Flying Crane
Sr. Grandmaster
It always frustrates me when people badmouth books and videos for training. Can you learn math from a book or video?
yes you can, but math is an intellectual exercise that doesn't need to translate into a physical skill that you may need to save your life. Intellectual knowledge can be learned from books and videos, and this can have a place in the martial arts as well. However in the martial arts, that knowledge needs to be translated into a very real physical skill. For that, books and video simply do not fit the bill. For that, you MUST have a good instructor who can show you where you are doing things wrong, and can help you put that intellectual knowledge into physical use and action.
Can you learn to play basebal from a book or video? Of course you can.
again, yes you can and after reading the book you can go outside and get someone to pitch a ball to you and you can swing and hack away at it for all you're worth. Eventually you will even hit the ball a few times, and you can figure out how to deal with fielding the ball and running the bases. Personally, my Dad and the older kids in the neighborhood taught me how to do it. I didn't learn this from a book either.
And again, even tho baseball is a set of physical skills, it isn't something that will translate into skills that might be needed to save your life. You can happily play baseball at a low skill level all your life, and there is nothing wrong with that. Martial arts are simply a different thing. You want higher level skills for that and you need a good teacher to develop that.
I agree that a live instructor is better, but what do you do when one is not available? Stop training? Stop trying to better yourself?
in the case of this person, he already has a teacher in Shaolin kenpo. He is best to stick with that.
People in California especialy seem to like to bad mouth all of the books and video programs out there because they have 20 dojos within driving distance.
there is simply a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Nobody said life was fair.

Personally, I drive over an hour each direction, twice a week, for my kenpo training. A good teacher isn't found in every streetcorner dojo. Sometimes you gotta search them out and be willing to make sacrifices to be able to train with them. And that means being smart enough to pass up the poor options that abound, including the book and video route.