I really don't understand the mentality of keeping, Cuba, Haiti, Central, and South America Dirt poor. Can't we give eachother a hand up instead of isolating ourselves from the rest of the world? If we did go ahead and let millions die and suffer after a tragedy, most people will cross the street to avoid giving money to a homeless guy for beer.
It's really very simple.
Their governments have a vested interest in keeping them poor so that the people who run those governments can make fortunes in graft off foreign aid. Our government has a vested interest in keeping them poor because they can use them as a justification for taxation to fund foreign aid, which they will also make fortunes supplying.
The people of those countries don't want to be poor, and we don't want them poor, but we don't get a say.
These things don't happen by accident. Look at Mexico, or most of Africa, or Asia, or most of Europe and Russia. These places are filled with natural resources, yet their dirt poor.
It's by design.