Tracy's Kenpo Practicioners Slamming Mr. Parker and American Kenpo(older posts)

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I am a Tracy's Kenpo student, and I was shocked to hear of these statements by Tracy students. I GAURENTEE these people do not know the Tracy family, or they would not be spouting off such idiotic statements. I

Hi SP333,

You may not know this, but much of the statements that SuperDave complained about were from the Tracy homepage (yes, the same official Tracy site that is up now). I'm guessing about 6 years ago now. I have the page printed off and in my files if you really want me to dig it up. (Which I don't, I'd much rather bury this subject.) Some peope have attributed this to "crazy Will Tracy" but regardless it made it onto the website and was there for a long time.

Ask someone (Mark or Al, they have to remember it) about the webpage, and email me if you want a copy of the crap that was printed. (I'll be out of town for a couple of days, but I will get back to you.)

Originally posted by lonekimono
OK SPP333 this is what i keep reading from you"I KNOW AL TRACY"
:D i think that there are alot of people who do( me to)
but YOU DID say "THAT IF PARKER WAS A FAKE SO IS THE TRACY 'S" what are you talking about?? and oh yes i NEVER get upset over bullsh#@, and look I DID READ ALL OF WHAT YOU SAID
understand that please. you know someone told me that don't let what some of the people say get you mad:mad: .
but i will say this again WHY WORRY ABOUT THIS CRAP ?
if you have only been training for 6 years GERAT keep going.
and one more thing no need to tell people on the board that you got me mad, they can read. :asian: :asian:

yours in kenpo
Mr. Elmer,
I do not know you, but we have a mutual friend. I think, sir, you misunderstood the remark. I believe that the new guy was stating that if the Tracy's try to invalidate Mr. Parker, they invalidate themselves. At least that's how I understood it.:asian:

I don't understand your attitude at all. I stand by my statement, if Parker was a fake, then Tracy's Kenpo system isn't valid at all because they learned it from Parker. I'll say this one more time in the hopes that you can understand this. I DID NOT SAY ANYONE WAS A FAKE. I was pointing out how absurd it would be for a Tracy's kenpo practitioner to try to dis-credit Ed Parker. Apparently some Tracy's students said some crazy remarks. I'm referring to a post by SuperDave, go back and read the post. I'm sorry your so angry, but it seems to me that you're only angry because you're having some trouble understanding a simple statement in context. If you also know Al Tracy, then you should know what I said was true, Al Tracy doesn't have a bad thing to say about Ed Parker. The only "crap" that I'm worried about is the fact that SuperDave expressed concern about wether some statements were made by the heads of Tracy's kenpo, since I know Al Tracy, I told them that they were not. Don't know why this angers you, and I'm not sure why you're getting so upset about it that you're swearing and all, but I hope you get over it and calm down there a bit buddy.:) I'm not trying to be argumentative with you, sorry if I gave that impression. If you feel like I don't know what I'm talking about, perhaps you should re-read this thread and "THINK" before you get so angry. I'm sure this is just a simple mis-understanding.

You're correct Seig, that IS ALL I was saying.
Thanks for the info, blindside, I don't know who posted these things about Mr. Parker, all's I know is that Mark and Al always speak of him in high regard. (AND RIGHTFULLY SO)
I'm not mad, but look at this, you know it's alot better to say thing's in person than write them down in here i give you my phone # to my home ( i don't care who calls me) 856-401-9380
and i'm NOT MAD!! ok? please i'm not.:) but it does not matter if PARKER /TRACY was a FAKE when it came to kenpo?
how do you know??? because i know both system's and i make them work. please call me ? thank you:D

ps oh by the way my students or there friends ever call me buddy
i think that only happens on CB RADIO lol

yours in kenpo
call me anything you want,just don't call me late for dinner
Hi again Kimono,
I'd be happy to call you if you'd give me a good time to do so. Sorry about referring to you as "buddy." LOL No dis-respect meant. I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say it doesn't matter if Parker or Tracy were fakes, it would matter to me as I'm interested in the traditional-aspect of kenpo as much as it's realistic applications. I feel I have enough experience in several other "defense" based arts to defend myself, and I started studying kenpo about 6 years ago because of my friendship with Mark Tracy and an interest in traditional kenpo as an art-form. I don't believe we disagree on anything, just mis-understood each other a bit. It happens. (It happens on the internet alot !:D }
you can call me at anytime it's about 10 am now in New Jersey
i will explain what i meant when you call about the word fake.

yours in kenpo
if you look at the sun,then you will be forever in darkness
:asian: :asian:
Originally posted by SPP333

You asked me to clarify "what statements." I was referring to the FIRST post in this thread. This thread IS titled "Tracy's Kenpo practitioners slamming Ed Parker and American Kenpo," ISNT IT? LOL I've already apparently made one poster mad because he seemed to think I meant the opposite of what I was trying to say LOL. Maybe I jumped into this thread a little late or something, no one else seems to remember the topic.LOL Anyway, my response was really aimed at SuperDave, because I wanted to assure him that the remarks by Tracy students HE referred to were NOT comming from the head of the Tracy system. I know Al Tracy. That's all I was trying to say, and somehow LoneKimono seems to think I'M calling someone or something "fake."

I'm sorry about any mis-understanding, I hope I cleared things up, I'm new here so MY APOLOGIES. I'm not here to argue or upset anyone, I was just defending Tracy's and Parkers Kenpo from some ignorant statements that apparently were made.

No, it's ok. I 'm not offended, as I do not wish to offend anyone else either. I don't bash anyone, and I respect all here. I just like to act as a cut up. I'm a strong Tracy supporter, but want to make sure I don't say the wrong thing either.:asian:
Hello Mr Castillo and all the ships at sea( i heard that somewhere)
it's a raining in Jersey right now, and my head hurts, i can't sit down without that hurting i can't use the bathroom without that hurting, and i have an uncle who just got locked up and we can't get him out on bail, the tax man keeps calling me the phone people keeps calling me, but you know me ? I CAN'T COMPLAIN:D :rofl: :rofl:

PS just being funny

yours in kenpo