Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Rook said:Sanshou is ussually not considered a TMA. It is a sport competition, often practiced in gym settings, lacks kata/forms, and its practitioners pressure test their skills. Sanshou is as traditional as kickboxing, which came out of "full contact karate" in the same manner.
Now follow Cung Le, a very skilled real fighter, in MMA rather than staying there. Sports fighting in non-MMA events should give a good idea of how good a person is in a particular aspect of fighting (in Sanshou it is standup and to a lesser extent takedowns... just add groundwork and your in business).
Don't mistake heavily injured competitors for quality victors, although I do highly respect good competitive Sanshou - its an excellent base for MMA when done right.
They will be well prepared for the standup and takedown components. THat is good.
Some people like to fight in all ranges of combat - including the ground. Lots of good fighters want the groundwork component with the less restrictive rules of MMA. Also, MMA still pays better, although it doesn't pay highly, which keeps pro athletes going to MMA and kickboxing.
MMA allows all of what Sanshou does plus more - ie the ground. People who suceed under less restrictive rules are the better proven fighters.
And since you have entirely missed my point. I am not trying to prove anything is better here because I do not believe any of them are. If you are trying to prove this to me, I suggest you move on to prove it to someone else, you are wasting your time.
And I do not take an injury as a sign of a good match, it was an example.
You should see a Chinese sanshou match before you infer that it is a good base for MMA. They would probably say just the opposite. And of course the expected response will be, well if they are so good why donÂ’t they fight in MMA.
Point, which you seem to have completely missed. They do not fight in MMA because they do not care about MMA. As surprising as this may come to an MMA person, MMA very likely matters little to them. They have there own matches that are equally as good and or taxing. And there are take downs in international matches and Chinese matches, if you can actually get close enough to take one down that is.
And aadditinal point, sanshou/sanda has a non-sport side as well that has everything you are talking about in MMA and more that does not follow rules. It is the preferred style taught to the Chinese Police and Military. And if you do not think they are effectiveÂ…
I do not understand the need to prove superiority whether that comes from a CMA guy or am JMA guy or a MMA guy or a TMA guy.
As for the Sanhou women's silver, I also posted before something that shows that she was apparently effective in the street as well. I frankly do not make the distinctions, to me it is all martial arts and it can all be very effective, it all depends on the practitioner and the situation they are in.
I am very tired of the MMA, CMA TMA JMA argument. Believe what you will.