One Liners

Wasn't the topic Martial Arts One LIners???

My fault. I thought it was from any movie. For one liners from a m.a. movie I would say that my favorite line is......

Can you understand the words that are coming out of my lips? - Chris Tucker to Chackie Chan in Rush Hour.
- When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail." -
Katsumoto: "I have introduced myself, you have introduced yourself. This is a very good conversation"

From The Last Samurai..
At the arcade:

Alley's friend: Oh thats right, you didn't stick around for the finale did you?

Daniel-son: Whats that, his hand on her ***?

Alley's friend: No, her right hook.

-Karate Kid
Get on your knees sum bag. (R. Lee Ermy) Full Metal Jacket

Do NOT get us started on Ermy's lines :)

We'll end up quoting 80% of the first half of that movie :D (Or, as I like to call it, the GOOD half!)

That guy sure has a way of saying things, don't he ;)
Do NOT get us started on Ermy's lines :)

We'll end up quoting 80% of the first half of that movie :D (Or, as I like to call it, the GOOD half!)

That guy sure has a way of saying things, don't he ;)
He was brilliant that was for sure. I swear I'd been doing push-ups and KP for the entire duration of my BT had he been my DI... been laughing too hard too often everytime he opened his mouth.
I swear I'd been doing push-ups and KP for the entire duration of my BT had he been my DI... been laughing too hard too often everytime he opened his mouth.

Hehehe me too. Would have been like Pvt. Pyle, unable to wipe the smile off my face :)

Funny thing is, 20 years ago those same lines mighta made me angry if targeted at me — taken personal. But nowadays I would simply be able to appreciate them for what they are: hilarious :)
Hehehe me too. Would have been like Pvt. Pyle, unable to wipe the smile off my face :)

Funny thing is, 20 years ago those same lines mighta made me angry if targeted at me — taken personal. But nowadays I would simply be able to appreciate them for what they are: hilarious :)
Well I'm sure that Gomer would've been offended and shocked had Sgt. Carter used the same type of language as Gunny Hartman did. "If Jesus would've wanted your *** over that obstacle he'd miracled your *** up over there wouldn't he Pyle?"
"I've come to chew bubblegum and kick a$$ -- and I'm all out of bubblegum." - Rowdy Roddy Piper, in They Live.

Excellent movie. He suplexed people throughout the whole movie. Loved it.

I try to pattern myself after the "Rowdy One" and "The Nature Boy". :)
"To be the man, you gotta beat the man! Whoo!" -Ric Flair

" I know I can kick your a**, cause I've been the world champion more times than you've been laid" - also Ric Flair

Okay, I know this is supposed to be one liners from m.a. movies but Shihansmurf has me on a wrestling kick now so I'm going to give a few one liners from wrestlers.

You got walk that isle and ride space mountain one more time.....Whhooooo. - Rick Flair

Diamonds are forever and so are the Four Horseman.....Whoooo. -Rick Flair

I'm a limosine riding, lear jet flyin', kiss stealin', wrestlin' son of a gun.....Whooooo. -Rick Flair

Oh yeaaaahh. -Macho Man Randy Savagge

Elezabeth, walk that isle. -Macho Man Randy Savage

I'm the bull of the woods if ya will. -The American Dream Dusty Rhodes

I love you. -Brother Love

We snack on danger and dine on pain.
- The Road Warriors A.K.A. Legion of Doom

Oh what a rush. -The Road Warriors

Tell em' Halk. -Animal from the Road Warriors

Watcha gonna do when the largest arms in the world come down on you? -Hulk Hogan

NWO is 4 Life -"Hollywood" Hogan

It's to Sweeet. -Any member of the NWO

Did you come here to see the NWO or wcw (saying WCW real quick and short with a toothpick in mouth so that you can barely understand what he's saying) -Scott Hall

Hey yo. -Scott Hall

There's nothing finer than Scottie Stiener. -Scotth Stiener

I'm the genitic Freak. -Scott Stiener

I'm the big bad booty daddy. -Scott Stiener

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