After reading this article I can only say that the authors opinion is just that...opinion. He obviously did not thoroughly research his subject in a manner that would be considered one of a professional unbiased writer. See the example below...
What Ed Parker failed to realize is, he was reinventing the wheel. All his ideas, all of his concepts and precepts had been advanced, argued and attempted from the beginning Eastern and Western thought. Critics have pointed this out, and argue that if those concepts and principles are superior to any other system, then the system would dominate the sports aspect of kenpo. The fact that American kenpo has not produced one notable national champion caliber competitor in the 20 years of its existence raises serious doubts as to the effectiveness of American kenpo principles and training. But the strongest criticism of American kenpo is that many of its concepts and principles are not only flawed, but absurd.
Lee Wedlake Jr., a student of Ed Parker's holds the honor of being the first Parker Kenpo stylist to make the National Top Ten in men's black belt forms (Karate Illustrated Magazine, 1980 Yearbook). He controlled the top spot in Region Seven and won or placed in national and international events. He also held the number one ranking in the American Karate Association (AKA) standings for several consecutive years.
After watching himself on 16 mm film, Ed Parker played the film backward instead of rewinding it. From this Parker claimed to have discovered that reverse motion is the other half of motion. New and innovative? No! Absurd? Yes! Zenos argued the same matter 2,400 years ago. Homer advanced the concept when he had Odysseus redouble his path between Skylla and Charybdis. The concept had been ridiculed by Aglenoce when she sought to put an end to the cacodoxy of Orpheus, and the Zen masters put an end to the argument by saying, "The arrow released will not return." The concept of reverse motion has been used by film- makers since silent films to undo events for the audience, and change them. It is the "principle" upon which "time travel" is predicated, and the concept has been used by Star Trek, Superman, and countless other fantastic characters. The principle is, however, scientifically, unsound, and its application is impossible. Yet reverse motion is one of the "scientific principles" upon which American kenpo is founded. And there is not one proponent of American kenpo who can scientifically define reverse motion, or demonstrate its application. But even more fundamentally, those who know the Way of kenpo, and those who are in the Void, know " reverse motion " is not in the Way.
Reverse motion is absurd it is argued by the author. Merriam-Websters classifies a Theory as:
Main Entry: the·o·ry
Pronunciation: 'thE-&-rE, 'thi(-&)r-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theOria, from theOrein
1 : the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
2 : abstract thought : SPECULATION
3 : the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>
4 a : a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action <her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn> b : an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances -- often used in the phrase in theory <in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all>
5 : a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <wave theory of light>
6 a : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b : an unproved assumption : CONJECTURE c : a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject <theory of equations>
synonym see HYPOTHESIS
Does the Reverse Motion THEORY, fit any of those defenitions.....ummmm, YES!
Another American kenpo "scientific principles" which defies reason and application is "checking." In theory, "checking" allows the Kenpo student to anticipate the opponent's every possible use of every weapon and to prevent its use. In practical application, a 97 pound American kenpo master is not going to check (prevent) a 200 pound champion boxer, like Mike Tyson, from throwing a punch. He may anticipate the boxer's every move. But think about it. Have you ever seen a boxer "check" his opponent? Don't you think that where millions of dollars are at stake in a single boxing match, someone would have discovered the American kenpo technique of Checking and used it to prevent his opponent from even throwing a powerful punch? And again, "checking " is contrary to the Way of kenpo. It does not exist in the Void.
When fighters lock up in the middle of the ring or on the ropes, does that not constitute a "check"? If you read the definiton of a check in Mr. Parkers Infinite Insights, Vol. III, Ch. 3, pg. 5, para. 2, you will see that it does, especially in examples three and four; POSITION BLOCK (or CHECK) and PINNING BLOCK (or CHECK). The author (Tracy) clearly fails to realize that just because the pugilistic community never labeled it or gave it a term prior to Mr. Parker doesn't mean that they didn't know what it was or that they never applied the practice or principle.
I just cringe everytime someone bashes someone who cannot defend themself. Where was Will Tracy spouting this stuff when Mr. Parker was alive? All this article is, is a catylist to "stir the pot". It does not provide a complete or accurate portrayal of fact, nor does it promote anything positive. In MY opinion it is a jaded little man's cry for attention. :asian: