What does an online bully look like to you?


i wont admit to comitting any crimes on a message board

This is a cop out, since I did not ask for specifics. That you don't want to answer seems to support mt point. Normal, well adjusted, people do not rely on or use violence as a normal part of thier interactions with other people. People who do are an aberation and one reason bullying is so frowned upon.
Moreover, Twin Fist, you are more making conjecture, rather than evidence. A vast body of anthropological research would indicate that the threat of violence is NOT the only thing that causes groups of people together. "Human nature" is not inherently violent or non-violent, but rather survival-oriented.

But also, to offer some experiential rather than strictly scientific evidence, my work as a security guard tends to be hindered rather than aided when I opt for threat of violence over diplomacy.
i agree with you, most people dont resort to violence to solve problems. Thats because most people dont ever solve problems, they ignore them. no one is talking about starting trouble, i am talking about ENDING trouble.

no one is talking about starting trouble, i am talking about ENDING trouble.

violence in self defense isnt bullying, so you need to stop saying it is the same thing, it isnt

violence is, at worst a response to bullying. At best, it is the single most effective means of solving SOME problems.

Here is something specific, some one not long ago was messing with me, and I tried to talk to him and i tried to ask him why and I asked him not to, but and nothing mattered

he was a ****-head and he liked to mess with people

he learned not to mess with me. that was a couple years ago.

if someone puts thier hands on you and you try diplomacy? you dont deserve to pass on your defective genes


this is a board about martial arts, right?
martial arts are about self defense right?

This is a cop out, since I did not ask for specifics. That you don't want to answer seems to support mt point. Normal, well adjusted, people do not rely on or use violence as a normal part of thier interactions with other people. People who do are an aberation and one reason bullying is so frowned upon.
we should have been, but some people get obsessed with character assaination and drag stuff in corners to achieve that end.

online bullying:

no such thing, they can try, but you dont have to let them succeed

not talking about kids though kids with enough mental strength should be able to deal with it.

talking about adults. no such thing
I will just say in general that if violence is the only tool you have in your toolbox for solving interpersonal problems, you can do better. De-escalation, conflict avoidance and techniques that will help defuse tough situations exist. These skills are also taught to mediators and professional facilitators, but you don't need to be either to improve.

If violence is the only tool you have in your self defense arsenal, you can also do better. All of the skills I just mentioned are taught at any good self defense school. If you don't have an interest or access to mediation training, check out good self defense schools in your area. They are sure to teach these skills.

If violence is the only way you know how to resolve issues with people who disagree with you, you are a bully. In fact, that's exactly how I would define a bully. It's someone who doesn't have the skills to interact with others without conflict.

@ Twin Fist, As I said before, I believe I attacked your posts, and not you, but that you feel picked on is important. I apologized for picking on you. If you keep sniping, that's on you. Not me. At this point, you're digging at me, trying to get a rise, and that reflects entirely on you.

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