Michael Seigel wrote:
"And this proves what? This is inference to a problem that you do not have first hand knowledge of; therefore, is hearsay."
Reply: That isn't quite correct. Ed Parker's book,
"Secrets of Chinese Karate" omits
any mention of Woo. This is a standing
fact which has nothing to do with "hearsay". Thus far, the sources I've cited are all we know of...no-one who was there first hand has come forward yet (we can hope though, right? Several men who were there are still living).
On the subject of "hearsay", the belief that the breakup between these two men was friendly is also hearsay, and due less weight as thus far, no-one who was actually there has offered any testimony to counter the statements of James Woo in two different sources.
Are you sure you want to go down that road? Everything you or any other kenpo person says regarding the statements, actions, and teachings of Mr. Parker is hearsay...and thus should be disregarded?
Michael Seigel wrote:
"This seems to be saying, "He got the book, but I got the studen[t]s." Doesn't seem like sour grapes to me, besides, it's common knowledge that some students went with Mr Woo."
Reply: Sure. Your opinion as to what it means is as valuable as mine.
Michael Seigel wrote:
"Ok, Mr. Woo decides not to sign the contract, and according to Will Tracy that makes Ed Parker a thief. Let's look at something else, if there was/is so much bad blood between Woo and Parker, why does Woo refuse to name him as a bad person?"
Reply: Maybe you missed the part in the Howe interview where Woo said, "
The guy ended up taking my work and running with it--I never got credit--but the students all wanted to study with me" (Inside Kung Fu, November 1990:34)? Nobody used the term "thief", but at the very least, Ed Parker did have a BS in Sociology from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He should have known that not crediting sources = bad. As for Mr. Woo, he may be perfectly content to let it go. But I'm a busybody, like most history buffs
Michael Seigel wrote:
"Your point?"
Reply: You're an intelligent guy. I'm sure you'll figure it out
Michael Seigel wrote:
"It is easy to intentionally slander someone when they are dead. Besides, this is not slander, it's lible.
Reply: When people die they become off limits? Would that include Adolf Hitler? And no, that was not intended to be a comparison to anyone in the kenpo world. Just pointing out the ill-logic of deifying the dead. Defamation might be an even better term than libel, but can you show how a libel or how defamation occurred? No-one seems able to do this. If avoiding such things makes you happy, that's your decision, that's fine. Sanctifying people in a politically correct word of perfect reverence is not my cup of tea. A few imperfections, as will the case of Mr. Parker, do not obscure the big picture or dim his accomplishments for me.
Michael Seigel wrote:
"Remember, this is the same family that is trying to elevate Mitose to Supreme Kenpo Mastery instead of the vermin that he was."
Reply: I recall one of the Tracy's posted something like "no Mitose, No Kenpo" (I paraphrase from memory). Let's see. Mitose (and others) taught William Chow an art called "kenpo", or "kempo" (I'm not getting into that now). Ed Parker studied this art, "kenpo" with William Chow over several different periods of time around the late '40's and early '50's. There really isn't any way to remove Mitose from the Parker lineage, is there? Parker found Mitose's criminal actions reprehensible (according to statements he made in at least one interview), and apparently from material on the Tracy's Kenpo website (and even Will Tracy's writings

), so did the Tracy's--at least Al and whoever set the website up. Where is the evidence to show that as you put it, Tracy's
"elevated Mitose to Supreme Kenpo Mastery"?
Michael Seigel wrote:
"Examine what you have written. Will Tracy is only spreading grief and his brother could only stomach so much of it; or more likely, Mrs. Parker's lawyer only stomached so much of it."
Reply: Now you're speculating that Leilani Parker may have taken some kind of legal action. Have you proof, or at least circumstantial evidence, or is this more wishful thinking on your part?
Michael Seigel wrote:
"Then what gives Will Tracy the right?"
Reply: Hmmm. In the United States, folks have the right to opinions, to present their version of things as they remember them. Even if that version makes certain other folks fidgety.
Michael Seigel wrote:
"What evidence? You have nothing."
Reply: Evidence? Michael, I've posted my sources. Where are yours? Or anyone else's for that matter? Thus far you and others have displayed a complete inability to posit a single well thought out refutation on anything in the Will Tracy 5-part series...or any of the sources I have posted regarding James Wing Woo, for that matter. Don't you think that if something is incorrect and one has the knowledge to provide the correct information, the offending article(s) should be taken down point by point to put it to rest once and for all? Or can't anyone do this?
Michael Seigel wrote:
"And this pertains how?"
Reply: Well now, if ya wanna see what James Ibrao is doin' now, or have a peek at some nifty historical pics, ya can click the link (convenient, huh?).
Michael Seigel wrote:
"If you think he was so awesome, why the caustic remarks?[...] All in all, I would give this try of supporting Will Tracy a D+, not quite a failure(at least the writing, if not the content was readable)....
Reply: I don't consider my tone to have been caustic--if you read hostility into my words, that's your doing. I write as I write because I serve the facts, Michael. Not wishful thinking, peer pressure, or a "cause" which would require me to check my reasoning capabilities. Respect doesn't mean refusing to acknowledge history. I can respect men like Mitose, Parker, the Tracy bros., and others for what they did for the art--and acknowledge the rest of their lives sweet and sordid, too. Should evidence to the contrary surface showing Ed Parker and James Wing Woo secretly remained the best of pals, that there is a Vast Tracy's conspiracy, or that everything Will Tracy said is bunk, it won't distress me. I'm in it to figure out history--not hide it.
Additionally, I thank you for your academic consideration. Your opinion is important to me, whether it is based on emotion or fact.
Y'all Take Care!
M.C. Busman []):^)