Black Belt
Hehe Funny story. I've only been to the northern most part of Texas near Ft Sill Ok.
Sounds interesting. Nothing wrong with churches on every block and dry counties. I encourage freedom of expression and blah blah blah. I don't like either of those things which is obvious but wouldn't deny people from doing that. Just as much as I hate drinking or even looking at Heineken. An awful beer with a terrible aftertaste. Another delusion that people are under the spell of. I wouldn't deny anyone from drinkin it though. I guess all I want is for things that go on, on state and gvt property to not endorse a Like Heineken.
In fact, it's kinda medieval, but it's okay, if you're capable of being tolerant, the way we expect other people to be.....
Sounds interesting. Nothing wrong with churches on every block and dry counties. I encourage freedom of expression and blah blah blah. I don't like either of those things which is obvious but wouldn't deny people from doing that. Just as much as I hate drinking or even looking at Heineken. An awful beer with a terrible aftertaste. Another delusion that people are under the spell of. I wouldn't deny anyone from drinkin it though. I guess all I want is for things that go on, on state and gvt property to not endorse a Like Heineken.