One Liners

Do NOT get us started on Ermy's lines :)

We'll end up quoting 80% of the first half of that movie :D (Or, as I like to call it, the GOOD half!)

That guy sure has a way of saying things, don't he ;)

Yep, Gunney has always had some GREAT lines...The obsenity will not allow half of them to be printed..Mores the pity...
"It still does't matter what your name is, jabrobi..." the Rock

I consider wrestling to be one long martial arts movie:)

along that line reasoning I would have to say that most of the things that the Rock has to say are priceless.



I looked through the smilies and found all the cool little wrestlers but unless I just missed there is no Ric Flair. Say is isn't so. No cool little horsemen?There will be locker room beatings for this. Whoo!!:xtrmshock
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" For one who has not lived even a single lifetime you're a wise man VanHelsing"..Bela Lugosi as Dracula ..Universal Pictures 1931
" I dislike mirrors, Van Helsing will explain". Bela Lugosi as Dracula..Universal Pictures 1931

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