Many countries helped with 9/11. I remember seeing Canadian covoys on the news. Same with Katrina, many helped.
Just for clarification, that wasn't my opinion, but the opinion that I've heard from others, who've been in my company, when discussions like this surface.
So that asks the question, are you being nice only to get something in return, or because its the right thing to do?
I'm not concerned about getting something in return. I do it because, as you said, its the right thing. Just prior to Christmas, my wife and I, along with my sister and brother in law, made our yearly trip to NYC. We drive to New Haven, CT., park and take the train. Upon our return, it was late, probably close to 11pm. The garage we park in, is a bit of a walk from the train station. So, as we're walking, this woman comes up from behind, calling to us. We all stop and turn to see what she wanted. She went on to say that her mother was sick and in the hospital in NY, and she was trying to get money for a ticket so she could see her. Now, 98% of me started to call BS on this, but the 2% was thinking...and hoping, and it was for real. My wife proceeded to go into her purse to get some cash. Of course, while she's doing this, I'm keeping an eye on the lady, as well as the 2 males who were standing outside of a nearby apt. building. Who that area, it could've been a set up.
So, she gives her $10, the woman thanks us, and the 4 of us continue to the parking garage. We did our good deed for the day, and hopefully the money was put to good use. I could have easily told her that she was getting nothing from us, and kept on walking.
There have been other times, when I've witnessed homeless people digging thru the trash, looking for food. The sight of that made me sick, and I began to stand up, as I was going to approach the person, and offer to buy them a hot meal. Before I had the chance, the lady grabbed a few trays of half eaten food, and ran off. Again, it was the thought that counts. This incident took place while we were in Macys, sitting down, taking a quick break from all the walking.
Sorry for the rant here.
My point was simply that I have, many times, given money or helped those less fortunate. I'm not looking for any recognition, a medal or to have the red carpet rolled out. I simply do it, because I wanted to.