Young atheist needs support

Hehehe. You are probably right, my friend. Likely, my imagination. Also, I am likely using the word 'society' in a way that you are not. Or I am ignorant to how most use it etc.

You can't say anything without something throwing this argument out there.
Person A: " I disagree with the way our healthcare system is here in the USA. "
Person B: " Oh yeah? Well, maybe you should just move!"

just move?

Not so easy for some people.

That comparison is not equal in logical force.

Considering more people move upon graduation of high school than at any other point in their life, it is not an unreasonable scenario to posit. Typically at that stage of the game, young folks do not have to decide between academiocs and childrearing, spousal needs, or creditor's demands. There are many people who, in high school, did not like where they were...or where they were headed, and took action.
-Admin Notice-

Enough of the personal shots. Any further digs, slings, or outright insults will get the deliverer some nice infraction points. In this thread, or anywhere else. You all know the rules, and if you don't, go read the damn things.

See someone else breaking them?
Report it. That's this thing here:

Can't stand the other person? Then put the SOB on your 'ignore' list, or grow a thicker skin already.
Just because they disagree with you, isn't a rules violation.
Being a jackass is.

Back to the bloody original topic.
I haven't figured out how to 'multi quote' yet. For this one post, I copy and paste each thing then write your names up top and put in bold. Very tedious.

Click on this by each post you want to quote

It will turn orange.
When ready, then click the QUOTE button and it'll stack n link everything for you.
Twin Fist

sure it is,

if you aint happy? LEAVE

it is very simple

That comparison is not equal in logical force.

Considering more people move upon graduation of high school than at any other point in their life, it is not an unreasonable scenario to posit. Typically at that stage of the game, young folks do not have to decide between academiocs and childrearing, spousal needs, or creditor's demands. There are many people who, in high school, did not like where they were...or where they were headed, and took action.

This is just a poor argument. Some places in the world have really crappy laws. Like Iran, Afganistan.......

I could go on forever, of course. But you can't just say " oh well just move"

New Hampshire too. I'm sure there are things that you may think should change for the better of humanity. Yeah you could just move. But congratulations you're not part of the solution.
if what YOU (not you, the generic "you") want violates the local idea of "acceptable" you have two choices:

shut up



nothing complicated about it
This is just a poor argument. Some places in the world have really crappy laws. Like Iran, Afganistan.......

I could go on forever, of course. But you can't just say " oh well just move"

New Hampshire too. I'm sure there are things that you may think should change for the better of humanity. Yeah you could just move. But congratulations you're not part of the solution.

So you believe that Louisiana is equal in comparison to Iran or Afghanistan, and that moving to a state within the U.S. that is more hospitable to one's worldview is equivalent to an international relocation from a third world country? How is that a rational analogy?
So you believe that Louisiana is equal in comparison to Iran or Afghanistan, and that moving to a state within the U.S. that is more hospitable to one's worldview is equivalent to an international relocation from a third world country? How is that a rational analogy?

Ok. All 50 states are good to go. No new things need to be added or stripped away. Health care's good. Judicial system's good. Economy is good. Crime is fine. We're good. If you don't like it, just move away. Perfect.
Ok. All 50 states are good to go. No new things need to be added or stripped away. Health care's good. Judicial system's good. Economy is good. Crime is fine. We're good. If you don't like it, just move away. Perfect.

Are you saying that I said that? If so, please cite the specific quotes where I did.
Are you saying that I said that? If so, please cite the specific quotes where I did.
I'm just sayin some things in some places are not the best they could be, and some people would like them to change and will get up and do something about it. And not just....move away.
So how, exactly, are you using it?

So that it fits with "a secular society like ours?"

Our country is founded on secular principles for the good of our society. Our language has tons of words that has tons of meanings.
I'm just sayin some things in some places are not the best they could be, and some people would like them to change and will get up and do something about it. And not just....move away.

That I can get behind completely. :asian:
So Mr. Fowler graduated, and apparantly no one booed him when he took the stage for his diploma (which is a good thing)

However....they did pray.

Note that this appears to be a staff/faculty member leading the prayer, and not a student.

Hahahahah. Awesome. Creepy hearing them all do the lords prayer. It's like when I was in basic training and our drill instructors had us all chant 'one shot one kill' one day, for like 15 minutes. lolz
He shouldn't have to skip it. It's his ceremony, at his school amongst his peers, celebrating a major milestone of his life. He earned it through hard work, just like (one hopes) everyone else there. And even if his attendance wasn't required by the district, one mustn't underestimate the power of family pressure. If all the grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, godparents and family friends had already ponied up for gifts and plane tickets, he may have been better off facing the wrath of his neighbors.

True enough, but he's 1 out of "X" many who don't object. I also guarantee that this isn't the first time he's been at a school system/public event where there's been a prayer involved.

He could've done the really hard thing (to him I guess) and kept his opinions/beliefs to himself & let the rest have their prayer. I'm also going out on a limb & saying he's done that in the past, apparently with no ill effects.

As to the family pressure, yes that's also a very distinct possibility. Again... what would it have hurt to not go through all the unnecessary drama & such, and just kept his mouth shut? Like I said, I betcha it's not the first event he's kept his mouth shut at.

But oh well... moving along... everybody has their own viewpoint & position. Tit for tat.
Our country is founded on secular principles for the good of our society. Our language has tons of words that has tons of meanings.

Our country's government is founded on secular principles for the good of our society. Our society(s) is(are) founded on a variety of principles, and our Founder's words have meanings in reference to our society(s), then and now.

In the society to which this lad belongs, if only because of geography, God is an expectation, religion the rule. It's just that simple.

Not so funny story: went to a family reunion a few years back, for Rita's (that's the wife) mom. In Plainview, Texas. That's Hale county.

Red.....neck....ville. Cotton farms, melons, tractors and flat land as far as the eye can see.

Warned Rita, (that's the wife!) we should bring booze, it could be a dry county.

Oh, no, she said. That couldn't be, and we can't have booze buried deep in our luggage with my mom in the car.We'll get it there.

Ok, I says. So we drive to Amarillo, head south to Plainview, and we're there for the weekend. We check into our hotel, find the Oddfellows Hall where the reunion is taking place, find a place to work out, and thenlook for a place to get booze.

And look.

And look.

And look.

Finally stop in a convenience store, and ask my favorite Spanish question of the girl behind the counter, ¿dónde están las bebidas adultas frescas?, only in English, because we weren't in that part of Texas, Where are the frosty, adult beverages?

In Lubbock. 30 miles south. This is a dry county.

So the wife and I lived through the hell of a weekend with the redneck farmer relatives without liquid lubrication. :lol:

Had a conversation, completely sober, with her very intelligent farmer cousin, and his [extremely intelligent (coming from me that means a lot.')13 year old son, about how his son could read all sorts of things,but not Harry Potter, because Harry Potter teaches that good can come from something that's evil:witchcraft. To which I wanted to scream, Harry Potter and its witchcraft are complete fictions, you dolt!

But I was really good, and didn't say anything. It was totally worth it. For other reasons, I had a really good time. The food was lousy, and one of her older relatives kept giving me the fish eye, but another one, her uncle Dwight-70 years old, John Deere cap, Justin boots,and he actually had a red neck, shook my hand and said, Proud to know you. Take good care of Rita. Made my year, just about.

Anyway, over in Plainview, where there are lots, and lots, and lots of churches, the libraries probably don't have Harry Potter, and there isn't one goddam liquor store...... .....that is not a "secular society."

In fact, it's kinda medieval, but it's okay, if you're capable of being tolerant, the way we expect other people to be......
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