There's a lot of truth to that. Think of how many things you've done in your life that would cause you to crawl in a hole and hide if someone had recorded it and shown it all over the world. On an average day, I probably do a dozen noteworthy stupid things. Thankfully, nobody cares enough about me to follow me around with a camera.
Several years ago, I was a guest speaker at a library symposium on providing services to the handicapped. It wasn't a large group, maybe 20 to 25 folks and everyone was sitting within a row or two of the stage. When I was introduced, I stood up to walk to the podium and broke wind. O.K., let's be honest, I ripped one. We're talking a sheet-shredding, knock down the walls fart and everyone in the place knew it was me. I walked to the podium, straightened my papers and looking out at the crowd said, "Now that I have your attention, let's begin...." Thankfully, everyone laughed but most importantly, there were no cameras around.