Care to elaborate?
What do people think they mean, and why are they wrong?
Elaborate, sure.
I'm not saying the techniques aren't useful, or that they can't work. I just don't consider them fight enders, at least not in most self defense situations.
We are kind of conditioned and taught growing up that taking a shot to the groin is one of the worst things in the world. Think about that for a minute, not the "worst thing in the world" part, but the way
we are taught part. And don't get me wrong, I sure as heck don't want to take any more shots to the groin. But we're taught that from the beginning, and it's reinforced in Martial Training. I've been caught there far too many times to even guesstimate, and I'm not any tougher than anyone else.
As for the eye shot - these discussions usually are thought of as the old rip your eyeball out, but that's not usually the case. And, man, getting something in your eye is just awful. Heck this morning over coffee I read about a guy who had a deer tick attached to his eyeball. That gave me a feeling of eeeeewww! But eye shots rarely stop anyone who's fighting outside of a competition.
A couple years ago, a guy I used to work with called me. He was about to go through pepper spray training and wanted to know how he could wade through it. I told him "You know it's not going to kill you or permanently blind you, right?" He knew. I told him to think about that for a bit, how it's a temporary discomfort that sucks, but it's just temporary.
And I said to him "You know you're going to cough and choke your brains out and not be able to breathe for a bit, but that's only temporary too and you know that, right?" He knew. Then I told him to charge the instructor as your being sprayed, take him down as he's back peddling, rub your face onto his, then flip him over and cuff him.They hate when you do that. And then I told him to RUN to the shower right after because the after is when it really sucks, not the during.
It has been my experience that a poke in the eye doesn't stop you, just makes you flinch your head to the side. And when you poke somebody, that's the thing you should take advantage of, that little head turn flinch. But man, getting eye poked really makes you want to make the guy pay for it.
As for the self defense part, I'll get to that later. Right now I'm headed to the ball field to meet some fellas to do pushups and beat the crap out of each other. Hopefully I won't get poked in the eye.