would not teach his art in that fashion and I don't don't.

well, that's one odd way to carry on a lineage- he says he doesn't want his art to be lost or messed with by adding/mixing even more stuff they he himself already had done- and you accomplish this by NOT teaching it at all. bravo.

Originally posted by akja

Now Gary Dill was a student in the Oakland JKD school and he was the first to create a Kempo system from the JKD. He created Bushido Kempo, it uses the Kyu and Dan ranking structure. You have to realize that this is easiest ranking structure to use and we do where Jujitsu Gis. To learn the grappling you have to learn the techniques completely. And that is something that I do that I don't see in JKD. In JKD they usually incorporate BJJ separately as an art and offer it that way, probably out of respect to those that teach it to them. Then they incorporate the technique that they feel will mix well into their JKD.

this statement makes no sense - creating a Kempo system from JKD is meaningless --all he did is create a name- Kempo is a generic term for asian martial arts with Okinawan roots or influence (ok- there's more to it but i'm trying to be short). go Dill's website though and we find JKD IN BIG BRIGHT LIGHTS and some rather small print type thing about Bushido Kempo and him being a CERTIFIED grandmaster- meaning exactly what, considering he created the system?- then of course read further about JKD there- notice how it already does all the things the his NEW Kempo system also claims? it's confusing and contradictory.

and this is the confusion around JKD- it's conceptual; there is no system- you take your past/current styles and training and apply the concepts- you add freely to what works for you-- prob is that all you get in the end is 1000s of NEW systems as you rightfully note-and it's all personal interpretations and preferences of an amalgamation of different arts with guys who if they attempt to teach those arts in their pure form would have dubious qualifications to do so.

Originally posted by akja

I don't teach BJJ at all, I teach what I've learned from BJJ in my Kempo Jujitsu class as part of the curriculum. We focus on all the grappling positions, from the positions the finishing moves will come, but the focus is on the positions. In JKD if you practice what I just explained, then you just through out some of te original concepts simplicity, closest weapon to the closest target. There are more but BJJ does not fit with the concepts although as separate arts they compliment themselves excellently.

well, i'm sure Royce will be happy to hear you don't teach BJJ- but JKD folks having been claiming they do grappling for years- but now they discover their grappling sucks compared to BJJ, so what do they do?-- well they learn BJJ (yeah-inosanto too!)-- which is my exact point- some 5 lessons from Gene LaBell didnt' give Bruce a foundation to claim any real grappling skills yet all his all former students (and more keep on coming out of the woodwork) run around broadcasting how good their skills in this area are when in fact they eventually have to go train seriously with some one who really has taken the time to master an art like Jiu Jitsu. the concept you speak of also had nothing to do with grappling in the first place so it's a bad example of the point you wanted to make.

Originally posted by akja

Back to Gary Dill and his Bushido Kempo which is an "open ended" system. Gary Dill created this concept of an open ended system. The open ended system is meant to be modified by its practioners to fit themselves. If you modify the art is OK to change the name as did Carter Hargrave who Gary Dill Certified in JKD and Bushido Kempo. Carter created American Combat Kempo which again is an open ended system.

uh- so JKD is a close system now?- maybe one day it's open; next close? whatever. this again is the problem with conceptual based martial arts training- it's a giant nebulous plasma that you can shape to mean anything you want it to.

Originally posted by akja

When I sent my training tapes of myself and my Sifu to Carter, I told him my intentions that I wanted to establish what I teach as a system. He reviewed my training and promoted me to Full Instructor in JKD and 5th Dan in his American Combat Kempo explaining that I was well enough qualified. These Kempo Systems are not advanced in regards to JKD, but they are advanced in the regards to the way a martial artists thinks. I have been given permission to build my system from his system, using as a base.

sad really- it's like a condemantion on each preceding teacher that their system wasn't good enough to be carried on in its purity but always needs so MUCH work that it actually calls for a name and system change. All you're really saying is whatever you got from your sifu and whatever he got from his- was limited and you have better ideas on Martial Arts/Self Defense training then they did.

Originally posted by akja

Bushido Kempo, American Combat Kempo amd Atemi Kempo Jujitsu all come from the teachings of the Oakland JKD school but they are all slightly differant from our own individual contributions.

and your students systems will be called?

Originally posted by akja

But I think that if they do switch arts, which I'm not encouraging, they should not have to go back to white belt as long as they know that they cannot promote until they have caught up tp their rank and exceeded it. But this is for the future as we are not teaching anything at this time except American Combat Kempo and Atemi Kempo Jujitsu.

good for you but not for them? this whole new system thing every few years is really nothing more than marketing. New and Improved! 100% guaranteed! (action figures don't really move- just shown for dramatic effect.)

but i can certainly understand your choices and your rationale for doing what you do- they stem from the decisions made by your own teacher and their teacher, all leading back to the day some one decided that anyone with any modicum of skill can claim their own system- become their own grandmaster and teach whatever they like cause "it works."

take my views or leave them. that's what they are.


Jaz K.
Originally posted by jazkiljok
........ but i can certainly understand your choices and your rationale for doing what you do- they stem from the decisions made by your own teacher and their teacher, all leading back to the day some one decided that anyone with any modicum of skill can claim their own system- become their own grandmaster and teach whatever they like cause "it works."

take my views or leave them. that's what they are.


Jaz K.

You forgot - Batteries not included, some assembly may be neccessary, not responsible for possible side effects, picture is only a serving suggestion, and pictures results are not typical. Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery.

Well said sir.
My definition of advanced techniques are techniques that are hard to grasp onto, or that you need to have a good handle on other techniques before you can do that technique. I believe there are advanced techniques, I don't do JKD so... I guess it's just different philosiphies. There are techniques that can seriousily hurt people, much more so than the basic punch, I would consider that an advanced technique.

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