Free Your Mind or ... There is NO Spoon

I've been combining still qigong with self-hypnosis. It allows me to work on specific areas in my life that could use imporvement. After years of practicing both moving and still meditation with good results ... I'm now having excellent results. I'm doing things in two parts; still qigong using a self-hypnosis system referred to as Seventh Path and moving qigong based on the Daoist 5 set.

In the first I have a passive body and an active mind. In the second I have an active body and (mostly) passive mind -- the Daoist 5 set includes breath visualization, color visualization and sound components.

My health is better ... both physically and emotionally, I'm more centered and less inclined to knee jerk emotional outbursts (you know the kind :) ).

I have two emotional responses to this new method ... gratefulness and joy. Sometimes in the middle of my moving qigong I'll just laugh out loud for no reason ... it's really nice. Often at the end of a session I find myself whispering, spontaneously, "thank you". It feels really good ...
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
I had the Search (i.e., in secret india; in secret tibet; etc.) and Overself series' (Quest, Wisdom) and Perspectives prior to his family stopping publication on some items, then restructuring and republishing (some of) it in the Reflections series. Monroes book is a task, but where I was mainly trying to get her to go to were the tapes; great way to introduce searchers to altered states in controlled environments, with the option of going further if they like it (focus 10 was the OOB level for the books, initially...he later bumped some up to Focus 20 and 30). One of the easiest ways to go without a physical teacher or guide (:) ).

No matter where else I roam in my (as PB might say) "philosophical" studies, I always seem to return back to Brunton for a reiteration of purpose and context behind the Quest. Particularly as samadhi's leave residues, there's a temptation to identify with the experience and the residual fallouts, and lose sight of the real purpose of the quest.

Good to know I'm not the only philosopher/mystic on the board.



Just curious if you've read anything by Anthony Damiani?
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
1. Ramana Maharsi is a Indian guru from unconventional background (didn't learn from a long line of spiritualists; just parked his bum in an abandoned ashram and started contemplating his navel, so to speak) with an interesting way of shortening the time to "insight", and the experience of soul. "Self-Inquiry" is simply to look within, and ask, "Who/What am I, really?". As ideas cross your mind in answer to this internally directed question, explore them a bit for what they offer, then push them aside like a curtain and direct the question deeper still, with a "Yeah, that's part of who I am, but there's more than that. Who am I, really?". Do this each night and each morning for a dedicated span of time.

First reason most folks quit: Some of the answers are not kind. Perhaps you'll see the less-nice aspects of self, and not want to look at them, preferring not to regard yourself as "one of those" kinds of people (selfish, rude, vengeful, whatever). So they stop asking. Or, they hope to delve deeper without having to turn the less-favorable items over in their minds, and get stuck. As if conscioussness sez, "Until you deal with what I'm revealing to you, you may not proceed further into the maze".

Second reason people quit: Eventually, when you've shed identification with the core issues inquiry reveals, the only answer left calls back to you...Soul. If you are not courageous enough to meet the spark of the divine that's puppeteering your meat bag, this can be frightful. It can also be ecstatic, which can be more scary for some than terror or truth.

2. Perception alters drastically, and nothing looks the same again. Perception is a matter of comparison and contrasting...once you have "seen" the other side, or met the godling that dwells within, you are both in awe, and humbled; new contrasts to be made, and meanings to be drawn. Compassion takes on new meaning, as you see the emerging divine looking back at you from the eyes of others. Very wierd if you're both embroiled in some silly drama together.

3. Don't know; ain't at the end yet. Seers and sages through time have left fanciful words describing landmarks along the way. I've read many, thinking I "got" what they were referring to, only to revisit them years later after an expansive experience, realizing I had no clue, even though my eyes saw the words and my mind "thought" it made a connection. Good book for this: How to Know God, by Deepak Chopra. Surveys different spiritual developmental levels, and visits some of the writings through the ages with the levels of truth expressed/evident at each level. Beware this trap: "Spiritual Materialism". ("I'm so cool, because I'm here, and not there; look how far I've come")

4. Absolutely, but be careful what you ask for (in researching enlightenment experiences, some folks actually fall into long, deep depressions...can you imagine reaching out to touch the mind of God, then having to return to work on Monday, business as usual?). When all is said and done, you still have to be able to function in the Matrix. Buddha comments on this: before enlightenment, one must chop wood and carry water. And after enlightenment? One must chop wood, and carry water. Recognizing the wood and water as props in a classroom changes the perspective you have around the task, but you do the task nevertheless.

Have a fun trip,

Hey Dave :) this is pretty cool and in reading I am reminded of a lot of the central ideas of shamanism have you had any influences in that regard?? but I am probably wrong but I think I see where you are coming from and yep I am impressed I will say again at the extent of your knowledge.. I imagine though I have been cleared for take off on a runway facing a slightly different direction if you would allow me.. ahh we are many branches to the same tree though if I can say that..

I mean what I am attempting to do is to get away from the theoretical ideas lying firmly in the realm of POSSIBILITY and into the practical APPLICATION of those ideas lying within our ACTUAL reality.. hoping that makes some sense.. Let me say it is wonderful to have an altered perception yes absolutely because from there the seeds of ideas are planted and from there we can begin to change the "I am" or change what the "I am" that actually represents and this is a good thing but you would understand we can gain an altered perception by climbing a local peak or by picking a fight with someone or by the holding of breath until a faint occurs or any of the far more pleasant methods of attaining some state of gnosis ;) but all that is well and good and at that point or in deep meditative contemplation of it afterwards we can look around and say well ain't this just swell or.. who are all these people or.. what am I etc. and a period of time later lo and behold we are back to being bags of meat.. ha I love that image and thanks to Egg for that.. and so this is to play at the thing as if it were a hobby which I believe for the most part it is with mysticism and extended consciousness I mean we all have our lives to lead fair enough

but what I an steering you towards .. as you evidently have more experience in this than I perhaps .. is to what extent can we bring about a REAL tangible crossover from that wholly detatched plane of gnosis or call it what you will into our reality as skin and bone? because for me if I cannot achieve some sort of application in the here and now then I would see myself as a "tourist" a day tripper as the Beatles have it and a bit like a pianist who spends her time reading notation and hearing the melodies in her head rather than playing the instrument and making the waves vibrate through the air.. it is akin to masquerading but with no real intention I am sure you will have some appreciation for what I am saying and maybe forgive me for not saying it so eloquently

I have my own actualities arising out of these ideas and proven purely anecdotally as I am sure you have also.. just wondering if you have any further thoughts on the PRACTICAL application of these ideas and from hearing your ideas I am confident you will not mind me asking or PM me if that is more appropriate at this juncture.. Thank you sincerely :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Explorer said:
I've been combining still qigong with self-hypnosis. It allows me to work on specific areas in my life that could use imporvement. After years of practicing both moving and still meditation with good results ... I'm now having excellent results. I'm doing things in two parts; still qigong using a self-hypnosis system referred to as Seventh Path and moving qigong based on the Daoist 5 set.

In the first I have a passive body and an active mind. In the second I have an active body and (mostly) passive mind -- the Daoist 5 set includes breath visualization, color visualization and sound components.

My health is better ... both physically and emotionally, I'm more centered and less inclined to knee jerk emotional outbursts (you know the kind :) ).

I have two emotional responses to this new method ... gratefulness and joy. Sometimes in the middle of my moving qigong I'll just laugh out loud for no reason ... it's really nice. Often at the end of a session I find myself whispering, spontaneously, "thank you". It feels really good ...
Hey Scot :) and thank you for your contribution and I like your point about that need to laugh out as I also get this doing ANY sort of focussed or narrowed breathing techniques and I believe there is a simple physiological explanation for this .. especially in narrow breathing .. arising from increased carbon dioxide leading to a better and healthier O2 and CO2 balance in the blood.. but I digress... ha! What I want to ask you Scot having heard that you have found a practical everyday application within yourself .. I want to ask you a question right outta left field and hope you are up for it..

do you believe in the possibility of mind-over-matter:
1). within yourself..? can you influence your mind and train your thoughts to go in certain ways and I am thinking here of hypnosis and the various reinforcements and also can you influence your body and heal yourself or cure yourself ? AND...
2). beyond yourself..? I do not know how you would imagine the currently "paranormal" notions of psychokinesis for example.. is this within the realm of possibility would you say following your experiences of SH and QiGong?

Hope that is not too kooky a question for you but do not worry if it is I understand.. Thank you :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
tshadowchaser said:
I have not met 3 other people in the last 30 years who have read Brunton the books you mentioned i read years ago they where suggested by one of my professors

Great books. Set a high bar for the thinking mans spirituality.
Jenna said:
Hey Dave :) this is pretty cool and in reading I am reminded of a lot of the central ideas of shamanism have you had any influences in that regard?? but I am probably wrong but I think I see where you are coming from and yep I am impressed I will say again at the extent of your knowledge.. I imagine though I have been cleared for take off on a runway facing a slightly different direction if you would allow me.. ahh we are many branches to the same tree though if I can say that..

I mean what I am attempting to do is to get away from the theoretical ideas lying firmly in the realm of POSSIBILITY and into the practical APPLICATION of those ideas lying within our ACTUAL reality.. hoping that makes some sense.. Let me say it is wonderful to have an altered perception yes absolutely because from there the seeds of ideas are planted and from there we can begin to change the "I am" or change what the "I am" that actually represents and this is a good thing but you would understand we can gain an altered perception by climbing a local peak or by picking a fight with someone or by the holding of breath until a faint occurs or any of the far more pleasant methods of attaining some state of gnosis ;) but all that is well and good and at that point or in deep meditative contemplation of it afterwards we can look around and say well ain't this just swell or.. who are all these people or.. what am I etc. and a period of time later lo and behold we are back to being bags of meat.. ha I love that image and thanks to Egg for that.. and so this is to play at the thing as if it were a hobby which I believe for the most part it is with mysticism and extended consciousness I mean we all have our lives to lead fair enough

but what I an steering you towards .. as you evidently have more experience in this than I perhaps .. is to what extent can we bring about a REAL tangible crossover from that wholly detatched plane of gnosis or call it what you will into our reality as skin and bone? because for me if I cannot achieve some sort of application in the here and now then I would see myself as a "tourist" a day tripper as the Beatles have it and a bit like a pianist who spends her time reading notation and hearing the melodies in her head rather than playing the instrument and making the waves vibrate through the air.. it is akin to masquerading but with no real intention I am sure you will have some appreciation for what I am saying and maybe forgive me for not saying it so eloquently

I have my own actualities arising out of these ideas and proven purely anecdotally as I am sure you have also.. just wondering if you have any further thoughts on the PRACTICAL application of these ideas and from hearing your ideas I am confident you will not mind me asking or PM me if that is more appropriate at this juncture.. Thank you sincerely :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Been actively pursuing the wierd part of the wierding way since approx 12 years old; gotta gramps and greatuncle who were rez-born & raised AmerIndian medicine men, and have "infused" my martial arts training with the odd for a very long time.

Ran an interesting set of experiments, achieving (or, for a core nucleus of students, inducing) altered states of consciousness, then doing some "training exercises" that were hitherto physically not do-able for the test subjects. Includes some "no spoon", or "metal is not a real barrier to passing hands" kinda stuff. As a Master Hypnotist, also did quite a bit of altered states experimentation with self and students (always willing) around stretching the envelope.

Posting details here would be, well...odd. PM me and I'll e-m you an acccounting, and some methodology.

Disbelieving in the reality of spoons,


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