Article by Mr. Will Tracy

Michael Billings said:
None-the-less, this was the mandated way the EPAK forum was structured. You know, when we all voted on it and discussed it.

How can we forget that *election*??? EPAK forum was created even though "NO" votes are MORE than "YES".

It was history and there is no point to discuss about it anymore.

I am what I am, a Kenpo-Guy to the core, with 25 years at the art, of Chinese (Tracy) and Ed Parker's Kenpo Karate. Almost 20 years in EPAK now.

I don't want to start a *flaming war* here. BUT, what your 25 kenpo experiences has to do with *moderation* job ?????

Moan and groan all you want, I do the same ...

Personally, you don't like it, you have CANAM or KenpoNet, both serving useful functions depending on your mood and maturity level that day.

It is really interesting when you said that. If somebody else have different opinions or say something that you don't like to *hear*, you call them "moan and groan*.

i simply want to know what DO you call opinions whose you AGREE???? still "moan and groan" ?????

what makes this forum sucessfully is members who participate and contribute.

Some people here said it is costly to run this or that. Everybody knows that. It is part of running *risky* business. If you didn't *think* of that, there is no point to blame on OTHER.

Thank you for providing us a quality forum to discuss MA by the way.

I try to be REASONABLE, prudent, mature and judicious in my interventions; and when I do so as a Mod, it is only after exhausting the other remedies

you threw in all the big words here. I'm shocked. Do you really thing that "Article by Mr Will Tracy" thread belongs in "kenpo/kempo-general" forum????

should it be moved to "EPAK" area????

I thought "kenpo/kempon-general" forum is for NONE-AK stuff.?????? if so, why Tracy thread belongs here??????

really confused???????

I'm waiting to hear your *reasonable* response from other why "ARticle by Mr Will Tracy" thread remains in "kenpo/kempo-general" for quite sometimes.

oh yeah, i'm tired of hearing *reasonable* this or that from other when they don't even act reasonably.
The moderators are doing just fine.

Look, I disagree with people on the MT forums all the time. Almost every post I make in fact. I have never ever been edited, warned, or banned for saying something people disagree about.

The moderator interventions I see happening are when the discussions stray away from the thread subject and descend into personal attacks and insults.

Some of the other forums don't do this enough and they have deliberate trolls insulting people and dragging threads into the gutter.
I assume the moderators are doing ok... No one has ever bounced me out the window.

At any rate, this thread has become a moot point. Mr. Sumner has his "material" posted. When taken to task by myself, my "offensive" posts were deleted. All the involved parties are now gladhanding and high-fiving and backpatting elsewhere with Chinese Swings (A Tracy technique, obviously, and off-hand reference to their posts).


I wonder when we will or if we will ever learn....


The EPAK forum was created because there were enough people who wanted it.
We see it as having been a sucess.

Mr. Billings martial arts experience as well as level headedness were two of the key reasons he is a mod here.

The kenpo/kempo general forum covers all arts within that generic term. EPAK/Tracy/Chinese, etc.

The articles here as it deals with kenpo.

and, again, I am left wondering just where the 'deleted' posts were.
- I see no record of -any- staff deleting them
- members can't delete posts.

There -may- be server or software hiccups that ate a few...there also may be user error (not hitting submit for example, only preview).

Now, all this said, -I- will be pruning this thread of the off-topic posts and merging them into one in the Support forum later tonite if I have a few moments. While your concerns are valid, they have nothing to do with either kenpo or the subject of this thread.

Thank you.
Thanks for your support gentlemen, I know I would hear it if you had a major problem as we have butted heads before.


PS - and thanks to you Bob for cleaning this up. The discussion can be continued elsewhere if merited. -MB
Kaith, and Michael,

It is my hope that you don't think I am on you. I have no problem with anyone doing any moderating on this particular forum. That <sigh> was simply one of exasperation about all the perrenial in-fighting and moronic action that seems to continuously rear it's ugly head.

If I was offensive somehow... My regrets at the misunderstanding and an apology are in order.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. :waah: :waah: :waah:
Nah, no worries. I didn't see it as offensive.

My sigh was in agreement. :)
Kaith Rustaz said:
The kenpo/kempo general forum covers all arts within that generic term. EPAK/Tracy/Chinese, etc.

thank you for clarifying that. I thought NONE - AK stuffs is here and AK stuffs is over EPAK.

It is certainly not.

Oh boy, AK people are very lucky. They can go back and forth whenever they want.

they have their own forum (EPAK) and want this kenpo/kempo general forum NOW.

God bless them.

The articles here as it deals with kenpo.

this article deals with American Kenpo ( to be EXACTLY ) NOT other arts.

people still fail seeing my point. I'm not really suprised to see that.
CoolKempoDude said:
this article deals with American Kenpo ( to be EXACTLY ) NOT other arts.

people still fail seeing my point. I'm not really suprised to see that.
This article disses AK.
Touch'O'Death said:
This article disses AK.

look like it.

Tracy people are very interesting people. In the past, they had video tape which p*ss AK people off

and they have a nice article NOW.

Not sure what Tracy will deliver to AK in the future?????

you asked me which method we should use to be friendly again. I don't know how to answer your question.

Perhaps, you or other can offer your perspective from an AK point of view here.

do you think Tracy and AK people *can* be friend again in the future?????
CoolKempoDude said:
Touch'O'Death, do you think Tracy and AK people *can* be friend again in the future?????

I'll break in and answer that one........ Hell..... I have plenty of Tracy friends old and new:uhyeah: ...... we have been friends, are friends and will be friends in the future....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I know I can only speak for myself.... but there are also some in Both camps....... that probably will not be dining with me :jedi1: .... ever. Just the realities of life. Always been that way, always will be.

So lets move on to some string that is productive instead of :deadhorse !!!!!!

Goldendragon7 said:
Now I know I can only speak for myself.... but there are also some in Both camps....... that probably will not be dining with me :jedi1: .... ever.

goldendragon 7 and other,

if you all want to know a REAL reason why these people don't dine with goldendragon 7, please head to "Tales of The "Goldendragon!"" thread in kenpo/kemp-general forum

good answer is waiting
CoolKempoDude said:

you asked me which method we should use to be friendly again. I don't know how to answer your question.

Perhaps, you or other can offer your perspective from an AK point of view here.

do you think Tracy and AK people *can* be friend again in the future?????

When you say "Tracy and AK people" are you meaning Will Tracy, or Tracy people in general? If it is the former, :idunno:I have no idea. The article has been around for about 8 years now. If you mean the latter, then :shrug: it seems you are choosing to create controversy out of this. The author of the article has nothing to do with the Tracy system, and does not speak for Tracy people.
KenpoDave said:
When you say "Tracy and AK people" are you meaning Will Tracy, or Tracy people in general? If it is the former, :idunno:I have no idea. The article has been around for about 8 years now. If you mean the latter, then :shrug: it seems you are choosing to create controversy out of this. The author of the article has nothing to do with the Tracy system, and does not speak for Tracy people.

Dave, CKD.. seems to be just another troll to me. Spending time with him is really a waste other than for entertainment. Personally, I don't think he would know a Tracy Student from an Armadillo ~ even if the Tracy student wore the Legendary Checkered Uniform Top! LOLLlololooolooololololoololololllll
Goldendragon7 said:
Dave, CKD.. seems to be just another troll to me. Spending time with him is really a waste other than for entertainment. Personally, I don't think he would know a Tracy Student from an Armadillo ~ even if the Tracy student wore the Legendary Checkered Uniform Top! LOLLlololooolooololololoololololllll

The pants are way cool, too! :-partyon:
The pants create a complete optical illusion, one that enhances your opponents proclivities toward dizziness, nausea and vomiting!
%-} :boing2: %-}
I actually feel a very good lesson can be learned from Mr. Tracy's letter as well as the discussion, both heated and analytical, about it. We all know that people believe what they want, not necessarily what is. This thread as so many others allow me, as a teacher to both be taught and to pass more on to my students. The arts we study, regardless of what they are, can all be boiled down to choices. Our choices are what make us who we are. Our choice of friends, enemies, clothing, even our arts and instructors. Mr. Tracy chose to write this article, heedless of the consequences. It appears he chose to try and sow discord. Apparently, it has worked. He chose to work on people's emotions instead of applying logic. We chose to react emotionally, for the most part. Had we chosen to read and react with logic, would this discussion be heated? Would it have gone beyond a page?
Just something to think about.