Whitty One Liners

Save a tree, wipe your *** with an owl.

I am mean, nasty, cruel, anti-social, but basically happy.

You are a good excuse for birth controi.

So many *******s, so few bullets.

Why is it that it can take 10 years to pay for a divorce but you only have to do three years for murder?

It's a good day to die, keep honking.

My neighbor is the governor of the State of Intoxication.

Women have false eyelashes, fake nails, wigs, and fake boobs, yet want a real man.
If you were a porkchop, you'd be the smartest porkchop in the world, unfortunately you're human so your pretty fu***** stupid.

One of the main things we know about chickens is...they're tasty.

I love eating. If I had an infinite amount of food in the world, it'd be finite by now...
Ladies: Spandex is a PRIVILEDGE not a RIGHT!

(ducking for cover.....)
Tkang_TKD said:
Ladies: Spandex is a PRIVILEDGE not a RIGHT!

(ducking for cover.....)
Needing a man is like needing a parachute, if he isnt there the first time you need him, chances are you wont be needing him again!!
Man..............they just keep on coming

I can only please one person per day, today is not your day and tomorrow isnt looking good either

If only the good die young, what does that say about senior citizens??
If brains were dynamite you could'nt blow your nose.

If brains were cotton wool then you could'nt make a tampon for a parrot.

My town is so small the main drag is the local transvestite.

You look like a million dollars, green and crinkled.

Be a good shepherd and get the flock outta here.

Sir, myself being a gentleman cannot tell my secrtary what I think of you, she being a lady could not write it if I did, you being neither know exactly what I mean.

I like long walks especially when they're taken by people like you.

Remember the time i told you that you were cool? I lied.

A day without sunshine is like a day in Seattle.

What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? 'Hold my purse.'

If the pen is mightier than the sword, and a picture is worth a thousand words, how dangerous is a fax?
Your Kimono or Mine :uhyeah:

Chicago Green Dragon


I love that laughing icon


Chicago Green Dragon

Next time you wave, make sure you use all your fingers!

He who smiles during a crisis has found someone to blame!!
Raisin said:
Next time you wave, make sure you use all your fingers!

He who smiles during a crisis has found someone to blame!!



I like that one with the fingers...

Chicago Green Dragon

-Guns don't kill people, kids that play video games kill people.

-When you want to say something mean to someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, they are a mile away and you have free shoes.

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