Once again I will quote: "TIME: Special report: America at 300 Million" - October 30, 2006.
In this edition there is an article that deals with the break down of the USA:
51% Female - 49% Male
80.1 % White
14.8 % Hispanic of any Race (* This means the numbers will not add up to 100% now
12.8 % Black
4.4 % Asian
1.6 % Two or more races
1.0 % Natice American Indian and Alaska Native
0.2 % Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.
If you exclude the Hispanic numbers you get:
80.1 + 12.8 + 4.4 + 1.6 + 1.0 + 0.2 = 100.1 so obviously these numbers are rounded up.
So this means all sports should represent this, all business should represent these numbers. Right it all has to be equal or there is some form of racism going on. Correct? (* Sorry for the sarcasm here. *)
The replacement value for children is considered 2.1
White: 1.85
Black: 2.02
Amer Ind: 1.71
Asian: 1.93
Hispanic: 2.82
So does this mean that we need to slow down the Hispanic Growth Rate and force the other cultures to increase their rate? NOTE: Not sure if Hawaiian and other Pacific is included in American Indian or not. They might have a real low rate, not sure.
So do we control the population growth as well to insure the correct replacement of the existing populations? To me this would be absurd, but one never knows.
So while I applaud the accomplishment of the two coaches as individuals, and also thsoe who played the game on both teams, I am not sure if the concentration on Race brought out an issue to the light or if it put up fences by saying more about the separation of people, instead of just saying we are AMERICANS.
But I have been wrong lots of times in my life and will continue to be wrong through out my life.
In this edition there is an article that deals with the break down of the USA:
51% Female - 49% Male
80.1 % White
14.8 % Hispanic of any Race (* This means the numbers will not add up to 100% now

12.8 % Black
4.4 % Asian
1.6 % Two or more races
1.0 % Natice American Indian and Alaska Native
0.2 % Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.
If you exclude the Hispanic numbers you get:
80.1 + 12.8 + 4.4 + 1.6 + 1.0 + 0.2 = 100.1 so obviously these numbers are rounded up.
So this means all sports should represent this, all business should represent these numbers. Right it all has to be equal or there is some form of racism going on. Correct? (* Sorry for the sarcasm here. *)
The replacement value for children is considered 2.1
White: 1.85
Black: 2.02
Amer Ind: 1.71
Asian: 1.93
Hispanic: 2.82
So does this mean that we need to slow down the Hispanic Growth Rate and force the other cultures to increase their rate? NOTE: Not sure if Hawaiian and other Pacific is included in American Indian or not. They might have a real low rate, not sure.
So do we control the population growth as well to insure the correct replacement of the existing populations? To me this would be absurd, but one never knows.
So while I applaud the accomplishment of the two coaches as individuals, and also thsoe who played the game on both teams, I am not sure if the concentration on Race brought out an issue to the light or if it put up fences by saying more about the separation of people, instead of just saying we are AMERICANS.
But I have been wrong lots of times in my life and will continue to be wrong through out my life.