Chronuss said:
Or you can save a tree and eat a beaver.
I like your thinking.
Here's some more:
When leaving:
-Let's make like baby and head out.
-Let's make like a fart and blow this hole.
I married Mrs. Right...I just didn't know her first name was Always. (OK, it's old.)
Hey, you're kinda cute when I'm drunk.
I'm the humblest person ever.
I'm so confused...wait a second, no I'm not.
What Would Jesus Do...........for a Klondike bar?
He gets more *** than a toilet seat.
Opinions are like a-holes...everybody has one and they all stink.
Don't eat yellow snow.
Another Steven Wright one that I like...One time, I got so drunk that the room started to spin. Then it stopped and I flew out the window.
From "Christmas Vacation:" You couldn't hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerine plant!
Does this train of thought have a caboose?
*Post Edited for Content* ~Tess -MT S. MOD-